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Haha yes I'm too attached to this book and so I'm having difficulty w it being over and so let's enjoy some cute short bonus chapters.

"It's impossible Nat." I say immediately shaking her ridiculous ideas off, "you don't know-" I shake my head, "no it's just not possible I can't, I can't be pregnant, how?" It'd been three months since Thanos had handed us our asses and got rid of our loved ones. "Well burns typically when a man and-"

"Shut up, I know how that's not what I meant." She smirks and hands me the test, "just take the test." I push it back to her, "no I'm not pregnant." She rolls her eyes, "you don't know that, you have the symptoms." I laugh, "throwing up could be because of anything and I don't even know if I am physically able to have a baby." She pushes the test back towards me, "just take the damn test and then we'll know." I hesitate looking at the small box in fear, "I'm terrified." I admit making her give me a small smile, "take the test."

"What's going on in here?" Steve asks making me quickly snatch the box from Nat and hide it behind my back, "what's that?" I look at him in confusion, "what's what?" I ask turning to Nat, "that box you hid behind your back." We shake our heads, "don't know what you're taking about." I deny, "yeah I didn't see a box." Steve looks between us, before quickly lunging for me, Nat sprints from the room as I jump and drop the box in shock.

"Coward." I call out after Nat who just laughs as she runs, "pregnancy test?" Steve asks me confused as he picks up the box and hands it back to me. "I'm not pregnant Nat just I don't know." I sigh, "have you taken the test?" I shake my head. "Then how do you know?" I couldn't be, "I just I can't." Steve looks at the box in my hands for a second silently. "Is there even a chance?" I close my eyes, "yes." My voice comes out strangled as I think about it. "Take the test." He says gently as tears spring to my eyes, "I-I can't Steve." My voice is shaky like my hands which he encases in his warm ones. "Rosalie I'm here for you, I'll be waiting right here I promise, whatever happens we're gonna face it together."

"Okay." I nod as he wipes my eyes and then I go and pee on the stick, "ugh the waiting it's killing me." I say as I pace the room where Steve sits watching me. "Do you want it to be positive?" I halt at his words did I want it to be positive? I guess a part of me did whereas a part of me didn't, I'd already let the thought get to me and having a small Bucky would be perfect especially since he was actually gone for good this time, I'd have a piece of him with me forever. On the other hand I didn't want to do this without Bucky, I couldn't, I shouldn't it's everything we had ever wanted back in the 40s but I wasn't sure about now and even if he wasn't here I couldn't raise a child especially not alone.

Then the alarm goes off letting us know the results would be there, Steve and I look at each other. "I can't do it, I can't look." I say feeling as though I were about to throw up the way I had been the past week or so. "Neither can I." He says just as nervous, "well one of us has to." He nods, "not it." We say in unison, "ugh fine." I huff going to grab the test.

"What's that?" Thor asks as he comes in causing me to drop the test before I could even look, "could you maybe just tell us what it says?" I ask hopefully holding the stick out to him, "of course." He says, "wait!" Steve stands up and takes my hand in his making me laugh I think he was actually more nervous than I was. "Ok continue." I take a deep breath and grip Steve's hand deadly tight. "It says positive?" I drop Steve's hand as a surprised gasp escapes.

"What's positive?" Thor asks us confused as my eyes begin to sting, "Rosie's having a baby!" Steve shouts lifting me up in his arms excitedly, "I'm having a baby." I repeat laughing as Thor joins the hug, until it hits me, I'm having a baby. I begin to sob sinking to the ground whilst both men still had their arms around me, the three of us a laughing, crying mess on the ground holding each other tightly.

𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒~ 𝐵.𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang