Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Talon POV

I wake up before her and smile as I run my hand up and down her back softly. I can't help but pull her body closer to me. I smell her hair, enjoying the soft scent of lavender and cherry blossoms. Her soft breaths on my chest, make me chuckle lightly. She gives a soft whine and stretches. "Hi baby girl. How was your nap?" I ask and brush her hair from her face. She gives me a cute sleepy smile. "It was good daddy. Did you have a nappy too?" she asks and rubs her eyes. "I did baby. You wore me out my little vixen." I tickle her sides softly and she giggles while trying to push my hands away. "Nuuuu daddy!" she shrieks as I don't let up. I move above her and smirk. "If my baby wants to stop she needs to pay the toll. I'll take a kiss as payment." I tell her and move to kiss her but stop before our lips can touch. Her cheek flush as she lifts her head to peck my lips. I growl and lean down to deepen the kiss. One hand rests on her hip as my other goes to her neck to pull her closer to me. I slither my tongue into her mouth, reveling in the soft moans that slip from her lips. I growl and feel myself get hard, making me grind my length agaisnt her. I pull away and smirk at her kiss swollen lips. "So fucking beautiful. I can't get enough of you baby." I kiss down her neck and nip at her skin softly. "Daddyyyyyy nuuuu." she squeals and laughs. I sit up and smile at her. "Ok ok baby. It's almost dinner time. Do you want to get dressed and go see everyone?" I ask softly and she nods excitedly. I help her off the bed and let her go to the closet. She takes off my shirt and I growl softly before grabbing her by her hips and pull her to my chest. My hands sliding up her sides before cupping her breasts softly, teasing her little pink nipples. "Daddy I have to get dressed." She whines and pouts. "sorry baby. When you are around I can't keep my hands to myself. I can't help but want to touch you baby girl." I smile and kiss her head before letting her go. I pat her butt softly and grab some sweats and a shirt for myself. I walk out to the bedroom and put them on before waiting for her to get dressed. 

She comes out a few minutes later in a cute little flying squirrel onesie

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She comes out a few minutes later in a cute little flying squirrel onesie. "Tada!" she says and giggles. "Well damn baby. You look adorable." I pick her up and put her on my hip. "Ready to go see everyone?" I ask and she nods quickly. I walk down stairs and put her down so she could run to Amelia and Margo. I walk over to Liam, Luca and Cain. "Any news about the fucker?" I ask and they shake their heads. "No. But we have our best hackers on it. He will turn up again. And when he does, the fucker is dead." Liam says and Cain nods. "I wouldn't mind getting in a few hits on him for what he did to her. She is part of our family, we all love her. But I think she needs some more friends and protection. Especially because while we are out she will need it." Luca says and rubs the back of his neck. I nod and sigh. I look over at Lily and smile as I watch her talk animatedly with my cousin and cains wife. I turn to Liam and pat his back. "Are you ready for tomorrow? The auction?" he grins and nods. "I am. Are you and Lily coming?" He asks and I nod. "We are. She is excited. But I think I will need to cover her eyes for some of it. She might not like the slaves." He nods and smiles. Lily comes over and reaches up for him to lift her. He lifts her up onto his hip and bounces her. "LiLi... 'Melia said tomorrow is the auction. Are you still going? I want you to find a little so you can be happy." she says and cups his cheeks. He nuzzles his nose with hers, making her giggle. "Yes I am still going. I'm going to find a cute little boy who will be your friend. And who would play with you and keep you company sweetie." he tells her, making her smile and clap her hands excitedly. Jack and Amelia walk over and smile as Jack ruffles her hair, making her whine and pout. "And we are going to get a little girl to play with you too Lily." Jack tell her and kisses her nose. She nods and lays her head on Liam's shoulder and sucks her thumb. I smile and pinch her butt making her whine and pout again. "Dinner is ready! Come sit down!" Aunt Jenny calls and we all head to the dinning room to sit. I take my baby from Liam and put her next to me in the chair. She give me a sweet smile and I can't help but lean down to kiss her lips softly. "I love you my sweet little angel baby." I whisper and rub her now pink cheek with my thumb. "I love you too daddy." she whispers back and smiles. 'What did I ever do to deserve this beautiful, strong girl as mine?' I think as I smile at her.

