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My eyes flicker as I notice a pain in my head, I open my eyes to see I was over Loki's shoulder? What the hell?

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My eyes flicker as I notice a pain in my head, I open my eyes to see I was over Loki's shoulder? What the hell?

"Ow," I murmur bringing my hand to my throbbing head, "ah you're up perfect." He grins letting me down, I notice he was holding the sceptre in his hands so I'd have to play this properly. "Loki? What's going on?" I ask, "we're leaving." He tells me, "we?" I ask him confused, "yes I want you to come with me." I shake my head, "Loki, I can't let you leave, I don't agree with what you're doing." I tell him honestly making his face drop, "you will come with me either way." He threatens holding the sceptre up. "Fine fine." I say holding my hands up, he smiles until I sweep his legs out from under him and he falls to the ground. I grab the sceptre and turn around to run when he's stood right there, he blocks all my hits and manages to pull the sceptre from me, he holds it out warningly.

"I won't ask you again." I nod knowing that I was beat and allow him to begin to escort me away I felt extra tired from just trying to fight him and so I begin to fall to the side, he immediately wraps an arm around my waist and catches me before lifting me up and carrying me on the the jet.

• • •

When I wake up again I'm in stark tower? Loki is sat across from me. "Please don't pass out again, it's getting rather tiring." I look at him wincing as my head throbs, "water, I need water." I tell him as I force myself to sit up. He nods and hands me a bottle, as I drink my veins glow the same blue that stained my wound on my stomach, I feel the coolness run up me as it healed my injuries on the inside and out. 

"Fascinating." Loki mumbles as he watches, "so what am I here for?" I ask after going through three bottles. He shrugs, "I don't actually know. There's just something about you."

"Loki please don't do this, it's not gonna end well for you, trust me." He lets out a small laugh, "have a little faith." But I shake my head, "I'm telling you I know how this is going to end, just don't go through with it."  He shakes his head, "I have to," he tells me.

Before we can talk any further Tony arrives, he  casually walks down the steps, towards the bar. "Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." Loki says but Tony shakes his head, "Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you." He admits making Loki smile. "You should have left your armor on for that." He says as Tony shrugs, Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage.You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?" He asks sparing me a glance, he looks relieved to see that I'm not under any mind control. "Stalling me won't change anything." Loki tells him, "No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one." I stop listening to them as Tony distracts Loki I try and figure out an escape plan.

Just when I'm ready to implement my plan Loki grabs me by the arm and pulls me into his hold as he places the sceptre against my chest threateningly. "It  may not work on you but, I'll use it on her." He says holding me tightly to his chest. "No don't." I say as he brings it closer, he presses it to my chest only for it to hit a layer of ice that was covering where he was trying to hit me.

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