Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Normal POV

I stand in the room and look at the simple dress and panties that lay on the bed. It was all white with ruffles over. I slip it on slowly and blush as I look in the mirror. The dress went to my knees and had lace straps. It was open in the back, covering my butt and the wounds on my back and was held together by a thick strip of lace. 'Will he be good and do what Loretti asks? I don't want daddy to get hurt... please be smart Talon..' A knock at the door breaks me from my thoughts. "Come in!" I call as I slip on a pair of plain white flats. Loretti opens the door and smiles as he sees me. "a vision in white. You truly look like an Angel." I blush at his kind words and walk over to him. He holds out his arm for me and I place mine around his. He leads us out of the room and to the front door. I look down and blush as I feel his guards eyes on me. I bite my lip as one of the guards opens the car door for me. It was a raised SUV, and I sigh and jump to try and get into the car. The guard lets out a slight snort and chuckles before placing his hands on my waist and lifting me gently. "You are as small as my daughter. It's cute." he says quietly as I situate myself in the car. I blush and thank him before he shuts the door.

The drive was quiet as I looked out the window at the passing scenery. My hands clench together as I get nervous. I notice 2 other SUV's following the one we are in. I hear Loretti chuckle from next to me. "Relax Angel. As long as he agrees you will be freed and go home to your family." He pats my hands softly and gives me a soft smile. "what if... what if he doesn't agree?" I ask quietly. "I will bring you back to my home. You could be my new wife or I could sell you at auction." he shrugs and I look at him wide eyed, finally seeing the mafia boss he truly was. I whimper quietly and curl up in the seat. Tears fill my eyes as I face the window again. The car ride took around an hour, when it stopped I went to open the door but realized it was locked. "We wait until he shows his face, then we will exit the car." Loretti says and I nod slowly. A few minutes later I see another SUV pull up about 50 feet away. The back door opens and Talon steps out, looking deadly but still as handsome as ever. Loretti steps out of the car and opens the door on my side. He helps me down from the car, but my eyes couldn't leave Talons. "Baby girl." his deep voice calls to me and I take a step forward, but am stopped by one of the guards grabbing my arm. I try to tug my arm away but he keeps a tight grip, bruising my pale skin. "I'm here Loretti now let her go!" Talon says and Loretti just laughs. "Listen here. This is how it will go. I will release her once you agree to my terms. Understand Talon?" Loretti says as he pulls out a cigar and lights it. I scrunch up my nose at the smell as Talon steps forward. "What are your terms huh?" Talon growls and I look down sadly. "You will marry my daughter, disband your mafia, join mine and apologize." Loretti says and Talon barks out a laugh. "Like hell I'll marry your whore of a daughter. I would rather die." Loretti inhales the smoke from his cigar before nodding to the guard holding me. I gulp and cry as I feel the cold metal of a gun press against my temple. I see Liam open the drivers door of the car ready to get out but talon puts his hand out to stop him from moving. I whimper and tremble slightly. "You will agree or I will blow her pretty little head off. Now, do we have an agreement?" Loretti asks and look up at Talon to see him already looking at me. "Let her go first. Let me say goodbye before I go with you." Tears slip down my cheeks as I shake my head. Loretti nods to the guard, who releases me. I run to Talon and into his arms. He hugs me tightly and I feel his body untense. "Baby girl. Trust me. Ok?" he whispers in my ear as my hands tighten their hold on his shirt. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I start to scream and struggle in their hold as Talon walks towards Loretti. "Daddy! Don't! Please!" I cry and scream as I reach for him. He stops and gives me a soft smile before mouthing 'I love you' to me. He turns back around and faces Loretti. I hear a gunshot and scream as I see Talon drop to his knees, holding his thigh. Another much father away gunshot sounds and I see Loretti grab his shoulder. The guards throw them both into the car and they drive off. My loud sobs and screams echoing through the park as Liam holds me in his arms. "Come on sweetheart lets get you home." he says and puts me in the backseat of the car before getting in and speeding away. I see one of my stuffies and grab it, sobbing into the soft fur. "Listen, we have our men on Loretti's compound. And Talon is a strong son of a bitch. He knows what he is doing. He made me swear to get you out of there no matter what. Cain shot Loretti with a sniper rifle. The bullet has a tracker incase they go somewhere else." Liam says as he speeds away.

We get to the safe house and I see Tristan and Cain waiting by the door. Liam opens the car door and picks me up. He carries me inside and to the library. He types in a code next to the last book case and it swings out to reveal a door. He types in another code and opens the door. Cain and Tristan behind us, as I'm carried down a hallway. I look up as I hear my name called. Amelia, her mom and dad and Jack stand up from a couch and rush towards us. Liam puts me down and I rush into their arms. Amelia and aunt Jenny were crying as they hug me. I sob into their arms and hold onto them tightly. They lead me to the couch and sit with me as the men all talk. Jack brings me a juice box from the small kitchen, as Amelia wraps me in my pink fluffy blanket. I curl up and lay my head on aunt Jenny's lap as she pets my head. "We saw....We saw what that man did to you... Lily... you need to show us." Amelia says quietly as the men join us. I nod and sit up slowly facing the back of the couch on my knees. I slowly slip the dress off my shoulders and let it drop to my waist. The gasps from everyone were the only sounds in the room. I keep my head down, letting my hair shield me from their eyes. 

I whimper and tremble as I feel hands on me, lifting the dress back into place. I turn to see Liam, his face hard as he picks me up gently. He brings me to a bedroom and set me on the bed softly. He gets up and I grab his hand and hold it tightly. "Please don't leave." I whisper and he gives me a soft smile. "I'm just going to get you something to change into. Ok? I promise I'm not leaving." he says and I nod letting him walk to the closet. He comes back with a shirt and some sweatpants. "Do you want me to help you or have Amelia help you or will you be ok?" I point to him and he nods. He stands me up and helps me out of the dress and into the new clothing. "Lily. I know what was done to you... I have had the same trauma. But you... you are stronger then you believe you are. I see the cut on your arm. Please for everyone and yourself, don't do it again. We all love you and want you to be safe." His hands cup my cheeks and wipe my tears. "Wh-what do you mean happened to you?" I ask and look at him. He lets out a sigh and lays his head on my lap. "when I was 8 my father had some friends over. They got drunk and decided it would be fun to rape my mother and I. I was beaten and raped repeatedly by his friends as my father raped my mother. This happened until the old boss and Talon found me. My mother killed herself a few years later, while I started to used drugs to numb the pain. They killed my father and his friends while helping me to get sober and healthy. I am forever in Talons debt and I made a promise to him in the car before we go to you. To get you home to Amelia and to keep you safe. I owe him my life and I plan on keeping that promise." I knew I was crying when he looked up at me with a sad smile and wipes my tear stained cheeks. I pull him into a hug and cry into his shoulder. "Does it get easier?" I whisper and he nods. "It does sweetheart. Rely on your friends and family. Don't hold in the pain, let it out and talk. That will help and just know that we are all here to help you. Now you need to rest. Take a nap and I'll have Amelia come and stay with you, ok?" he says and stands up. I crawl onto the bed and nod. I slip under the covers and lay back as Amelia walks in and crawls into the bed with me. She pulls me to her and lays my head on her chest. Her fingers run through my hair softly as she hums quietly. I suck on my thumb and she pulls my hand from my mouth. She opens the small table next to the bed and pulls out a small pink pacifier. She slips it into my mouth and cuddles me until I fall asleep.

A/N: do you guys want to see Talons POV or would you like to hear more about Liam? how about Cain's POV?

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