Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Talon POV

I watch as the car with my girl, drives away. I feel my heart clench as I see her hand press against the window before it disappears down the driveway. Luca puts his hand on my shoulder, making me take a deep breath before I face the men. "I want to find the fucker and kill him as soon as possible." I growl and head inside to find Tristan and try to find Jackson so I can kill him and dispose of his body in the most brutal way I know how. Determination and drive fill my face as I walk into my office with my men behind me all ready to lay their lives down for their queen.

Lily POV

It's been 5 months since we left for France. Everyday I was in awe of how beautiful the house Margo grew up in. Her family were all kind and welcoming with us basically invading their home. Her father and mother treated me as another daughter, spoiling me with clothing and other things. I always tried to refuse, but I think with Margo being married and only having men left, her mother liked having a little doll to dress up and spend time with. I have talked to my parents a few times, I gave an excuse saying I was on a student exchange program in France with Amelia. They believed it and told me they loved and missed me before hanging up to go about their businesses. I was sitting in their garden, enjoying the sun, when Margo's youngest brother, Leo, comes out and sits next to me. He was 20 and a very kind man. His girlfriend was from another crime family and they both were teaching me to take care of myself. Leo smiles and pats my head softly. "Thinking about him?" He asks and I nod. "I miss him. I haven't heard from him since the day I left. I'm worried. I hoped I would be able to spend my birthday with him." I tell him honestly as I feel my heart sink a little. "He is tough. Don't worry too much. He made you a promise and he will keep it. Now, come with me. Catalina and I got you a present." He says and helps me up before leading me back towards the house. Catalina was waiting. Her dark hair was cut into a bob, framing her face and making her hazel eyes pop. She was tall and model thin but was had some muscle due to training from her family. She smiles as we walk up, pulling me into a hug before pulling me with her to a small table that had 2 boxes on it. "For you. Open them." She says with a wide smile.

I take the closest box and open it slowly. Inside was a small black handgun. I run my fingers over it in awe as I look at them. "It's a Glock G42. We figured something too big would be harder for you to handle." Leo says as I lift the handgun to test the weight in my hands. "Thank you. I can't wait to try it out later!" I tell them and smile. Catalina passes me the second box and smirks. "This is from Talon. He had us pick it up for you." She says and I grab it quickly, opening it like a child would. Inside the box was a choker. There was pink diamonds over it, making it shine in the light of the sun. I softly run my fingers over it before realizing there was another box underneath the choker. I open it and see a brand new Ipad with a pink sparkly cover and a ipen. There was a small card tucked into the case, so I open it. 

'Princess. I know this isn't much but I saw this and knew it would look perfect on you. The Ipad is for you to color on and use as you please. It is secure and safe. I made sure before I sent it to you. I miss you my love and I am working hard to bring the man who hurt you down. Please keep waiting for me. You are always on my mind and in my heart. I love you my beautiful baby girl. Happy Birthday princess. -Love, Talon/Daddy'

I tear up as I read the note, before holding it to my chest with a small smile. Leo ruffles my hair as as I see my friends come out to say happy birthday. Catalina helps me put my choker on, and I smile widely as my fingers brush over the gems lightly. Everyone compliments the choker and how pretty it is as we get together to eat lunch. I knew eevryone put off their plans to have lunch with me since they knew I was upset about not having Talon with me. Even thought I didn't have him I enjoyed the company of everyone around me.

- 1 Year after leaving -

Its been a year since the day I left Talon. I miss him all the time, but he sends me emails now. It might not seem like much but it made me happy to have even such a small form of communication with him. He sends me updates and small snippits about how he is, but he likes hearing about how I am more, even asking me to send him short videos and pictures of me. I am currently coloring a picture on my Ipad for him, humming softly. Marley and Zach were playing on the Playstation and arguing playfully as Liam and Amelia sit on the couch talking. Jaxon comes waddling in, Margo behind him making sure he does ok. "Lily!" He babbles happily and waddles over faster "Hi JJ! How is my favorite mini man?" I ask as he hugs me. He was now over a year old and was obsessed with me, which I loved. He was starting to look like his father with the same hair as him. Margo sits with Liam and Amelia as I sit up with Jaxon on my lap, pulling up a kids game on my Ipad for him to play. I smile and kiss his head softly as he laughs and squeals in happiness while playing the game. I play with him and keep making him laugh until Margo says its nap time for him, which he whines and grabs me. "I'll take him up. Come on mini man. It's nap time." I say and lift him to my hip before walking out of the room to put him down for his nap. He snuggles into me as I carry him, before falling asleep. I put him down softly into his bed, covering him with his blanket and kissing his head before turning on the baby moniter and leaving the room again. I close the door and walk smack into Liam who steadies me and laughs. "You will make a good mother one day Little one. Also I sent a picture of you with Jaxon to Talon. And now I think all that's on his mind is making you a mother." He laughs as we walk back to the room from before. "Maybe one day." I say and lean on him a little. "Lily he says he is close to finding him. Don't give up. Look how much you have grown and gotten stronger since we got here. So believe in him and don't give up on him." Liam says and pulls me into a hug. He kisses my head as I nod into his chest. "I won't. I just miss him a lot and its hard." I admit and he nods. "I know little one. Do you want to come stay with me and Zach tonight? You know you are always welcome to cuddle with us." He says and pets my head gently. I nod and give him a small smile. "Maybe another night. I kinda want to be alone tonight." I say honestly and he nods.

- 2 years since leaving -

Two years. It's been two long years since we left and I still held hope that I would see him everyday. Today I was sitting by the large bay window in their library. It was raining hard outside and I just stare out the window as the rain lands on the glass and drips down. I pull the fluffy white blanket around myself tighter and sip at my tea. My mind drifting, daydreaming as I look out the window. A few tears slip out as I look out the window. I sigh and close my eyes before drifting off to sleep, the rain and my tea making me tired. "Talon.." I mumble before I fall completely asleep.

A/N: The next chapter will show Talons POV through this time. Guys i want to thank you all for 353k reads and 6k votes! You are all amazing and i love you all! Please remember no hate or disrespectful comments towards me or my book. I know some people might not like certain parts but i write for me and for the people who love my writing. Also spread love not hate.

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