Chapter 15

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"She's likely going to have a pacifier with her or in her mouth, I suggest not saying anything about that, uh, she's going to a new daycare and I think she'd rather talk about that than school," Lauren said into her phone, pacing up and down her room.

"She's still my daughter Lauren," Lauren could practically hear Serena rolling her eyes at the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, I just don't know how she's going to react, she's been quite emotional about this," Lauren sighed.

She was taking Camila to see Serena and Richard for dinner and she was already starting to worry it wouldn't go down well.

Once she had hung up, Lauren walked into Camila's room to wake her up from her nap.

"What're you doing already up?" Lauren laughed as she walked into Camila's room to see her curled up on the floor. It was evident from her calmness that she had only just woken up.

Camila looked up, batting her eyelashes sleepily.

"Hi, angel," Lauren whispered, sitting down next to her. 

Camila crawled into her lap, and while Lauren usually tried to discourage Camila acting that much younger than her age, she couldn't deny that it was adorable.

"Don't suck your thumb, doll," Lauren said, tugging at her hand. "Where's paci?"

"I don't know," Camila whispered.

"Are you a bit nervous?" Lauren asked, stroking Camila's hair. Talking to Camila right after she had woken up always seemed like the best time for it.

Camila shook her head.

"I wanna see Mummy," Camila said surely. 

"What're we going to wear to see Mummy?" Lauren asked.

"Elsa dress!" Camila exclaimed excitedly.

"What if I let you wear your Elsa dress tomorrow?" Lauren suggested, knowing it wasn't quite the best idea, partially because Serena would disapprove and partially because it was uncomfortable and she didn't want to risk a tantrum.

"Kay," Camila mumbled, reaching to play with Lauren's hair.

"Now, do you think we should change your diaper?" Lauren asked.

"No," Camila whined, embarrassed by the topic.

"Shh," Lauren soothed. "Okay, why don't you go find your paci first and then I'll get you changed?"

"M'kay," Camila agreed, standing up and running out of the room. 

She ran straight into Dinah in the kitchen, falling to her bottom.

"Kid, you gotta be careful," Dinah said, lifting Camila to her feet.

Camila immediately burst into tears. Partially because Dinah had told her off and partially because of the impact of the fall. 

"LAUREN!" Dinah shouted. "Okay, come here," Dinah sighed, reaching down and picking Camila up. "Brush it off kid," she said, bouncing Camila in her arms.

"Hey, what happened?" Lauren asked, appearing in the kitchen.

"She's fine, she just fell," Dinah explained, handing Camila over to Lauren.

"Where's her pacifier?"

"Here," Dinah said, handing the object to Lauren who slid it into Camila's mouth.

"Right, I've picked out an outfit so let's go get dressed and then you can watch some Sofia while I do your hair," Lauren said, turning to walk back upstairs.

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