Is the battle over?

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-No Ones POV-
Dabi, Bakugou, and Toga watched the top of the building explode. In shock the three stood there, that was until they ran.

"No! No,no,no no!"Toga yelled as she went into the building

She was ahead of the other two boys. This was harder for her than them two.

Once she reached the top, she quickly looking around the roof. Most of the machine was on fire and all over the place. Some small fires were around but it wasn't that bad.

Finally she spotted him unconscious on the floor with an air mask.

"No!"she ran to him

The other two boys caught up and watched the scene unfold.

"No,no,no,no,no! Stay with me Deku! Please! You can't go now! You can't leave me now! Stay with me!"she said picking Deku's head up and placing it on her lap.

She shook it a bit to wake him up but it didn't work. She took the mask off and checked his pulse.

Realizing there was a heart beat, she grew a bit happy.

"He's alive! Dabi, Bakugou! One of you get some help! He doesn't have much more time!"she yelled to the boys

"On it."Bakugou said running to get help

Dabi ran to Toga and picked Deku up. They both ran downstairs carrying an unconscious Deku.

As they reach the lobby, helped arrived just in time. Dabi placed Deku down quick but gently on the stretcher.

Toga went on the ride to the hospital and told Dabi to call Deku's parents.

The ride to the hospital was nerve racking.

-Deku's POV-
I slowly woke up in pain. 'I'm not dead?'

I felt an air mask on my face. Lights shined into my eyes but weren't fully open. I looked around a bit and noticed I was strapped down.

People were talking but I couldn't quite make it out. I was being rolled on a stretcher but fast. I looked to my left and saw my parents with worried faces.

A nurse and doctors on my right. And right in front of my parents was Toga with tears streaming down her face.

I smiled at her until I went back to unconsciousness.

-Time skip to later-
-Deku's POV still-
I woke up again to beeping in the room. Slowly opening my eyes to adjust the light that shined bright in my face. I felt like shit.

I start to look around the room a bit. Noticing I was in a hospital while looking around. My arms were bandaged and one was cuffed to the bed. I guess I got scratched up when the explosion erupted. There was also an air mask was also over my mouth and nose which felt a bit annoying.

To my left was Toga sleeping on a chair with puffy pink eyes, from my guess was from crying on how I almost died. But that's just a guess. She was also still wearing her old villain costume from the battle. There were rips and blood on it. A semi large slash was on her sleeve but underneath her arm was bandaged up.

I look around it a bit more to find the not so loud voices. I saw the door opened with shadows against the door. My guess was that it was my parents talking to the doctor or each other.

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