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<feel free to listen to music while you read>
Izuku's POV

I remember the day so clearly..... I was extra tired but I thought it was just lack of sleep or something. Kacchan and I were running around all day. We had stopped under a tree for a little bit. When we were going to leave my legs hurt so much that I couldn't stand. Everything started to spin and I was really hot. Kacchan saw something was wrong and started to ask me questions, but I couldn't hear a thing. Kacchan picked me up and carried me back to the adults. I can't remember anything after that just waking up in the hospital. My mom was crying, I was so confused. I asked her what was happening but all she could do was apologize. The doctor came in and calmed her down then explained what was going on. That day......... that was the day I found out I might never walk again. I've always been sick I knew I would never become a hero but walking........ I was devastated. That day I knew, That day I realized just how useless I really was. I didn't want my mom to be sad though so I smiled. I did my best to be happy for what I did have and not dwell on something I couldn't change.........
I sat in bed waiting on my mom to visit. She was working hard to pay all my medical bills. She would be so much better off if I were healthy or better yet not born. I knew she loved me and if she knew I thought this way it would make her sad. So I waited patiently, she always visited on Friday. I hear a knock on the door and she walks in I give her a huge smile as she came over and hugged me.

"Honey, I know you really wanted to go to high school, UA specifically, so I was able to set something up!" She says excitedly "I talked to the principal and he said since your grades are so high that you could go, but under a condition" she continued "you would be mostly helping the staff. Like a go-getter of sorts since you probably won't go to college!" She says with a huge smile. As much as I would rather be a student, beggars can't be choosers.  This could be fun and I was excited. I can't wait to tell Kacchan!! Well maybe I should wait until he gets his acceptance letter first. It was supposed to be coming any day now.

~two days later~

Kacchan bursts though my hospital door with a face of worry and excitement. He had something in his hand a........ LETTER!!! He walks over and hands it to me. I look at him for a second then take it. I open it up and it's a disc of some kind. I pull it out and it lights up with a hologram. It was All Might saying how Kacchan got in with flying colors he even got some rescue points for saving a brown haired girl!! This was amazing!!

"Kacchan you did it!! You got into UA!!"

"Hell yeah I did I'm gonna be a hero!!" He said with one of the biggest smiles ever.

"I get released tomorrow we can go and do something to celebrate!" I say we were both super happy this is amazing!!

~The next day~ <I'm sorry I'm skipping so much>

I had gotten all my stuff together and was ready to head out all I needed now was Kacchan. He was supposed to pick me up...... but he is currently a half an hour late. I mean I couldn't really go any where. The doctor wanted me to be with someone just in case something were to happen. Kacchan is never late I hope he's ok..... an hour later and I'm still waiting. I decided to call him I need to make sure he's ok.
"K-Kacchan is that you"
"Yeah what do you need?" He sounded so annoyed.
"I-umm you were supposed to pick me up today..."
" . . . "
"Shit umm so I thought you were going to be released tomorrow, umm I'm kinda in the middle of something. Can you wait?" Can I wait, CAN I WAIT!?
"Y-yeah ok, text me when your finished" I hung up. Sigh* I can't believe he thought it was tomorrow. I wonder what was so important that he couldn't come and get me? Whatever I just hope he gets here soon... it was now six o'clock. I have been waiting for nearly five hours!! Finally I see him walking to the entrance of the hospital.

"Hey Kacchan!" He sees me and comes over he was looking at his phone the hole time.

"Ready to go?" He asked not looking away from his phone.

"Yeah I've been ready since lunchtime!" I say with a smile.

"Good let's go" that's all he says before starting to walk away. He seemed distracted like I was talking up his precious time.

"So where were you at today?" I say trying to make small talk.

"Oh UA wanted students to know were their class rooms were so I was mostly touring the school I also got to meet some of my classmates" he say with a smile.

"That's great! Oh!! Speaking of UA guess what I get to do!" I say excitedly I had completely forgotten to tell him!

He chuckles at my excitement "I don't know what?"

"I get to go to UA!! Not as a student of course but more like an unpaid intern!" I say with a huge smile. But it quickly faded when he stopped and looked at me like I was crazy.

"That's to dangerous!! You can't go you could get hurt worse than you already are!!" He yelled at me. I know Kacchan is just worried but I'm not gonna let myself be cooped up in side all my short life! I want to do something!

"Kacchan this is a great opportunity for me. I can't go to a normal high school because of all my sick days. So please don't be upset" say quietly trying to get him to calm down, but it didn't work. He was fuming, but he didn't say another word. We got to my house he briefly said good bye and left. Now I was all along again and Kacchan was upset with me........ great.

~To Be Continued~

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