A New Plan?

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Time passed by in the office with The Midoriya's. Talking and talking about there lives, especially Deku since his parents had so many questions. Like 'how was it like?' Or 'did you almost die?'(his father of course said that).

Lots more to which deku explained his relationship with Dabi, Toga and Eri. Well basically a lot about Eri since she is basically his child, to which both parents were surprised yet proud of.

Ring Ring

The bell for lunch rung which startled Deku.

'How long was I here for?'

He didn't think much of it until he remembered his friends. 'Shit' he thought.

"Hey guys? I want you to meet the others. I know there gonna barge in soon so I'll get them. I'll be back."deku Said getting up from his seat.

"Okay son!"
"We'll be here waiting for you Izuku!"

He nodded at both of them. He turned to open the door but the door swung open which hit deku on the forehead.

"Shit..."he looked up and saw the two idiots. An irk appeared and was second guessing this but gave in.

"You two. Come with me."ignoring there questions and protests while rubbing his head

"Deku! What happened? Who were they? Do I get blood?-
"Idiot. Answer the questions. Do I need to kill some one?-

"Shut up you two! I can't explain when you two are ranting questions. And Toga... you owe me since you hit me with the door."he frustratingly said rubbing his temples

"Sorry deku. But are you gonna explain?"
"Yes I will but we need Eri."
"Well you better make this quick. I didn't ditch lunch to hear bullshit."
"Shut up burnt toast. Let's go get Eri and I'll explain everything on the way."
"Okay Izu-kun~"
"Shut up vampire."

Deku explained everything to both of his friends what happened. Still asking lots of questions which most deku couldn't understand were said. Eventually the three arrived at the room Eri was always at while they were at school.

'Finally were here. God if they ask one more god damn question imma jump out the window an-'

Deku's thoughts were interrupted by a cheery little girl hugging his leg.

"Deku-kun!"She said happily with a bright smile
"Hi Eri!"He said cheerfully lifting her up starting to walk back to the office
"Hey kid."
"Hiya eri-chan!"

The girl waved happily at the other two, still being held by Deku. Walking towards the office Eri grew curious. She's been there before but only for 'important' reasons, well she's been told.

"Deku-kun? Why we going to office?"
"Well you're gonna meet some nice people that I know. So is Dabi and Toga. Is that okay?"he looked at her with a bit of concern
"Yup! Anything for Deku-Kun!"she cheerfully said lifting her hands up in the air
"Why do you act like that only with Eri-Chan?!"Toga whined to deku
"Cause she's my favorite."He said turning to her

Dabi chuckled at his statement while Toga wished that she was his favorite. But everyone agreed that Eri was everyone's favorite.

All four of them entered the office. There stood the parents of Deku. The two teens were shocked even though they just heard about them. While Eri was smiling shyly and did a little wave to them.

Finally after what felt like forever silence, Deku broke it.

"Mom, Dad... this is Eri, Toga, and Dabi."he motioned to each person
"Hiya! Nice to meet you!"

The three greeted in their own ways (as you can tell who's who) to the two adults in front of them. To which they kindly greeted back.

-Deku's Thoughts-
'Now that I've seen them again... I can't go through with the plan as much as I wanted to before. I still want to but now it feels... wrong? God I'm growing weak! I'll just do the plan myself. It would be better anyways for Dabi, Toga, and Eri. The two idiots can protect Eri and my parents while I'm gone. They would understand if leave them behind... right?'

-Back to No One POV-

Up til the end of the day, everyone talked and got along. Even all might and nezu talked a bit but had to leave from time to time. The day was going well for everyone.

Well almost everyone...

??? POV

Right now I'm running. Not just running but for my life. You'd think a teenage girl would just run for well I guess almost anything that's normal. Not me.

"Stop you... you villain?! Ugh Red stop!!"
"Nah I'm good!"

Well as you heard (or well read) I'm running from a hero after getting some lunch. Sure sounds innocent but I also needed some money.

If you don't see where this is going, I robbed the store.

Yeah I should get a job but nah.

Finally after what felt like a marathon, I lost the hero and made it to my destination.

I entered the run down looking building which held a bar I knew. Inside I saw kurogiri, who's a good friend of my mother and me.

I waved hello and went to the basement.

I'm sure you're probably wondering 'why did that hero hesitate to say villain', 'am I part of the league?', or anything similar. To answer your question I'm not apart of the league but I know them.

I'm not really a villain nor hero. I'm the person in between both worlds willing to help whichever side for good reasons. Or for reasons of my own.

Oh my names Red. Well public name. My actual name well... I won't say until later.

I entered the basement quietly listening to hand job and the scientist guy talk.

"Okay, will this prototype work? Unlike the last 10 of today!"hand job yelled frustratingly

'What prototype? What will it do?'

"I'm sure of it sir."
"Well get on with it!"
"Y-Yes sir!"

Light red started shining from the cube shaped machine. What ever it was supposed to do I guess didn't since shigaraki looked pissed.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"he yelled waking the machine with a hammer
"How are we supposed to erase quirks without Deku and his blue prints he usually makes for these types of shit!?!?"

'Erase quirks? I guess deku thought of this which sounds likely but why that? Wait- Oh shit! They could end all might easily and have there own quirks if they knew how to build it properly! And I know how...'

"Whining won't help hand job."I Said leaning on the door way
"Oh it's just you Red. How's your mother? She would help with this shit."he said waving the scientist guy off

I walked over to him while looking over his blueprints on the table.

"She's alright. You know I could help? I already see the problems you haven't noticed and some things you could change."I said bluntly while fixing some things on the blueprints

"What's the catch?"he said looking onto the blueprints as well
"Helping me with my mother's escape."
"I could do that. Once this device is done, it would be easy to do."

I finished the edits I made onto the blueprints. I turned to him with my hand out.

"Then do we have a deal?"
"Yes we do have a deal"he said shaking my hand (with his pinky out of course!)

"First, we gotta get Deku and the other idiots back."shigaraki Said with a smirk

"Sounds fun..."

A/N hope you guys liked this longish chapter and new character I put in! Trust me, I know she's an OC of mine but she'll be important in the story. Anyways til next chapter!

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