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A/N I am making not one but two new stories! One rehab story with the same villains we all love and an Aizawa's daughter reader x Bakugou X Todoroki! Hope you guys read both or one of them when reading this one! Now enough said and onto the chapter!

Eri's POV

I was standing in front of Deku-kun with his hands on my shoulders making me less nervous. There were strangers in front of me except for Nii-chan (Dabi) and To-chan (Toga) becuase i knew them already.

"Guys this is... Eri"Deku-kun said "Say Hi Eri-chan"

"H-hi..."i said with a little wave

"Hey there Eri-chan!"

"AW! Shes so cute!"

"Hi there!"

All the strangers spoke at once so i covered my ears and eyes from the noise and being scared.

"Too loud..."I quietly said but enough for Deku-kun to hear

"Hey shut it! You're scarring her"he said crouching in front of me. All the noise stopped so i slowly opened eyes and ears.

"Hey it's okay... the noise is gone"Deku-kun said with a calming voice

"Hey Eri-chan! I missed you and so did Dabi!"To-chan said picking me up spinning me around. I giggled.

"I missed you to To-chan and Nii-chan!"I said hugging her tightly

"Wow Eri-chan, Toga and Deku get a hug but i don't? I thought i was your older brother?"Nii-chan said in a hurt voice but i knew he was being silly

I get down from To-chan and run to Nii-chan giving him a tight hug. He picks me up ad spins me around.

To others it would've looked like a family and it was. Eri was like there sister and daughter that they had to protect at all costs. If anything happened to her under watch, Deku would kill that person, everyone in the room and himself. He loved and cared for her especially.

They all started talking and introduced Eri to Kirishima(Kiri-kun), Mina(Mi-chan), Sero(Roro) and Kaminari(Pika). Eri gave them all nicknames since she can't say there names well and for fun. They all talked and asked her question until it started getting dark.

"Okay well what are we gonna do now? We can't hide her with us since Aizawa checks our room every night"Deku asked the group

"She can stay with one of us! What do you say Eri-chan? How about a sleepover?!"Mina asked very excited

Eri covered her ears from the loud shouting" Too loud Mi-chan" she said

"Oops sorry Eri-chan. But what do you say?"She asked in a lower voice

Eri nodded yes in agreement.

"Yay sleepover!"Mina shouted but not too loud for Eri

"Okay that's fine but it's up to Eri on who she wants stay with. Go ahead and choose Eri"Deku said motioning her to choose

Eri took a while to decide but eventually chose BOTH Mina and Kirishima. Both Kirishima and Mina got flustered and nervous while the others laughed.

"Umm... Eri-chan? You have to choose one of us. We can't have a sleepover in the same room together"Kirishima said

"Hm? Why not? Deku-kun, To-chan and me slept in the same room before"she said confused

"Eri-chan that was different. We fell asleep watching a movie in the living room. They can't do that here"Deku said calming down from laughter

" then i have a sleepover with...Kiri-kun!"Eri said jumping up and down next to him

"Aw not me Eri-chan?"Mina said fake pouting

"Mi-chan is too loud for Eri-chan. But tomorrow we have a sleep over!"Eri said to cheer her up

They all left back to the dorms. Luckily Mr. Aizawa wasn't there and no one was in the common room. They successfully took Eri to Kirishima's room. Deku and the others said goodnight to her and left. They thought it was successful.

"Okay Eri-chan you can sleep on th-"Kirishima was then cut off by..

Bang Bang

"Oi! Shittyhair! Open up!"which startled Eri almost making her cry from the noise

"Dammit uh i mean..coming hold up!"Kirishima said to Bakugou then turning back to Eri

"Eri-chan hide in the closet please for a minute"he said putting her in the closet. But what he didn't know was that she hated the dark...

Kirishima opened the door and greeted Bakugou. "What's up bakubro?"he said but obviously nervous

"Hey I- what's up with you?"Bakugou asked suspicously

"What do you mean? nothing I'm fine"Kirishima said horribly lying

Then a hits on the closet door were heard.

While that was happening in the closet...

Eri was extremely scared of the dark. She started having trouble breathing and forming words. She tried to speak but only whispers came out. She slowly got up to the door and hit it repeatedly.

Back to the boys-

"What's in the closet?"Bakugou said walking into Kirishimas room

"Bro don't op-"It was to late and he opened the door. All you see is a little girl in tears on the floor looking up.

"Oh shi- Eri-chan are you okay? I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were scared of the dark..."Kirishima started to mumble apologies to Eri while hugging her tight.

"Um what the fuck? Who is this?"Bakugou said confused as heck pointing at Eri

"One language thers a kid here. Two long story. and three stop pointing its rude"Kirishima said carrying Eri in his arms and swatting Bakugous hand.

Kirishima explained everything to Bakugou while Eri was sleeping on Kirishimas bed. She fell asleep when they first started explaining what happened.

"Wait so that's Deku's kid? Damn i didn't think he would-"Bakugou said surprised

What? No! He saved her from some bad guys they were dealing with so he took her in when he found her."Kirishima explained


"So can you not say anything about this until we get it situated with Mr. Aizawa?"Kirishima asked

"Sure but don't expected me to help with this brat"Bakugou said motioning to the sleeping child

"That's fine but can you watch her for a sec cause i got to go to the bathroom. Thanks!"Kirishima ran out of the room util Bakugou can protest

"Dammit..."he muttered under his breath

Eri started to move around in her sleep. Bakugou noticed and was worried for the child even though he wouldn't admit it. Eri sits up awake and having trouble breathing, tears going down her face.

"Hey it's okay... You're okay"Bakugou said trying to calm the child

Eri notices the stranger but feels he isn't bad so she leaps on him into a hug. She hug onto him tight soaking his shirt from her tears. Bakugou gets surprised at first but soon wraps his arm around Eri and rubs her back calming her down.

They stay like that until she falls asleep and Kirishima walks into the room.He sees Bakugou lay her down and tucks her in. He smiles at the rare sight.

"Thanks bro"Kirishima says patting Bakugou's back

"Yeah..."Bakugou mumbles and walks back to his room.

Everyone falls asleep and wait for tomorrow to come. To see f Eri can stay.

A/N Hope you guys liked this chapter! There will be a part 2 for this so yea. So far the second villain rehab story i am making will come out next week and the Aizawa daughter reader will come out today later. Hope you guys read and like them. Well that's all for now, until next chapter!:)

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