Chapter Nine

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Sexual scenes ahead. stars will show when it starts and ends.

Also the scene is is Amelia's POV and lots of people seem to get confused. Amelia and Talon don't touch each other AT ALL. They only touch Lily.

Chapter Nine

Normal POV

I rub my eyes and snuggle closer to the warmth surrounding me. I hear a groan and open my eyes to see Talon, but what shocked me was the bandages on his arm and the scrapes on his face. "Daddy!! Oh my god Talon! What happened?!?" I say and sit up to look at him. He groans and opens his eyes and looks at me tiredly. "Baby girl... I'm tired. Let's sleep some more and then we can talk. Ok?" Talon says and pulls me to him. "No! Tell me what happened!" I say and push away from him and sit up. I cross my arms and look at him trying to look intimidating. He groans and pushes himself to sit up against the headboard. "Come here baby. Let me hold you while I tell you." I move to sit next to him. "Ok so don't get all upset because I am ok. I got into a car accident last night. I had to walk home from the accident and Luca cleaned me up and covered the cuts. Don't worry I'm perfectly fine. See?" he makes a muscle and smirks. I frown and look him over. "you say that, but you bled through your bandage.... And were in a CAR ACCIDENT!" I saw angrily and cross my arms again. He grabs me and makes me sit on his lap before he flips us over so he is above me. "Baby. I. Am. Fine. I promise. Listen, if you don't believe me I can show you I am ok. But it means you will be screaming." He kisses my cheek as I blush and try to push him away. "You wouldn't dare." I say and his smirk deepens. He opens my legs and lays between them, he kisses down my neck towards my chest. He stops and sits up. "Whos shirt is this?" he says slightly angrily as he plays with the bottom of the shirt. "It's Tuckers. I had to borrow a shirt one time when I forgot to bring pajamas. He let me take it since I don't fit in Amelia's clothes." I say as I look up at him. He grunts and let's go of the shirt. "well whatever. It's coming off anyway." He starts to lift it when there is a knock at the door. He groans and lays on top of me. I giggle and pet his head. "Yea? We are decent so you can come in!" I say and smile. The door opens slowly, and Luca comes in slowly. "I'm sorry to intrude boss. But I figured you might need your bandages changed. And Amelia was looking for Lily." I giggle and get up and go to the closet to put on s pair of sweatpants and one of Talons sweaters.

I skip down the stairs to find Amelia cuddled up to Jack. They smile as they see me and open their arms and I sit between them on the couch. They kiss my temples and Jack covers us with a blanket. "So how are you feeling about knowing about Talon?" Amelia asks as she holds my hand. "I'm confused and concerned about it to be honest. Did you know he was in an accident last night? He acted like it wasn't a big deal lia!" she sighs and has me lean against Jack and moves my legs over her lap. Jack pets my head and runs his fingers through my hair. "Lil.... He has been in this life for years. He has been hurt a lot over the years. I understand you are scared but I trust him to take care of you and fix this whole situation. Have you talked to him?" she smiles as Jack holds me. "no I haven't yet. But he explained things to me. But what if-" Jack covers my mouth with his hand. "Princess... he will be fine. And you always have us. Trust him. Talk to him. Ok?" he says as he yanks my hair lightly. We all laugh and I'm glad I had them as friends. We watch some tv for awhile before I get up to get a drink. Amelia smacks my ass playfully and laughs while Jack rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Hey Amelia her ass is mine. Ill smack it all she wants." Comes Talons voice from behind us. I blush and we all turn to look at him. He ruffles Amelia's hair and pats Jacks shoulder. "Come here baby girl." He says and I walk around to hug him. He lifts my chin and kisses me softly. "come with me. I wanna show you something." He takes my hand and pulls me along after him. He leads me to a room next to ours. "Go ahead baby. Open the door." He taps my butt to push me forward. I giggle and reach to open the door.

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