Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Amelia POV

We were all eating and laughing when Lily went to the bathroom. I watched Brax and Fallon follow her and about a minute later they came back to stand at the entrance of the hallway that leads to the bathroom. I turn back to join the conversation again. "So then, Mr. Lindburg sneezed so hard his wig came off and landed in Carly's lap!" Sam tells us as he starts wheezing from laughing so hard. I have to hold my side as it start to hurt from laughing so much. I smiles knowing that we all needed this, especially after everything that has been happening to Lily. I look back and see Brax and Fallon still waiting. I get up and kiss Jacks cheek with a smile. "I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." I nod at Brax and Fallon as I walk past them. I see something on the ground in front of the bathroom. I walk to it and see a credit card and a phone on the ground. I squat down to pick up the phone and card before standing back up. The phone screen was cracked and shattered so I couldn't see anything. I flip the card around and frown seeing Talons name on it. 'Lily had his card on her... is this her phone too? Why is it on the ground?' I walk into the bathroom and look around. All the stalls were open and no sign of Lily. I start to panic and rush out to get to Brax and Fallon. "Did Lily come back this way? She isn't in the bathroom." Fallon rushes to the women's bathroom and goes in before rushing back out. "Shes gone! Shit! Call the boss, im going to go out the alarmed door." I tear up and run over to everyone. "Jack... Some one took Lily. We need to go!" He gets up and grabs my hand and ours and Lily's bags before goin over to Brax who was on the phone.

"Yes sir. Fallon ran to chase whoever took her. They couldn't have gotten far. Yes sir. Amelia and Jack are with me. Yes sir. Here." he hands me the phone and I take it with shaking hands. "T-Talon..." I whimper and bite my lip. "Amelia. How long was she gone? You found her stuff?" he asks gruffly. "Sh-She was gone maybe 5 minutes... I went to see if she was ok and found her phone and your vredit card on the floor." he sighs and I hear what sounded like glass shattering and flinch. "Brax will stay with you until some men come to get you both. They will be there in 5 minutes." He then hangs up so I hand Brax his phone back. Jack hugs me as Brax leads up to the exit of the mall to wait by the car we came in. I cry into his arms as we wait. Acar pulls up as Fallon come running over out of breath. Brax pushes Jack and I into the car before I have a chance to ask Fallon anything. The car speeds off towards the safe house as I cry harder. My best friend was kidnapped, most likely by the creepy person who has been stalking her.

Talons POV

Getting the call that my girl was taken pissed me off and sent me into a rage. I destroyed my office. My desk was flipped and broken in two, the computer was laying against the wall the screen shattered. My chair had bullet holes in it and the other furniture was ripped and broken. I stood panting in the middle of the chaos, my hands shaking, as i try to calm myself down. The door open as Liam and Luca walk in. they don't question the mess and nod at me. "Fallon called but couldn't reach you so he called us. He said that he saw a man put her into a sedan and speed off. He didn't want to shoot at the driver in case the driver crashed and Lily was hurt, but he shot the car and it was leaking oil and fuel. They wouldn't have gotten far. They are heading after the car. Your cousin and her boyfriend are almost back as well. What would you like us to do?" I growl and run my hand through my hair. "Tell Tristan to get his ass here now. Same with Cain." They nod and leave the room to get who I asked for. I pace the room thinking about Lily. 'FUCK! She is going to be terrified. I need to bring her home. I need to bring her back to where she is safe. I'll Kill him. I'll kill the bastard who took her and then I'll kill Loretti.' Liam and Luca return with Tristan and Cain in tow. "Sir." They bow their heads before meeting my eyes. "Find that Bastard Loretti and find the fucker who took my girl. I want everything! Tristan I want you to hack the security cameras and find out who took her." They nod and leave the room. "Talon we will find her. Everyone here adores Lily and will do everything to get her home safe." Liam says as he pats my shoulder before leaving the room. I collapse to my knees as my hands grip my hair tightly. The demons wanting to come out.

Normal POV

I groan as my hand goes to my spinning and pounding head. I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. I was on a small twin bed with a pink duvet over my body. I look down and see I'm wearing a loose pair of sweats and a baggy shirt with no bra or panties. I blush and look around the room. It was bare other then a rocking chair in the corner, a dresser and what I could only assume was a changing table. I see only one door, so I get up to go to it. As I stand it feels like the world tilts and I collapse to the floor with my hand over my mouth to try not to throw up. I slowly get up again and walk to the door slowly. I turn the knob only to find it locked. I start to bang on the door. "Let me out!" I bang on the door for a few minutes as tears stream down my face. I slide down the wall next to the door with my head in my hands as I sob. "I want daddy..." I whimper as I cry. 

I hear footsteps outside the door before the unlocked of the door can be heard. I back away quickly as the door slowly opens to reveal a dark haired man walk in. He walks towards me and then squats down. "So much prettier then your pictures." he says as he reaches out to cup my cheek and wipe my tears. I move my face away from his touch. I gasp as he grips my cheeks tightly and makes me face him. His eyes darken to an almost black color. "You best behave little bird. We don't want to bruise your pretty little face." I whimper at his rough touch and nod. He smiles and releases his grip to pet my face. "Now lets get you up and dressed." He lifts me like a small child and places me on the changing table. "I-I don't need help. I can get dressed myself." I say quietly and blush. He make a tsk sound before her lifts the shirt off me. I cover my bare chest and try to turn away from him. "Oh no little bird. Don't hide from me. So either behave and let me change you or." He grabs my hair and yanks it back roughly making me cry out in pain. "I will hurt you." I whimper and let my arms slide down to reveal my chest to him. I close my eyes as tears flow down my cheeks. He then slides the pants off my legs. My heart breaking as he softly runs his finger down the middle of my chest to top of my pubic bone. He opens a drawer under the changing table and pulls out a pair of crotchless panties. He then pulls out a onesie. He dresses me slowly, making sure his hand graze against my skin. I felt sick at his touch but tried not to show it. He snaps shut the onesie at my pussy, his fingers brushing against the soft skin of my thighs. "Good girl. Now I have some food for you. I'm going to feed you." he sets me on the bed and pulls in a small cart that had a bottle and some fruit on a plate. He places it on the dresser before picking me up and sitting me on his lap as he sat in the rocking chair. I squirm in his grasp, making him smack my thigh and grip it tightly. I whimper and grab his wrist. "I-I'm sorry!" he lets go and pulls me to rest in his arms. He feeds me grapes and small pieces of cantalope slowly. I keep my eyes on him as he feeds me. Once I eat all the fruit, he grabs the bottle. "Open up little bird. If you drink all of this I'll reward you with something nice." I whimper and nod my head, as he places the bottle in my mouth. I suck on it slowly, realizing it was milk. I get about half the bottle down before I start to feel sleepy. I finish off the bottle while laying in his arms. He coos and burps me before lifting me to lay me in the bed. "Sleep little bird." he says as I close my eyes and drift off. I hear a shutter sound before I fall into a deep sleep.

A/N: do you guys want to know what Jackson looks like? Let me know! 

My Mafia DaddyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora