The Final Battle

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"Breaking news! Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains has brought chaos to the cities of Japan. Millions of people running from fear of these Nomu creatures. Everyone who is on the streets, find a safe hiding away from the cities."

There shigaraki stood, on the tallest building with a nomu on his side. He watched as his other nomu's caused the destruction and chaos into the streets while people ran from fear.

He smiled sinisterly as he waited for the Pro Heroes to come. Which wasn't too long.





-With class 2-A-

Once the class heard about the mayhem in the cities, they got ready for battle. Deja Vu went over them as they remembered the battle they had last year with Deku. But this time there was no quirk canceling machine, or Deku being a villain, or all for one fighting all might.

But it was still gonna be a hard fight to face.

The nomu's that were attacking the city were more advanced and harder to defeat. They upped there game this time. But nothing would stop them. Not today, not ever.

There they sat in the bus on the way to the scene. Concentrated yet putting bave faces on. But deep down they were still scared but for the sake of the innocent people in the city, they sat brave.

"Hey guys, whatever happens in there-"Kirishima began but was interrupted

"Nope. We're not doing that shit." Deku interrupted standing in front of everyone in the bus

"We're all coming back, you all here me? Everyone's coming back alive and that's not a choice. That's an order."Deku commanded to everyone, motivating them. In a way.

"Are we weak?"he asked them looking around to every one

"No."some answered, getting motivated

"Are we gonna lose?"Deku asked raising his voice

"No!"they answered

"Then lets act like the heroes we are and fight strong!"he yelled to the others

"Yeah!"everyone shouted except for one who was lost in thought as they headed there.

Dabi noticed Red quieter than usual. Sure she was always quiet in front of others but not this quiet. It worried him. After they confessed their secrets to each other, it brought them closer.

"Red? You good?"Dabi asked nudging Red's shoulder, interrupting her thought process.

"What?"Red asked, snapping out of her daze.

"I said you good? You looked lost there."Dabi asked concern

"I'm fine, just thinking..."

"Well you might want to get your head out of the clouds, we're here."Dabi said standing up with the others

"Hey,"Red said, catching Dabi's arm to get his attention once more

"Yeah?"he asked turning back looking confused. Slightly concerned on her weird behavior.

"Be careful."she advised. A serious, yet scared look lacing on her face when she spoke.

"Is the Red telling me to be careful? I feel so honored."Dabi sarcastically said trying to lift the mood. But it didn't do much.

"Shut up, I just... have a bad feeling about this."she admitted letting go of his arm. She sighed looking away to the window showing some of the havoc outside.

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