Chapter Nineteen

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Some mature scenes ahead. Abuse and violence. I will mark where it starts and ends with stars. Please be advised.

Chapter Nineteen

Normal POV

I wake up a little more refreshed in the small bed again, still in the onesie I had been dressed in. I get up and look around the room some more. It was bare but I noticed a lamp beside the bed, it had what looked like a small statue at the base. I immediately go to see if it was loose. To my luck it was crewed on and just painted over. The small statue was in the shape of a flower, about the size of my hand. I hear footsteps again and grip the small metal piece tightly and hide where the door would open to hide me. The door unlocks and swings open, almost hitting my face. I hold my breath as I see the man walk into the room. I raise my hand and slam the metal statue down onto his head. He crumples to the floor as blood flows out of the wound. I stand there for a few seconds, watching him before I hear him groan. My survival instincts kick in and I take off out the door. I run down a hallway and through the door at the end. The door led to some steps and at the top was another door. I rush up the stairs and through the door at the top. "LITTLE BIRD GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!" I hear the man yell from the hallway. I close the door to the stairs and place a chair in front of it. I see the front door and run to it. It had several dead bolts and chains stopping it from being opened. I start to undo the chains and locks as I hear a slam on the stairs door, making a scream leave my mouth as I try to undo the locks faster even as my hands shake. I get the last bolt undone and swing open the door as I hear a crash of a door being broken. Tears stream down my face as I run outside. Tress and wood surrounded the small home. I took off, barefoot into the woods not caring, just wanting to get away.

It had to have been 10 or 15 minutes of running before I have to stop and lean against a tree to catch my breath. 'Shit shit shit... I don't know where to go.' I look around and jog in the same direction I had been heading. A few more minutes of jogging I see a road, making me feel some relief. I walk out to the road and look both ways. I head to the left and start walking. My feet hurt, but I don't stop walking. I hear the engine of a car and turn to look behind me. I start to wave my arms to get the driver attention. "Help! Help me!" I scream as the car pulls up next to me. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see anything inside the car. The door opens and the man from before grabs my arm. "No! Let me go!" I scream and thrash around, trying to get his tight grip off my arm. I start to sob as he slams me against the side of the car. His hand smacks me across the face, before he grabs my throat and squeezes. My hands clawing at his to try and get him to let go as my face turned red from lack of oxygen. "You little bird are in a lot of trouble." he growls and throws me into the backseat of the car. I curl up and sob on the seat. 'Talon.... Please save me.. I shouldn't have gone out.. its all my fault.' The drive was short, and once the car stopped I tried to open the door, but the child lock was on. 


He opens the door and grabs my arm roughly and drags me back inside. My other hand swung around and slapped the man across the face. His head swivels to the side from the force. His jaw clenches before he turns to look at me. Hi hand grips my hair and he throws me down to the ground. I land on my hands and knees and look up at him as he stalks over to me. "You're in for it now girl."He says before dragging me by my hair to the basement door. My body bouncing roughly against the stairs, each edge of the stairs hitting my lower back hard. I cry and whimper as I feel my lower back get bruised. He stops in front of a door and opens it before throwing me against what I assume was a gymnastics horse. But this was different then one I had ever seen. He holds me down and clamps a collar around my neck to keep me in place before he walks off to grab cuffs. He cuffs my wrists to the furniture and walks away. I tug at the restraints, but all I did was rub my wrists raw. "Sit still." He growls as he notices me wiggle around. He walks away, leaving me there as I cry harder. His footstep are behind me, so I cant see what he is doing. "You are getting 20 lashes for your disobedience little bird." His voice growls in my ear before he undoes the snaps of the onesie and lifts it to reveal my panties. I blush and cry harder as he rips the panties down my legs. "Count." I whimper before letting out a scream as I feel something smack against my butt. I knew it wasn't a hand. "COUNT!" he yells and I whimper. "O-One." I whisper. This continues until 20 lashes were done. He hit me over my thighs, butt and lower back. I felt raw and my body was thrumming with pain. He undoes the restraints and walks away. I turn to look to see what he hit me with, seeing what I assume was a belt being put away. He looks at me expectantly as he stands near another door. "Lets go. Get up." I struggle to stand up as the pain was unbearable. I slowly stand and stumble over to him. He head was down and keeping my eyes on the ground. He opens the door to reveal a small bathroom. "Get clean and then put back on the onesie." he says and I nod before shuffling into the bathroom. I start the shower and strip slowly. Every movement causing pain to flow through me.


After the shower I dry off slowly and put back on the onesie. I walk back out out and he grabs my already bruised arm, and leads me back to the room I was in before. "Now be a good girl and behave. Ill bring you food soon. Do you want anything to do? A book maybe?" I sit on the floor and nod. "A book please." I mumble and he nods before leaving the room. He closes the door and locks it as I keep my head down. I slowly climb onto the bed and crawl under the covers as I lay on my side. I close my eyes and drift off, exhausted from the pain and crying. "Daddy.... I miss you. I want to come home." I whisper as I finally fall asleep.

Loretti POV

My phone rings as I walk into my office. I sit at my desk and pick up the phone. "Loretti." I gruffly say and wait for the response. "I got her. Talons girl. I got her." I hear Jackson say into the phone. I smirk and lean back in my chair, turning to face the windows that over look the gardens. "How did it go? Did she give you a hard time?" I ask and he groans. "The little bitch got out and ran, but I got her back and punished her pretty little ass. She is all red and bruised." he chuckles darkly and I rub a hand over my face. His sadistic streak was always a problem. "Ok. Well bring her here tomorrow. Send me a picture of her so I can send it to Talon. And Jackson. Do not kill her." he agrees before we hang up. I let out a deep sigh and scratch my beard slightly. "That man... I swear if he wasn't being paid he would kill everyone." My cell phone beeps as I receive a message. I open my phone to see a picture of the girl. Her face had a hand print on it as well as bruises on her arm. Tear marks could be seen on her pale but flushed cheeks. He then send a video showing the damage he had inflicted on her lower body. The sight was unpleasant to look at, since I knew she was innocent and just was trying to keep herself safe. My office door swings open as my daughter walks in. "Daddy! I need money to go shopping and get my hair and nails done!" she whines. As much as I love my daughter she was a spoiled brat. "You just went shopping a few days ago darling." I try to reason with her but she crosses her arms and frowns. "But there is a sale at Balenciago! I need to get their new purses!" she whines and I frown before sending money to her account. "No more for the rest of the week. I have shit to do." I growl and she nods before running over and kisses my cheek. "Thank you daddy! I love you! Is this about Talon? When will he come to see me?" I roll my eyes and shoo her away. She leaves with a huff and closes the door. I sit in silence as I think about the next steps of my plan. "Finally. Talon will be with my daughter and he will step down and I will be the most powerful again. Maybe I'll keep that pretty little thing and make her my wife just to destroy him more." I chuckle darkly and pour myself a glass of whiskey. I stand and look out the window as I smirk. 'My plan was all coming together perfectly.'

A/N: Two updates today! This quarantine helps a lot, since most jobs are closed. Enjoy my loves!

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