Chapter Six

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A/N: another chapter to make up for being gone for so long. And all in Talons POV~ hope everyone likes it. Some sexual scenes ahead. stars will let you know before and after it is done.

Chapter Six

Talons POV

          Lily follows me upstairs. I could almost hear the gears in her head turning as she thinks about what I have said. I lead her to our room and she immediately walks in and starts to pace. "Baby what is going on in your pretty little head of yours? Talk to me baby girl." I sit on the couch and watch her. She just mumbles and keeps pacing. "Lily sit down and talk to me." I grab her wrist and pull her onto my lap with my arms around her waist. She sits on my lap and plays with her fingers. "C-can I ask questions?" she asks quietly, and I sigh. "Ask baby I'll answer what I can. Ok?" I say and kiss her temple softly. Sitting silently for a few minutes I know she is collecting her thoughts, but it made my anxiety rise. 'What will she ask? What if she wants to leave? I can't lose her. I WON'T lose her! She is my baby girl and I will not lose her.' She opens and closes her mouth a few times before she hums and clears her throat. "H-how long have you been in a gang? Why is that guy after you? Why did you join the mafia? Why did I have to come here? What is going to happen because of the guy you were talking about? What..." I press a finger to her lips to shush her. "one question at a time baby." I chuckle and smile softly. 

             She nods and takes a breath before starting again. "How long have you been in a gang Talon?" I squeeze the bridge of my nose before moving her to sit next to me and facing her. "Since I was 16. So about 10 years now. Next question baby." She nods before asking, "Why is that guy after you?" I sigh and mull over it for a minute before groaning and sitting back more. "Loretti is trying to hurt me because his daughter and I were sleeping with each other many years ago but when I broke it off, she couldn't let it go. She became obsessed and went to extremes to ruin any other 'relationship' I got into. Which there actually wasn't any to be honest. I have avoided her and she told her father we were in love and how another woman stole me from her. She said I broke her heart, and her being Lorettis only child, she has him wrapped around her little finger. She told him I hit her, she even hurt herself to make it seem like I did. But baby, I would never hit a woman. Men who hit women are disgusting and should not be allowed to live. Ok next question baby." She looks angry and starts to squeeze the pillow next to her. "Why did you join the mafia?" I pull her legs over my lap. I needed to touch her but not in an inappropriate way. I rub her calf and look up at the ceiling. "When I was younger, I was... I guess troubled would be a good word to describe me. I was getting into fights at school and was selling dope. A friend of mine, his father was the former leader of this mafia. His son and I, we were good friends and his father taught me how to channel my anger and aggression into mma and boxing. He inducted me into the mafia and gave me a reason to work and go home. I started to do better in school and my family life was doing better. He treated me like his own son, and when his son was killed, he wanted me to take over the mafia. To keep it in the family." I look at her and am shocked to see her with tears flowing down her pale cheeks. 

        I reach over and wipe her cheeks and she throws herself into my arms, knocking us on the couch more. "I'm sorry! I am so sorry!" I can't help but chuckle and rub her back as she apologizes for something she didn't even do. "It's ok baby. Don't cry. It was many years ago. It's ok. Shhhh. I got you baby girl." She sniffles and nods before sitting up, straddling my lap. I groan and try to think of terrible things but my body just reacted to her being on top of me. I sit up and move her to sit on my knees and away from my hardening crotch. "Anything else baby or do you want to go to sleep?" I asking hoping she will want to go to bed but to my dismay, she rubs her eyes and nose before asking her next question. "Why did I have to come here? I'm not family." I lift her chin and kiss her forehead, nose and lips softly. "the reason is you are here, is because you are mine. I want you in ways you can't even imagine. As well as being so close to my family, which means they could use you against my family then use my family against me. But now that I have you in my life I don't plan on letting anyone hurt you or take you from me. You are daddy's baby girl, aren't you?" I tickle her belly and she giggles making me want to hear more of it. But I stop tickling her and smile. "any more question baby?" she blushes and nods. "What is he going to do if he gets you daddy?" I frown and glare at the ground and pull her to my chest and inhale her calming lavender and cheery blossom scent. She smelled so good and I'm addicted to her. "if he has the chance, he will kill me, or make me marry his deranged daughter. Either way I would be dead." She smacks my arm and gives me the most adorable glare, and I have to bite my tongue to not laugh at how cute she looks. "D-Don't say that! It's not ok! I don't want you to die! And I know 'melia would and Jenny and Alan and Axel with be sad if you died." She pouts and huffs while crossing her arms adorably. 

       Laughing, I hug her and cover her face in kisses. She tries to not giggle but a few slip out. "baby I am not going anywhere. And I promise I will not leave you or Amelia or my family. That is why I brought you all here. To keep everyone safe from harm. But baby, now it is time to get you in some pajamas and ready for bed. Ok?" I stand up and place her on my hip, carrying her to the closet. I pull out one of her cute little pajamas and some new panties for her. I carry her to the bed and lay her down. I pull off her shirt and leggings. I groan as I see her naked body laying on our bed. She was truly beautiful and I could spend the rest of my days just staring at her. I slowly slide the panties up her smooth cute legs, making sure to graze my fingers over her thighs. I then pull on her sweet little pajama bottoms and them I slide her into the shirt. I move her to lay under the covers and kiss her forehead softly. "I am going to go shower baby. I'll be back in a few. Go to sleep baby girl." I get up and grab her stuffie and her paci and hand the bear to her before I put the paci in her mouth. She hums happily and almost instantly falls asleep in the bed. I walk to the bathroom and undress while starting the shower. 


I climb into the shower and stand under the water. I wash my body and groan as I close my eyes thinking of Lily's small bare body, my cock jumping to life. 'this is not going away any time soon.' I slowly stroke my shaft, my eyes closed as I imaging her taste again. The taste of her sweet little pussy on my tongue. I stroke faster, panting as I imaging how her tight little cunt would feel wrapped around my cock. I moan and keep stroking, feeling my end coming close. 'god I have barely touched her and I can barely contain myself or last long! FUCK!' I let out a growl as I cum hard, my cum coating the wall of the shower before getting washed down by the water.


        I finish in the shower and turn it off, before drying off and walking out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I glance at lily asleep in the bed and walk into our closet, and put on some boxers before walking back out and climbing into the opposite side of the bed next to her. I pull her small body closer to mine and sigh in relief that she hadn't wanted to run away from me. I close my eyes and fall asleep, holding my beautiful baby girl in my arms. 

A/N: woohoo 1568 word in this chaper. also i will have another chapter ready by sunday night! hope you guys enjoy this story so far. please let me know~ 

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