Chapter Thirty Nine

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A/N: Warning some gore and aggressive scenes ahead. I will Star them so you can skip if it makes you uncomfortable.

Chapter Thirty Nine

Talons POV

I sigh as I sit at my desk looking over papers and maps while sipping at my whiskey. I look at the picture frame on the desk and stare at the pictures as they switch after a few seconds. Pictures of Lily and me, Lily by herself, Lily with everyone else. All of the pictures were centered around her, the love of my life. Its been almost 5 months sine I sent her away for her safety. Luca knocks and opens the door with a tablet in his hand. "Talon. Tristan found some stuff on Loretti's phone and emails. It took some time but we found the emails from Jackson to Loretti. He is tracking the IP address and such. That tech lingo is confuses me to no end. But here." He says and hands me the tablet to look over. My desk phone rings and I pick it up while looking over the information on the tablet. "Hello?" I grunt and scroll. "Hey Talon. Just wanted to remind you Lily's birthday is in a week. She misses you a lot. It might help if you sent her a letter or even emailed her at least. She knows you are doing this for her safety. But she misses you and is sad that she hasn't heard from you." Liam says and I grunt before sighing. I put the tablet down as Luca sits on the chair in front of my desk. I sigh and rub my face. "I know. I have a gift being delivered the day of. I know she misses me. I miss her too. Trust me this is hard for me too." I say and he hums. "Well Try not to take too long. She has gotten a few... date offers from some french men here. But my god She looks great because Margo's mom has been dressing her up like a little doll. It's cute. I sent you pictures earlier from today. Blue is a good color on her." He says and laughs. I hear Zach whine through the phone and shake my head. "I'm sending the gift to you to give to her. Now go give your little attention and I'll email you later with some information about what is happening." I say and hang up. I look at the tablet again, wanting to get this done so I could have her back in my arms.

- 1 year after she left -

I stand behind Tristan as he types on his keyboard quickly. Numbers and letters scroll over the screen as I stare at it blankly. He was focused on the screen so intensely, not acknowledging me until the computer lets off a loud ding. "Talon... I think we found him. He is in Rome." Tristan says as he pushes his glasses up his nose and looks at me. The blinking dot on one of the screens pointed to Rome. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it. "Good job. Once I catch this fucker you are getting a raise and a fucking penthouse." I tell the young man before walking out while pulling my phone out of my pocket to call Cain and Luca. Time to take this fucker down.

- 23 ½ months after she left -


We chased Jackson down for almost a year before he slipped up and we caught him in Mexico. Gabriel had joined us on the hunt for this fuck. "Luca and Cain are bringing him to the warehouse down here. They are ready for this to be done. I know you are too. Lets kill this fucker before he has a chance to hurt another sub or woman like he hurt Lily." Gabriel says as we get into the SUV to go to the warehouse. The drive was short since I was speeding to get there. I had told Gabriel about what the bastard had done to Lily when he took her, and he was furious. He was a dominant and enjoyed giving pain but only to willing participents. He had helped our search by lending men and letting Shaun help Tristan with hacking and such. 

We pull up at the warehouse to see Cains car already there. I smirk and park the car before getting out of the car. I stalk into the warehouse and towards where Jackson was held. His arms were tied up, naked and he was hanging from his arms. Luca, Cain and Margo's brother, Leo. "Well finally got you, you piece of fucking trash." I growl as I walk closer. I run my fingers over the many weapons on the small metal table near him. I pick up a pair of brass knuckles and slip them on my hand. "Fuck you Talon. Although I wouldn't mind fucking that hot little ass of a girl of yours again. Where is she anyway?" he laughs and spits at my feet. Bruises already showing on his face from Luca and Cain. I throw a punch into his gut, smirking as I hear him grunt. "Don't talk about her!" I yell and throw a few more punches. He cackles loudly and smirks at me. "She had the best little pussy. So tight and wet. And her screams. Mmmm Divine. Did she tell you how she screamed and cried for you as I fucked her? How each hit sent her pussy to spasm and clench around my cock? How I sent my seed into her womb and filled her until she couldn't stand?" He says. All I see is red as I start to punch his face repeatedly. He keeps laughing, even as his mouth fills with blood, staining his teeth red. "You disgusting fuck! Don't fucking talk about her!" I yell as I keep hitting him. I move away after a minute and take off the brass knuckles, dropping them on the table before grabbing a knife. I smirk and walk back over to him. "I will make sure you can never use your shrimp dick on anyone. Even in the afterlife." I say and make a few shallow cuts to his chest and arms. I slide the knife down his chest, drawing blood, before stopping. Luca hands me a pair of tongs and Jackson starts to struggle. I use the tongs to pull his dick out before take the knife and slicing it off. His screams and cries of pain fill the warehouse making me shiver in a feral way. "Is this how you made her scream? Or should I keep cutting you until can't talk anymore?" I ask and smirk. "F-Fuck you.. And fuck that cunt of a whore you love." He grunts. Sweat beading on his forehead as he tries to stay awake form the pain. I growl and frown before slicing his femoral artery on his thigh before gutting him like a fish. I shove his cut off dick into his mouth as his intestines pour out from his stomach as he gags on his own dick. The life leaving his eyes as he dies form blood loss. "Burn the body and this warehouse down. Time to go get my girl. Cain lets go. Luca head back to the house after and get it ready for everyone to come back. Then get Tristan the penthouse in our building and whatever else him and Shaun want. Gabriel. Thank you. I owe you." I say and they nod as Cain walks out to the car to start it. "Go get our girl and bring her home." Luca says with a smile as he starts to pour gasoline over the body. I walk to the car while wiping off my hands from the blood. 


-2 years after she left -

I walk through the rain with Cain and Margo's brother towards the large home where everyone was staying. Margo, Liam and her perents stood at the door. She ran to Cain and hugged him tightly, kissing him as Leo and I walk to the older couple. "I assume it is all finished now?" Raphael, their father says and we nod. "Yes. Thank you for letting my family stay here and keeping them safe. I owe you. Anything you need I will help you." I say and shake his hand as his wife, Simone smiles and nods. "I am sad to be losing my little doll but I know she will be happy to see you. Stay here for a few days and rest before you leave. Please. Come in." She says and leads us into the house. "She is in the library. Head down the hallway and its the last door at the end of the hall." Raphael says and I nod, heading into the house to get to my girl. I walk into the library quietly and smile as I see her asleep on the window seat with a book next to her. I walk to her and brush her hair from her face as I look at her. I lift her, wrapping the blanket around her body before walking to the large couch and sitting down while holding her to me. She nuzzles closer to me and stays asleep. I kiss her head and hold her as I look out the window, just enjoying have her in my arms again.

A/N: This book is coming close to and end. I need to know if you guys want to see Talon and Lily's future or leave it be? I am also tempted to start a new book based on Liam and Zack if you guys would like that. Let me know! Love you all!

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