"I don't need anyone"

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(A/N)- Before you read please remember this.

Bold slanted is negative thoughts.

Slanted is either regular or positive thoughts.

There might be a lot more time skips. That's really it. Now onto the story.

Red woke up again at night. Ever since she got here, the same nightmare she had years ago came back to haunt her. The same one with her waking up screaming 'no'. She could never escape the nightmare. Everytime she tries to sleep it comes back but always slightly different.

It was killing her.

Again walking to the coffee machine, she grabbed a mug and made some coffee. What she didn't notice was the figure hidden in the shadows watching her.

-Time skip to the next day-

Dabi waited by Red's dorm to walk with her to school. After a few minutes she walked out of her dorm. Noticing Dabi she scoffed and kept walking down the hall.

"Hey Red."


"Wow not talking to me now? What did I do?"


"That's it. Just stop walking for a second and answer me. What's wrong?"Dabi asked, going in front of her. But that didn't stop her.

Once again red didn't answer and walked through Dabi by using her quirk.

"Woah. Hey wait!"Dabi said amazed until he snapped out of his dazed and caught up to the teen

"What the hell do you want?"Red snapped at him

"And she speaks!"Dabi joked to try and lighten her mood

Red only scoffed in reply and tried to walk away, until dabi pulled her back in front of him.

"Hey okay, sorry. I just want to know what's wrong."

"You should know. Besides it doesn't matter. We are not friends."Red said crossing her arms

"Okay fine. We're not friends but I want to know what's wrong with you. Yesterday you seemed okay."Dabi shrugged confused at her behaivior

"Exactly seemed okay. You don't know shit about me. It will stay like that so back off."Red said walking away

"Why don't you let people into your life?"Dabi asked following her

"I don't need anyone else."


"I just don't!"

"What's the reason? With you there's always a reason."

"You don't know anything."

At this point they both stopped in the hall once again. One pissed and the other confused.

"You're right, I don't. But I want to get to know you. I want to know what's wrong with you."

"There's a lot of shit wrong with me. Be specific."Red said sarcastically rolling her eyes

"Why are you mad? Are you mad at me? Did I do something to piss you off?"

'Why does he care so much about this?'Red thought

"Why do you care so much?"

"I just want to help you."

"I don't want your empty help. You barely know me. I'm basically a stranger to you."

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