Chapter 3

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Lauren knocked on Camila's classroom door before walking it.

"Let's go," Camila said, scrambling to her feet and grabbing her backpack.

"How was her day?" Lauren asked Miss Epseley who had been sitting next to Camila at her desk.

"We did some good work today, didn't we, Milz," Miss Epseley said with a soft smile.

"Let's go," Camila groaned, tugging at Lauren's arm.

"Hang on," Lauren said, taking Camila's hand in hers. "I wanted to talk to you about Camila's homework, I'm not sure it's suited to her abilities," she explained, choosing her words carefully.

"I think you should talk to Mrs. Williams about it," Miss Epseley said, nodding towards the teacher at her desk.

"Camz, can you go wait outside for me?" Lauren asked, bending down to Camila's height.

"But we were gonna go t-,"

"Okay, okay, let's go," Lauren conceded, straightening up. "I'll drop you an email," Lauren said, smiling politely at Mrs. Williams before following Camila out of the classroom.

"I can't wait," Camila said, bouncing excitedly.

"Your mum really never took you to get a training bra?" Lauren asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she followed Camila out of the school building.

"I don't see her much, even when she is here," Camila shrugged. "It's mostly just baby-sitters."

Lauren didn't reply, but she couldn't help but feel a bit saddened by Camila's words.

"Doll, would it be okay if we go grab a coffee with my friend after the shopping?" Lauren asked, watching as Camila skipped along the pavement. Since she was spending every moment she wasn't at work watching Camila, she hadn't really been able to keep up any of her social engagements.

"Can I also have coffee?" Camila asked, cocking her head to the side.

"I don't think you need any more energy, love," Lauren laughed.

"I'm an adult," Camila insisted, crossing her arms.

"Okay, okay, if you really want a coffee you can have one, but I know that they have really good hot chocolate, and I did bring your bumblebee cup with us just in case," Lauren replied. Of course, there was no way she was going to let Camila drink any coffee, but she knew the most effective thing to would be to let Camila think she had a choice.

"I'd rather have chocolate milk," Camila said thoughtfully, grabbing Lauren's hand before climbing up onto the border of a garden and balancing carefully as she walked down it.

"Thought so," Lauren smiled. "Okay, so, gameplan, when we get there should we go change you first in the bathroom or do you want to wait till we get to the coffee shop?"

"Don't need a change," Camila lied, jumping off of the border and back onto the pavement as it came to an end.

"Even if you're not wet, wouldn't you like to change out of your uniform?" Lauren asked, having already anticipated Camila's reluctancy. 

"What did you bring?" Camila asked.

"Your denim dungarees and yellow top," Lauren recalled. "Your diaper bag is in the car." 

In all honesty, she had had fun picking out Camila's clothes for her.

"I don't need to," Camila decided. "Can I sit in the front?" she asked as they came up to Lauren's car.

"I don't think so," Lauren said, laughing at Camila's cheekiness. "Your Mummy gave me your carseat so let's get you strapped in.

"But I'm too old for a car seat," Camila whined, stamping her foot.

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