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I come back up to the surface of the boat to see Sam and Bucky drinking in silence

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I come back up to the surface of the boat to see Sam and Bucky drinking in silence. "Well." Bucky sighs getting up, "Gotta catch my flight tomorrow. Get a hotel room for the night. Crash, you know?"

"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?"

"I don't wanna make it weird for your family."

"Just stay here. The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world. They don't care if you wear small T-shirts or if you have six toes or if your mom's your aunt." Sam says making Bucky chuckle. "Okay, I get it. I mean, you know, the people are nice."

"Ok so you're staying, you too Rosie." Sam winks at me making Bucky turn in surprise having not noticed that I was stood there. I nod and do a saluting motion.

"But no funny business in my house." He says pointing between us, "Sam!"

"Cause if you do, I'll have Carlos cut you up, feed you to fish."

"Okay." Bucky says grabbing my hand and walking away.


We get to Sam's house and he gives me the bag full of my stuff that I'd left here the last time, when I'd run out suddenly.

Bucky was acting strange, well he was acting like the moment before on the boat never happened and that was strange.

But I had figured out what he had been trying to say.

"I'm sorry." I tell him as we find ourselves downstairs alone. He turns to me confused. "Rose we don't have-"

"No we do Bucky, I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for running away, I'm sorry for everything. It was very cowardly of me and I had always promised you that I'd never leave and I'm so sorry that I did." He nods with a sigh.

"I'm sorry too, I didn't blame you for Dean, I promise I don't think that what happened was your fault but I'm sorry for making you feel that way. The reason I couldn't look at you was because it hurt too much... I saw him in your face but I also saw all your pain and I couldn't take it." He says reaching for my hand

He frowns once I begin crying and wraps an arm around me pulling me into his chest, "he's gone Bucky." I say as he rubs my back, "he's gone and it's all my fault." I hear him sigh as he rests his head on top of mine, "it's not your fault Rose." He assures me but I couldn't accept that.

"Maybe if I had been there I could've-"

"Don't do that to yourself." I stop him, sitting up and wiping his eyes, "there's nothing you could've done."

"I can't keep crying," I say suddenly wanting the pain to stop.

"I have a way to calm myself down." I tell him as he wipes my tears.

"I like to think that he's not alone. He's with Steve and Nat, they're looking after him like they promised they would when I asked them to be his godparents. Tony plays football with him and he got to meet our mothers. They're doting on him just like they used to dote on us. Dean and your sisters tell him stories about us when we were kids and they all love him just like we did. I like to think that he's happy and he's loved and he's just waiting to see us again."

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