Chapter 21

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"What do you think?" Lauren asked, walking out of the bathroom in her dress. It was triangle cut at the top, showing off her cleavage, and flowed all the way down to her heels.

"You look great," Dinah said, giving Lauren a quick kiss.

"You look pretty, Mama," Camila said from the bed, watching as Lauren applied some perfume.

"So do you, angel," Lauren smiled, sitting down next to Camila. She was already second guessing her decision to bring Camila to the party; it was only 7 but Lauren was already worried she would get cranky and tired despite having had an extra long nap.

"Are you sure you want to come?" Dinah asked Camila with a sigh.

"It's important for her to socialise with other kids her age," Lauren said before Camila could reply. "Baby, are you wearing a diaper or a pull-up?"

"Diaper," Camila said, quickly lifting her skirt to check.

"Okay, it'll only be a few hours so I'm not bringing your diaper bag, do you want to sit on the potty before we go?"

"No," Camila blushed, curling into Lauren's side.

"Okay, munchkin," Lauren said, patting Camila's bottom. "What're we thinking fo comfort objects?" she asked, glancing up at Dinah. The two were slightly worried about Camila's childish tendencies and had decided that it was important to help her develop her social skills.

"Wan' all," Camila said around her thumb which had slipped into her mouth.

"You don't need Mr. Bunny and your paci and your blankie," DInah said animatedy, walking over. "Should we go to your room and choose one?"

"Two?" Camila asked hopefully, taking Dinah's hand and standing up.

"One, please," Lauren warned.

"Paci and bunny," Camila told Dinah adamantly.

"Hmm, maybe your pacifier can stay here until bedtime and we can just take Mr Bunny," she suggested, handing Camila the soft toy.

"Okay," Camila said, pulling her bunny to her chest.

Soon enough, they were pulling up to a large house with a number of cars parked outside of it. The party was being hosted by a colleague of Lauren whose daughter was in Camila's year at school.

"Should bunny stay here?" Camila asked hesitantly as Lauren unbuckled her car seat.

"That's a great idea, doll," Lauren said gently, giving Camila a moment to comfortably position Mr Bunny in her car seat before closing the car door.

"Right, let's go in," Dinah smiled, holding the bottle of wine they had brought with them in one hand.

"Mama?" Camila asked quietly, tugging on Lauren's hand.

"What is it, angel?" Lauren asked, bending down.

"I'm scared," Camila whispered.

"Tell you what, why don't I come with you to find your friends?" Lauren suggested. "I'm sure they'll be really happy to see you!"

"They won't," Camila whined, tightening her grip on Lauren's hand and starting to regret leaving her beloved bunny in the car.

"It'll be okay," Lauren reassured her, leading her in.

"Lauren!" Olivia, the host, exclaimed, walking over to greet them. "Hi, Camila, Emily and the others are in her bedroom upstairs," she said warmly after having given Lauren a hug.

"Is it okay if I take her up?" Lauren asked, sensing Camila's anxiety.

"Of course, it's the first door on the left."

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