Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: there is a scene that has some violence in it so I am giving this warning. I will mark it with a star before it begins and when it ends. 

Chapter Twenty Four

Talons POV

I slowly walk down the stairs, with the help of the small maid from before. She helped me put on some clean pants and a shirt before we went to the dinning room. I sit in a chair and the girl scurries off. "Baby!" I hear behind me and I roll my eyes before putting on a small smile the clack of her heels echo through the room. She kisses my cheek and then presses a kiss to my lips. "I missed you baby! Did you miss me? I know you did! Daddy gave me money so I could get new clothes for when I saw you! How do I look?" she asks and stands up. Her dress was a pretty emerald green color, but was open in the back and very short. Her long legs on display with her clear stripper heels on her feet. "You look..... beautiful." I force out with a smile. She laughs and sits next to me and puts her hand on my thigh. "Talon. Sweetheart you look very... revealing... maybe next time wear a more appropriate dress to dinner." Loretti says as he sits across from us. Maids bring out the food and place it in front of us. They keep their heads down and then walk away. It was a simple meat dish with a side salad and some potatoes. "Maid! I told you before I only eat organic greens! Look at this salad! Its all wilted! Daddy! She fucked it all up again!" Jenifer cries in her screechy voice. "It looks fine to me." I say and she lets out a huff before standing up and throwing the salad at the girl who had helped me. "You stupid girl!" she yells before slapping her. I stand up and glare at Jenifer. "Enough! That's not ok! Apologize to her!" I yell and Jenifer gives the girl a smirk. "Not her. You Jenifer!" I growl and she gasps. Loretti just eats his food, not caring at all. "Why should I apologize! She gave me shitty food!" Jenifer whines and I just glare. She lets out a huff and stomps away while screaming and crying. I help the girl up and pick the lettuce out of her hair before picking up the bowl. She nods and rushes away with tears in her eyes. I sigh and sit back down to eat. "You will need to tame her when you are married. She is a brat and acts up. She would bleed me dry if I wasn't rich." Loretti says as he drinks his whiskey. I eat as well and don't respond. My mind wandering to Lily and my family. We finish eating and one of his men comes in and whispers in his ear. He nods and points to me. The man helps me up and leaves me by the door to my room. He walks off and I groan before opening my door. Jenifer was laying on my bed in a pair of skimpy lingerie. She gets up and walks over to me, attempting to look sexy. Her fake breasts didn't even jiggle as she walks over. "Baby I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you like old times. Please baby?" she purrs and drags her nails down my chest. I grunt as she pushes me onto the bed and straddles me. She grinds against me and moans as she does. She kisses my neck as she unbuttons my shirt. "Stop." I say and she keeps going. He hands sliding over my chest before she starts to undo my belt. "I said STOP!" I yell and fling her off of me. She lets out a shriek as she falls to the floor. "What the hell!" she yells back and stands up, getting on top of me again. "Get out! Get the fuck out you disgusting whore!" I roar and she rushes to leave the room. I fix my shirt and walk to the window to look out. I see a small flash and smirk knowing it was Luca. I was waiting for it to be a little later so that I could give the signal to get the fuck out of here. 

Its about 12 am and I get up to take a shower. I hiss as the water runs over the wound on my leg. I close my eyes and imagine Lily in the shower with me. Her small hands rubbing my body. I stroke my cock slowly, wishing it was her hands. Imaging her tiny warm mouth around the tip as I rub the tip with my thumb. "Fuck..." I groan and jerk my cock faster as I remember her small body under mine, her moans and squeals of pleasure as I thrusted into her body. I grunt as I cum hard, watching the cum wash down the drain. I sigh and finish washing myself before getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist. I walk out and put on some clean boxers and rewrap my wound, before putting on sweat pants and short sleeve shirt. I look at the time and smirk as I see its 1 am. I limp to the window and see the flash again. I give the thumbs down sign and smile. Time to end this.

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