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Midoriya's POV (like always)

I was finishing up some pork cutlet when I asked Toga to text the 1A group chat for me. She set my phone back down and I could hear same stomping before 1A burst into the kitchen and dining room.

"Uhhh hi?" I say surprised at how fast they got here.

"We heard you made pork cutlet?" Kacchan asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah! I made some for everyone!!" I say excitedly. "Here help me carry it to the table!" I say handing some stuff to Kacchan, Toga, and Sho.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let her help carry the food?" Mineta asked skeptically.

"Of course she's the one that pretty much got me started on cooking! Though you always under cook your steak" I say looking to Toga.

"No I don't!! I just like it medium rare!" She huffs.

"There's a different between medium and raw, Toga" I say laughing a bit.

"I just prefer mine a little bloodier than you do!" She pouted.

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes "let's eat!" I say excitedly. Everyone sits down and we talked a bit and enjoyed the delicious meal.

"I'm just saying, it's a little to chewy for me!" I say as I finished up my pork. "Kacchan how do you make your pork cutlet? It always turns out perfectly"

"Whoa Bakugo can cook?!" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah?..... he's an amazing cook! I'm surprised you didn't know already" I say a little surprised, Kacchan always made me food and stuff.

"Yep Kat is a spectacular chef!!" Kiri said happily he then looked over to me and his face turned red. I wondered for a second on why then it hit me and my face turned red as well. We got a few weird looks from a few people while Kacchan and Sho were trying to stifle laughter.

"So is that the guy who was going at it earlier?" Toga asked like it was nothing.

"T-toga!! Why would you say that?!" I ask as Kacchan laughed harder and Kirishima hid behind his hands.

"What? I saw the text and assumed what it meant!" She said defensively.

"That doesn't mean you say it out loud!!" I say embarrassed. All she did was respond with a 'huh' and happily continued to eat.

"You mean to tell me that when I almost went to get the two of you I could have walked in on that!?" Mina said with a pale face. "Thank you for stopping me Midoriya" she said as she tried to get that mental image out of her head.

"Uhhh so Umm Toga, you will be joining us in 1A?" Ida asked doing his best to be polite as the class rep.

"Yeah I think that's what the cute mouse thing said" The blond replies.

"Ahh I see..... just remember that we are doing our best and as class representative I expect you to work just as hard!" The blue haired boy says with a hand chop motion.

"Will do four eyes!" Toga responded with enthusiasm.

"I'm beginning to like psycho bitch more and more" Kacchan said with a smirk.

"Kacchan don't teach her more bad habits! Toga don't call names!! That's Ida-kun not four eyes!!" I say hoping this won't be a habit. Everyone helped clean up after dinner and we generally had a good time.

"Hey Midoriya...... we were going to play never have I ever, do you and T-toga want to play?" Uraraka asked.

"Umm I don't know... Maybe next tim-"

"Come on Izu!! Let's play I love this game!!" Toga said excitedly pulling on my arm.

"Ok... but you can't play like you do when your with the league" I say hoping she'll take the hint.

"Um cool" Uraraka says and we all go to the living room. I see everyone except mineta, so only the important people. I sit in between Sho and Himiko. Mina decided to start "never have I ever......... ditched my friends for a good time in my room" Mina said and emphasized good time. Kirishima shamefully put a finger along with none other than Himiko her self. No one really questioned her about it, just have her a questioning look.

"Never have I ever burnt a hot pocket!" Sero says laughing as Denki puts a finger down laughing just as hard.

"You to are laughing but I do remember you had to buy a new microwave" Jiro said. Obviously it must have been some in side joke. We were just going by who had a question first and soon enough Toga decided to join in.

"Never have I ever.... made drugged pancakes" Toga asked looking directly at me. I gingerly put a finger down and glared at Himi.

"That was one time!" I say embarrassed.

"Whoa!! you drugged pancakes?!" Denki asked in amazement.

"Not on purpose!! Spinner left his stash in the same cabinet as the flour and I got confused ok!!" I say huffing a bit. Toga on the other hand was laughing her ass off.

"Twice almost overdosed!" She said in between fits of giggles.

"Oh yeah! Well never have I ever killed someone's hamster in front of them" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Shigeraki's stupid hamster bit me for the last time!!" She said back.

"It was his only friend!!" I say back with a glare. I knew all eyes were on us but it didn't matter. We both kept eye contact glaring at each other intently.

"How about we settle this in a game~" Toga asked sweetly to sweetly if you ask me.

"Sure, what game?" I ask not breaking eye contact.

"We could play knives, if I win you have to tell me you biggest secret and if you win I'll tell you all about that quirk you got" she says confidently.

"Are you sure about that Toga, I've been practicing" I say in a low growl.

"Ok, how about you two calm down" Ida says trying not to let us use knives.

"Oh! We are calm!" I say going immediately back to my happy-go-lucky demeanor. "I knew this would happen and besides it's a really fun game!!"

"What the hell is knives even?!" Kacchan asked accusingly.

"We find a target and throw a knife at it" I say like it's an every day thing.

"I say we use the creepy little grape as a target!!" Toga suggested. To which all the girls seemed to agree.

"I'll take you to his room!" Momo said as she stood up.

"No! We are not using a human!!" I say before anything could happen. "We aren't allowed to leave this dorm area after seven so we're going to wait until tomorrow, ok Himiko?"

"Ugh fine!" She grumbled for a second. We all decided to play a few other games before ultimately going to bed. Luckily I think everyone seemed to warm up to Himiko quickly.

"Midoriya, you seem really close to Toga" Todoroki said as he finished putting a pj shirt on.

"Yeah, she was like the first person that actually decided to talk to me and if it weren't for her the chances are I'd be dead" I say honestly.

"Do you...... like her....? I mean you took her with you everywhere and you seemed so happy with her I-"

"Sho, I love you." I say as I give him a hug and peck on the lips. "Besides Toga's lesbian" I whisper in his ear giggling. In stead of going back to my bed I slept with Sho and cuddled him all night.

1263 Words

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