Normal POV

We all sat at the table eating the food Jenny made. There was salad, bread, mashed potatoes, steak, corn and mixed veggies. Talon puts a little of everything on a plate for me and cuts up my food. I eat happily and look around the table at my family, happy to be with them in our home. We all eat and talk about everything and anything. After dinner, Amelia and I help jenny clean up and put away left overs. "Lily, tomorrow before the auction you, Margo, mom and I are going to get our nails done. Talon already said its fine as long as we have guards. We need a girls day!" Amelia says happily and we all laugh and nod. Once its all cleaned up Alan come in and wrapped his arms around his wifes waist and kisses her head. " I will be driving you ladies there and home. As well as Liam, Luca, Jack and Cain. Lily bug you will need to stick close to Liam and Luca though. Understand little lady?" he says and pinches my cheeks softly making me giggle. "I know Alan. I'll be good." I tell him and he chuckles. "Now my beautiful wife. Lets go for our walk." he says and pulls Jenny outside. "Ew..." mumbles Amelia making me laugh. "Come on Lil. Lets go upstairs to watch a movie. I'm thinking we watch Mama Mia!" She says and pulls me upstairs to the movie room. We love the movie so much, playing it over and over again, singing along to the songs. We take our seats and start the movie. "What are you two doing?" Liam asks as he peaks in the room. "Liam come watch Mama Mia with us!" I say and wave him over. He jumps between us and smiles. "Yes! Meryl Streep is amazing and the songs are the best! WOOOOOHOOOO!" He says and pulls us to him and we all laugh as the movie starts. We all cuddle and sing along to the songs. "Look at me now~" Liam sings off key making us all laugh. "Oh god. I hear Liam singing." Luca says and walks in with Jack and Talon. They join us on the couch, Talon sitting me on my lap and Amelia sitting on Jacks lap as Luca sits next to Talon. "Mama Mia?" Jack asks with a small chuckle as Amelia and I sing along happily. "Shush! Its the party scene!" I say and they all laugh at me. 

As the movie ends and we all get up to head to bed. As I wash my face in the bathroom Talon wraps his arms around my waist and holds me. "Baby, I know you are excited to go to get your nails done and go to the auction. But baby I need you to promise me that you will never go off alone again. Ok?" he kisses my neck softly and I nod while blushing. "I will daddy. I don't wanna be taken away from you again. I don't want you hurt again." I say and look at his face through the mirror. "Baby I could care less if I got hurt. You are my baby. Your safety, health and being come before me. I will always protect you and love you. You are mine." he growls lowly as our eyes meet in the mirror and I shiver. "Yes daddy." I whisper and he nods. "Good girl. Now brush your teeth and get in your jammies and in bed. Daddy needs cuddles from his baby." He says and nips at my ear before pulling away and giving my butt a smack. I squeal and he laughs while walking away. I hurry to brush my teeth and then go to the closet to get into my pajamas. I choose a simple care bears night gown and put my hair in a messy bun . I walk back to the bed to see Talon in bed reading a book in just his boxers. He looks up and smiles before patting the bed next to him. "come here baby girl." he says and I climb in next to him, my head on his chest as he rubs my back. "I love you daddy." I say and kiss his chest before smiling up at him. "I love you too baby girl. Now sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. I'll be busy too until before the auction." he kisses my forehead softly and I nod before closing my eyes and falling asleep quickly. His heartbeat lulling me into a deep sleep.

 His heartbeat lulling me into a deep sleep

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A/N: Sorry for a shorter chapter. im working on the Auction as a seperate chapter. It will be longer then this one. Also MAMA MIA is one of my favorite movies! if you havent watched it you should!

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