Chapter Thirty Two

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Some sexual content ahead. look for the stars. This is all Liam and Zach! I really enjoyed writing this. Keep in mind I am a girl so I have to guess and watch some porn to figure out how to write sex scenes between two guys. so sorry in advance if I do a crap job.

Thirty Two

Liam POV

I had finally found a little of my own. I run my fingers through my hair as I look at Zachary sleeping with Lily in the back seat with Talon. When we got to the house, I helped Talon untangle our littles to bring them inside. Lifting Zachary into my arms, I frown feeling how skinny he actually was. He whimpers softly and opens his eyes to look at me. "Hey little man. You have a good nap?" I ask and he nods while blushing. I give him a soft smile as we walk inside the house. "Would you like something to eat or do you want to just go back to sleep?" I rub his back and he shakes his head. "Sleep please sir." his soft voice cracks making me wonder how old he was. "Zachary. Can we talk a little before bed? Is that ok?" he nods and I bring him into the kitchen, grabbing a juice box for him before going to the living room. I sit him down next to me and hand him the juice. "If you want, you can ask me questions too ok little man?" I tell him and he nods while sipping his juice. I cant help but admire him. He was small but seemed like he had a little muscle on him. He was maybe 5'5 at most, a good foot shorter then me. "How old are you?" I ask and lean back on the couch and look at him. "I'm 17 about to be 18 sir. What about you?" he asks and looks up at me with wide eyes. "I'm 23. Why did you want to join the auction?" He looks down and plays with the straw in the juice box. "I needed to get away from my family. They didn't care about me as much as they did my brother. He was their favorite because he was normal compared to me." he whispers. I reach out and take his hand in mine and rub my thumb over the back of it lightly. "Well we are your new family and you will be accepted. How long have you known you were a little?" I ask softly and bring his hand to my lips to kiss it softly. "Since puberty. I liked cute things and feeling smaller then I was." he says and I wanted to hold him. "Have you met other little's other then at the auction?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No sir. It was my first time. But Mr. Gabriel and Ms. Estelle had found me in an alley and they knew what I was immediately. They offered me a place to stay until I decided to either join the auction or move on my own. They supported me to make sure I was taken care of. They made sure I was in a good mind set when I made the decision to join the auction and promised me they would make sure that the daddy who got me would be a good person. So I trust them that they chose you sir." he says with a smile smile and blush. "You dont have to call me sir. Makes me feel old. You can call me Liam if you want." I chuckle and reach up to brush his cheek softly with my thumb. "Y-Yes si- I mean Liam." He whispers and his cheek blossom a rosy color making me smirk and lean down to look at him. "You are adorable. I'm glad I got a chance to get you. I swear on my life I will protect you, keep you safe, and make you as happy as I can. I will support you in every way you need and want." I tell him sincerely as I rub his bottom lip with my thumb, making him blush more.

Zachary POV

I couldn't help but stare in awe at the man in front of me. He barely knew me and already was willing to do so much for me. More then my own family was ever willing to do. I could feel tears fill my eyes before I leap into his arms and hug him tightly. He seems surprised but wraps his arms around me and holds me to his chest. "Shhh I got you little one. I'm here. I got you." he says and kisses the top of my head. I nod and rub my eyes, trying to get rid of the tears. He stops me and smiles as he gently wipes my eyes. "Ready for bed little one?" he asks and I nod. He picks me up and places me on his hip before heading upstairs. "I-I don't have any clothes.." I say and he just smiles. "I will buy you clothes and everything else you need or want. And money isn't an issue. But for now I will lend you a shirt and some other things. Are you ok with staying in my room with me? I won't share a bed with you until you are ready, I have a couch in my room I can stay on." he says as he walks down the hall before stopping in front of a door and opening it. The room was large with blues all over. He sets me down by the bed and walks into his closet. He came back with a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Here. The shorts have a tie so you can make them tighter to fit you. Do you want a shower?" he asks and I shake my head. "No thank you." I whisper and shake my head. He ruffles my hair and walks to the bathroom while taking off his shirt. I almost drool at the sight of his muscular back. There was a large scar running down his back from his right shoulder to his left hip, but it was covered by a large tattoo. I could feel my heart clench as I looked at the scar before blushing as he turns around. He was ripped! I look down and blush more as I hear him chuckle. "It's yours little one. Look all you want." he says and walks into the bathroom. 

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