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The two of us ended up falling asleep on the couch every night, Bucky claimed the bed was too soft for him and I didn't want to sleep in that room so we took to talking on the couch until we passed out

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The two of us ended up falling asleep on the couch every night, Bucky claimed the bed was too soft for him and I didn't want to sleep in that room so we took to talking on the couch until we passed out.

There wasn't really much development on the memory issue unfortunately but I wasn't focused on that, I was focused on treating Bucky like a human, something they hadn't done back at hydra. We had been improving on the appetite though, he could stomach basically any food now and trying new foods always excited him. 

"I'm sorry but today I got lazy and just got us takeout." I announce as I enter the house the bags in my hands, "that's ok, what did you get?" Bucky asks taking the bags from me so that I could take my jacket off and just because it was the gentlemanly thing he'd been doing. "Sushi." I say as I join him, I chuckle as his nose scrunches in distaste, "raw fish?" He asks making me laugh, "it's actually really good, well I mean there was a salmon one that made me throw up." I laugh as he shakes his head and moves the bag further from himself, "but that was only once and the others are amazing and don't worry I brought you a burger as well just in case." 

He thinks it over before he shrugs, "alright I'll try it for you." I grin and hop onto the couch beside him, "here." I say opening the box and handing him some chopsticks, I laugh as he is unable to use them correctly and consistently drops the sushi, "don't laugh at me." He murmurs with a slight pout, "here you big baby." I say easily picking a piece up and holding it out to him, he sends me a small smile before he leans forwards and takes the sushi in his mouth.

I watch expectantly as he chews, his face scrunching up as he shakes his head, I quickly hold a tissue out for him to spit into which he does with no hesitation. "No that's disgusting." He says as he looks like he's trying to not gag, I hand him a water bottle and watch him inhale the water. "Never again." I laugh, "ok so that's a no." He's still shaking his head, "a hard no, that was awful." He shudders making me giggle, "are we being a tad dramatic now?" I ask rhetorically, "no I would rather starve than have that anywhere near me again."

"Here." I hand him his burger making him grin, "thank god." He sighs in relief making me laugh again.

• • •

"So have you talked to Steve?" Bucky asks me, "no do you want me to?" I hadn't spoken to Steve since we parted ways and I was unsure on wether I should tell him where Bucky was. "No!" He says quickly and urgently, "not yet." He continues in a calmer tone. "Ok I won't tell him." I didn't like the idea of lying to Steve but if Bucky didn't want him to know then I couldn't just go against his wishes, we'd tell Steve eventually right?

"Hello?" I say into my phone confused as to why tony was calling me, "Frozone, great to hear from you again, small favour to ask the avengers we need you." I get up and walk out of the room, "for what?" I ask, "team stuff, taking down hydra bases and so on." My eyebrows furrow, "did Steve not tell you I'm-"

"Taking a break, yeah yeah just come help out take some bases down then you can go on your break." He was really not going to take no for an answer, "fine." I sigh, "great knew you'd come around frosty, I have a room ready for you at the tower come as soon as possible." I shake my head in disbelief, "sure see you soon."

"Was that Steve?" Bucky asks as I walk back into the room, I shake my head, "Tony, he said I need to go back to work." I explain falling onto the couch dramatically, "work?" I nod, "saving the world and what not." He nods, "sounds important." I shrug, "yeah." I murmur, I didn't want to go back but I couldn't just say no. "You're going aren't you." I look up and meet his gaze regretfully. "I don't want to, and I won't be gone for long, I promise." He shakes his head, "it's ok, you've helped me way more than you should've." Now it's my turn to shake my head, "no way, I've barely helped you Bucky, and I'll be back as soon as possible, I promised to help you so that's what I'm gonna do." He nods with a sheepish smile.

• • •

"No, I promise you that I will be back as fast as I can." I tell Bucky as I get ready to leave, he nods but doesn't say anything. "Stay safe." He murmurs after a second, I give him a reassuring smile, "that goes for you too." His lips twitch as he nods, "see you soon." I tell him before I wrap my arms around him, he sighs and then mirrors my actions and completes the hug. I hugged him just a bit tighter for a second I hated having to leave, it was like leaving a piece of my heart, but I had to, I was apart of the team and I had a responsibility. I didn't want to let go but I listened to his steady heartbeat and cherished the fact that he was ok and that he would be ok, before forcing myself to untangle our limbs.

• • •

"Frosty so nice of you to join us." Tony smirks as I leave the elevator to find that I was the last avenger to arrive, "hey Tony." I nod as I drop my bag and hug him hello, "nice to see you." He nods as he steps away, "took your time." Natasha grins as she moves to greet me, "Nat." I beam as she hugs me, "didn't expect to see you here." I tell her making her smirk, "couldn't find anything better to do." She shrugs making me laugh.

"Hi Bruce." I smile seeing him linger like he was too nervous to speak, "hey." He waves, Clint nods at me and then I see Thor and Steve round the corner, Steve's face lights up as he spots me not expecting to see me, "hey." I grin as he leans down to wrap me up, "what're you doing here?" I shrug, "Tony gave me a call about my responsibility to the team." He nods, "I told him to leave you alone." I shake my head, "it's fine." I assure him with a small laugh.

"Thor, nice to see you again." I address the God as everyone catches up with each other. He smiles, "likewise." I nod, "how's Loki?" I find myself asking, noticing the fall in his Thor's face I sigh and embrace him. "I'm sorry." He doesn't say anything but he holds me tightly like he really needed this hug, "thank you." He murmurs after letting me go, "don't mention it, that's what friends are for."I tell him making his smile return.

"So what are we here for?" I question after we've all reacquainted ourselves, "we're here to take down Hydra and find Loki's sceptre."

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