Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

Talon POV

I had her back in my arms. She was safe. I look down at the beautiful girl in my arms and smile sadly as I saw the bruises and marks marring her perfect skin. The man who did this got away, but my men and I would hunt him down to the ends of the earth if I had to. Lily starts to tremble and stir in her sleep, small whimpers falling from her perfect lips. I shush her and pull her closer to me, while running my hand softly up and down her back. I grunt as I shift and feel the wound on my leg start to sting. My pain was nothing compared to hers. If I could take her pain away and give it to myself I would in a heartbeat. I wish I could. I felt like I failed her. I failed my princess by letting her get taken and get hurt. "I'm sorry baby.... I'm so sorry. I failed as you daddy. You say you forgive me... but I cant forgive myself." I whisper as I pull her closer to me. Tears blur my vision as I hold her tightly. My heart breaking as I feel terrible. I slowly let her go and stand up to go see Liam, Luca and Cain.

As I walk out , they all look at me. My family was there as well. Everyone smiles and starts talking at once. I sigh and shake my head before turning to Amelia and Jack, "Can you both wait with her? I don't want her to be alone." They nod and get up to go to her. Amelia hugs me and smiles, "I'm glad you're still here and you are back." I give her a small smile and pat her head. She leaves and my Aunt comes up to me and cups my cheeks before pulling me down to kiss my forehead. Her and my uncle, who claps my back, leave the room as well. "So. Loretti is dead and the bastard who hurt Lily is still out there somewhere. What's the plan boss?" Luca asks as I sit down. "We search for Jackson. No one is alone. And the woman are protected. I want his head on a stake. FUCK!" I growl and pull on my hair. "Talon. My wife and son are coming here. I think she can help Lily, in ways that we won't be able to." Cain says making me look up at him. He opens his mouth the speak but his phone rings. "Yeah? Ok. I'll see you in a few. I love you. Bye." He says and stands up. "She will be here in 5 minutes. I'm going up to meet her." He walks out and closes the door. 

Cain POV

I could see the haunted look in his eyes as I left the room. I walk up to the front and wait for Margo to pull up. I smile as I see her beat up old honda pull up. She gets out and I hug her tightly. "Merde! Ce fut un long trajet..Hi baby! Please help me get his stuff from the car. Her was crying most of the drive." (Fuck! This was a long drive.) She says and I kiss her softly. "Of course my love." I grab the baby stuff and then take our son from the car. "Come love. Lets get inside. You might not see our son for a little. He will be passed around and given a lot of love." I laugh and she sighs with a smile. "I don't mind. The little brat needs to give me some space." she grumbles as I lead her inside. Talon and the others smile as they see us. "Margo. How are you?" Talon asks and give her a hug which she returns. "I'm good. The little brat though he is a tough one. Just like his father." I cant help but chuckle as she says this. Jaxon gets passed around, all the men commenting how big he is. Jenny and Alan come back and Jenny rushes over to hold him. "Oh my god. Look at this little angel!" she coo's and I smile. "Margo this is Jenny and Alan, Talon's aunt and uncle. His cousin and her boyfriend are in the other room with his girl." I tell her and she nods. "The girl who needs some help? Can you fill me in a little more on what happened? Not everything but enough to give me the gist?" She asks and Talon nods before pulling her to the side to tell her.

Normal POV

I wake up and rub my eyes as I sit up. "Hey little one." Amelia says with a small smile as she brushes my hair from my eyes. Jack kisses my head softly and smiles. "where is daddy?" I ask and they point to the door. "But why don't you get dressed first then go out there. Ok?" Jack says and I nod. I get off the bed and they look at me. "Do you want us to leave?" Jack asks quietly and I look down nervously. "I'm sorry." I whisper and Amelia gets up to hug me. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You went through something terrible. It's understandable you might feel awkward and off. Just know we love you and are here for you. Ok?" Amelia says and kisses my cheek before walking out with Jack. I walk to the closet and look through the clothes, before choosing a pair of black leggings and a pastel pink oversized hoodie. I then grab a pair of panties and bring all the clothes to the bed. I quickly put them on and put my hair up in a messy bun before looking in the mirror at myself. I saw blank dull eyes, pale skin and just and over all broken person. I sigh before walking out of the room. Everyone looks at me as I walk into the living room, making me look down at my hands that were covered by the sleeves of the hoodie.

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