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A/N: Hello everyone! We are now closing in on this story ending sadly.  We have this one and three more chapters before ending. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter until the time comes! This one is more focusing on Dabi and Red so keep that in mind if Deku and Toga aren't in it. Also Happy Pride Month!! I wanted to wait until today to update since specific confessions are going to be revealed. (Hint: it was hinted in the canon quotes). Now onto the story!

It had been a few weeks since the hearing about Shigaraki escaping prison. It was difficult for everyone to stay calm but they somehow managed. But one person had something weighing on him that was totally different.

Dabi paced in his room, thinking over what he was about to do. Or say to be specific. Stopping in front of his mirror he gave a look of determination, to hype himself up. After that he walked straight out of his room to Red's room.

Stopping at her door, which was open, he raised his hand to knock on it. Looking over to Red who was reading on her bed, she looked up giving her attention to him.

"Red? Can I talk to you?"Dabi asked, walking into the room a bit.

"Dabi I told you I'm going to talk about who Kyo-"Red sighed sitting up in her bed

"No, no. Not that. I just... need to get something off my chest."Dabi shook his head shutting the door closed.

"Oh, sure I guess. I might not be good at talking about feelings but I'll try."Red shrugged, patting the side of her so Dabi could sit.

"Thanks. I would go to Deku or Toga but I'd rather say it to you first."Dabi said clasping his hands a bit nervously

"Why me?"Red asked curiously about his decision on him coming to her.

"It's easier to say this to someone you haven't known as long as them."Dabi shrugged, huffing a laugh.

"I get it. But what is it? No pressure or anything."Red reassured making sure he was comfortable talking to her.

"Okay..."Dabi took a minute to say what he needed to but seeing a reassuring smile from Red (which was rare) he took a deep breath.

"I'm... bisexual."Dabi confessed turning to Red to see her surprised face.

"Really? Huh, I'm glad you could tell me."Red said smiling to him, no negative sign in sight.

"You're not mad or disgusted? Cause I've heard from other people in stories I've read they-"Dabi began to ramble before being interrupted

"Dabi. I'm glad you had the courage to tell me. It's really difficult for people to do that. And who cares what other people think? It's your own sexuality, not theirs. So don't be ashamed because of other people."Red reassured getting a surprise hug from Dabi in response.

"Thank you for your support. This helps a lot."Dabi said into her shoulder, Red hugging back in response while rubbing his back.

"Hey, it's not my right to judge you or others based on your sexuality. Those types of people who judge piss me off. When did you know you were bi?"Red asked, pulling away from the hug to look at Dabi.

"There were some signs I guess back when I was with Hawks in the hero commission. Then some other times in the league. But before we were first captured I just realized I was bi. It took a while for me to fully understand it and now I do. But in reality I think I always knew."Dabi explained to which Red nodded in understanding

"When will you tell the others?"Red asked

"Soon hopefully. At least when I get the courage to."Dabi answered, looking at his hands in thought.

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