Thanks, Info and Recap!

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Hey guys! :)

So this really isn't a chapter it's more like well... what's the title says basically.🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyways I just wanted to start off by saying this story hit 101K reads!

When I first started writing the story, I didn't think it would get read to be honest. But look how far it's come🥺. I feel like a mother with its child😂.

But guys, thanks for reading this. I wouldn't have kept the story going without your reads, funny comments or votes. I am very thankful😁.

So now that I've said that, I would like to start off with my OC Red.

You guys don't really have that much info to imagine her as soo here is some info on both Red and her mother Kisa.

Name: Akari Monato/ Aizawa
Parents: Kisa Monato (retired villain), Shota Aizawa (pro hero)

Quirk: Vision Xerox
She can copy any quirk she sees once it's activated. That includes mind related quirks. Ex: Mind manipulation, IQ improvement, etc. Her quirk can also be manipulated by her emotions once it's activated.

Drawbacks- dry eye, some drawbacks from the copied quirks just not as strong, and headaches

Eye color: Red but glow when quirk activates
Hair color: A really dark brown
Hair length: Medium
Height: in between Deku and Bakugou (too lazy to search it up)
Body: Hourglass

Stuff about her:
Sarcasm is her language
Lazy when she wants to be
Hates bullies
Isn't open at all
Trust issues are very low
Dark humor is her second language
Sometimes has stupid moments

That's all I'm putting for Red. Now onto Kisa!


Name: Kisa Monato
Daughter: Akari Monato/ Aizawa (Red)
Ex: Shota Aizawa
Alias: Villain Copier

Quirk: Mirror
Can copy quirks and have them all day but the limits or up to 15 (used to be five). Drawbacks are whatever the quirks she uses drawbacks but isn't as strong as it normally is.

Eye color: gold
Hair color: light brown
Hair length: Short
Height: basically the same as Midnight
Body: hourglass

Stuff about her:
Sarcasm is also her language
Open minded
Cheerful but depends on the people
Funny in every way

Welp, that's Kisa. Now onto the last thing....

The recap!

and other stuff to mention...

OK so it all started when Toga needed some blood. She couldn't control her self at the time so when Toga, Dabi and Deku were supposed to retrieve supplies and snacks.... Toga couldn't contain herself.

They were chased down by Pro heroes into alleyways until they were finally caught. Later on after being interrogated they were signed up (forced to) go to a villain rehabilitation program in known other than U.A. High!

Things happen as they attend there. The past comes back, family reunions and some fun pranks. While that goes on Deku has a secret plan going on to escape but doesn't feel the same about it after a while. Eri also joins the journey with them. Things go somewhat smoothly until...

A new character comes in. Red!

Some truth is unfolds as the escape happens. Aizawa has a daughter?! Toga confesses?! Dabi?! Love reveals, secrets spill and... a new look comes to view?

After Deku's escape, the big battle comes. All for one and All might's fight goes to a finished. Some truth is unfolded once again.

Then Deku dies.

Red saves him! Yay!

After that is a Nerve-racking testimony for deku. A deal not fulfilled with betrayal mixed in. Now we have caught up to the present!

So these next chapters will be more focused on Red and Dabi than anything really. I'll try including Toga and Deku moments and more. Writers block sucks so updates will be a bit longer.

Anyways, that's all for now and see you guys next chapter!

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