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A scream woke me, I shot up from the couch and looked over the small apartment to see Bucky crying on his bed. "Bucky?" I ask nearly tripping over my feet at the speed I got up. "Bucky?" I ask again as he screams out again. I run over and drop down beside him, my hands hover over his shaking form, he was still sleeping. I gently place a hand on the side of his head and the other on his chest trying to stop his movements. "Bucky...Bucky you're ok. You're ok." I assure him as I try and rub my hand on his chest to soothe him. He shoots up tense, his hand balled into a fist that's aimed for me, it hits me square in the chest and I feel all the breath leave my body and can even hear my ribs break.

I fall down onto the ground a heaving mess as the pain takes over. He's hunched over his head between his legs as he tries to calm his own breathing. I ignore the blinding pain and reach out. I slip my hand into his and I rub circles onto his knuckles. "You're ok." I manage to wheeze out. His head shoots up and his eyes widen as he looks to see the damage he had caused. "Oh Rosalie, oh god no what have I done." He cries as he cradles my head, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He whispers but I shake my head, "it's ok, you didn't mean it, all I need is-" suddenly I begin violently coughing which amps up the pain so that it's a thousand times more painful.

I wince as I see the blood leave my lips, "Rosalie?" I groan as the coughing stops, "water." Bucky nods his head frantically and runs to get some. He sits me up and then holds the water bottle up to my lips and helps me take sips through the pain. Once I'm healed I sigh and drop my head onto Bucky's shoulder still feeling the pain every time I tried to take in some oxygen. "Rosalie I'm so sorry." Bucky tells me his hand hovering over me as though he were too afraid to touch me. "It's ok, honestly, as long as you didn't do that on purpose." I say cracking a smile with difficulty.

"Oh god I'd never." He says as though even the idea was the worst thing in the world, "I know, now relax you were having a bad dream, you were scared and you reacted without thinking, now come on help me up." I say holding my hands up. He stands and smiles down at me before helping me to stand. "Ow." I wince as I try to move, Bucky's hands finding my waist to steady me. "More water?" He asks and I nod. Now that I was almost fully healed it was only slightly sore but it was tolerable, I'd felt worse.

"Why do you.. you weren't gifted like this when I knew you, were you?" I was waiting for him to ask me about the powers it was one thing he never mentioned even though I knew he was curious. "No it was after you 'died.' I died in a lake there was something in the lake, it saved me and is now a part of me." I explain simply watching his eyes widen, "how did you die?" I brush my pink hair from my face, "you remember that picture of my ex husband, the one I attacked that one day?" He nods, "he stabbed me and chucked me into the lake." Bucky's jaw clenches as he balls his fists up.

"What why?" I put my hand on top of his fist, and force him to loosen it so that I can hold it, I run my thumb over the back of his hand wanting him to relax. "He thought I was cheating but It's ok, I'm over it, I'm here, I'm healthy, I have badass powers and I'm with you." He smiles and lifts my hand so that he can press his lips to the back of it. "Can I see?" He asks hesitantly, I nod and lift my shirt slightly so that the scar was noticeable, he lets out a small breath and subconsciously reaches out to touch it. "You can." I assure him after he pulls his hand back after noticing what he was doing, I can't help but giggle as his could fingers run over my stomach, as I laugh Bucky smiles up at me softly.

"You're amazing." My cheeks flush, "you're amazing." I echo back making him shake his head.

"No, I hurt you... like he did." Now it's my turn to shake my head, "what no! Bucky, Richard used to hurt me on purpose because he enjoyed the rush of power it would give him, you- you're not like that, you hit me on accident out of reflex, don't you ever compare yourself to anyone especially not that dick ever again because you're perfect just the way that you are." His face softens as he looks at me with an unidentifiable look in his eye and then next thing you know he's leaned down and captured my lips with his own.

I lean forwards as I kiss him back, he's gentle handling me like he's afraid the smallest bit of pressure will break me. My hands find his messy shoulder length waves and tangle themselves into the, surprisingly, soft brunette locks as the kiss goes from soft and loving to passionate and desperate. It's like seventy years of pent up emotions suddenly took over.

• • •

"Rosie?" I hum in response my eyes fighting to stay open as I lay on Bucky's chest, his steady heart beat and the way he softly drew shapes on my back with his fingers was lulling me to sleep. "I love you." I smile and push myself up, "I love you." I repeat back before leaning forward to give him a quick peck. "Don't leave me." He murmurs after a moment once I've made myself comfortable on him again.


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