Breaking News!

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A/N: Hello everyone! Now I was going to do a part 3 on babysitting but I couldn't think of anything else, so I decided to just go to this chapter. If anyone wants me to do a part 3 with ideas of their own, let me know. Until then I'll be posting the rest of the chapters. Hope you guys like this chapter for now. Now onto reading the story!

It was currently the next week after Red and Deku were children. They luckily lasted for one full day and a half. Everyone ended up surviving the two trouble makers those days. Once they reverted back, everyone took a nap the rest of the day. When they did, both Red and Deku were confused since they didn't remember anything from the time they were children, to which the class was thankful for.

Back to the present time it was a normal day on the villain floor of the dorm building. Deku and Toga were baking cookies for Eri, who was coloring at the kitchen table. Red was helping Dabi put on some bandages on his arms from a hard day of training. While the TV blared on some random news channel filling the room with sounds, along with the conversations and laughs.

Just a normal day.....




Well the beginning it was at least.

"Hey Red?"Dabi called to Red. Dabi who was sitting on the couch while Red laid on the other reading.

"Yeah?"Red answered, not looking up from her book.

"When you were in child form last week, you kept bringing up someone named Kyo-"Dabi said, catching Red's attention once he said a specific name she didn't like to bring up.

"What did you say?"she asked shutting her book closed

"Kyo. Red, who is Kyo?"Dabi asked now curious and concern on the girls actions

"No one. Just don't bring it up again."she replied coldly getting up from her spot

"But-"Dabi tried again but was interrupted

"Just. Don't."Red said now standing with her eyes red in anger


"Shut up Dabi. Toga turn up the news."Deku interrupted Dabi, now paying attention to the TV. Toga grabbed the remote, turning the volume higher to hear what the news person was saying.

"Breaking news! We report live in front of one of the most secure prisons that held members of the league of villains."the first sentence itself caught the attention of everyone in the room.

Red fully calmed down, sitting back to her spot to watch the TV. Dabi was now sitting up interested what they had to say.

"Eri, go color in my room."Deku commanded, putting the bowl he was using down on the counter

"Okay Deku-kun."Eri did what she was told and ran into his room with her coloring things

Deku and Toga stopped what they were doing and turned their attention towards the TV. Watching intently, wondering, and hoping nothing too bad happened. Oh how wrong they were.

"According to my resources, there was a break out at 4:05 pm today. Half an hour earlier today. As you can see, the damage was severe. Resulting in many guards injured from the breakout. Luckily 90% of villains are still in custody, and are being transferred into another facility..."

The blaring TV was the only thing to be heard in the common room. Everyone was silent. Angry- no, seething with rage but silent.

The news kept playing, showing the pictures of who escaped. A couple of thugs but some well known villains. Luckily All for One was not one, but unfortunately Shigaraki was on the list. The news kept playing, warning others about the villains and pro heroes who were on the case until it turned to commercials.

"Did you know about any of this?"Deku asked to Red, anger flaming in his eyes as he looked at her

"The hell did you just ask?"Red threatened standing up

"I asked, did you know about this?"Deku growled, stepping closer to her threateningly

"Why the hell do you think I know about this shit? Do you not trust me? The one who begged to start over months ago when I first came."Red said as her eyes glowed in anger by the stupid question Deku just asked

"I'm just trying to figure out how this happened."Deku claimed, not looking fazed by her threateningly look even though deep down he knew he was scared as hell

"Well it wasn't me dipshit. I was with you guys half an hour ago."Red replied, confident with her honest answer

"Well you do have your quirks back-"

"Oh my god. Both of you shut it!"Toga interrupted pulling Deku back, as Dabi pulled Red back

"Now is not the time to point fingers, even though we were all together during the time it happened. Shigaraki is out and we need to find him before he pulls some shit."Dabi continued as he looked back and forth at the two who were calming down

"Alright... Anyone have any ideas?"Toga asked

"Yes, it's that you four stay out of it."Aizawa answered

"Sir-"Deku said wide eyed, turning to Aizawa who just entered the room

"I don't want to hear it. Some already tried to make a team once I entered the building. Everyone is to stay out of this unless they are asked to be a part of it. Understood?"Aizawa demanded more than asked

"Yes sir."everyone answered, not even trying to put up a fight

"Good, and to make sure nothing happens, everyone is going on lockdown. That means no one leaves the building. People will guard the dorms so don't even try it."Aizawa said leaving

Once they knew Aizawa left, Dabi spoke once more.

"I guess we just wait it out."Dabi shrugged sitting on the couch again

"What?! No we're not-"

"Deku we can't do anything right now. If anything we need to stay out of it."Dabi said interrupting Deku

"No I'm not just gonna sit here-"Deku began, his anger building up again

"Izuku please. We need to let the pro's handle it this time. If anything we're all a target so it's better to stay safe than risk ourselves."Toga pleaded interrupting him, not wanting to risk losing him again

"We can't do anything stupid right now Deku. So there's no point in getting involved."Red shrugged walking over to the fridge

"Alright... I'll stay out of it. The partols looking for them at least. But that doesn't stop me on researching or making some calls."Deku gave in

"Good enough for me."Toga agreed knowing this as far as she can get with him

Weeks went by, and nothing happened. No robberies, destruction or nomu's at all, it was suspicious. But they tried not to worry too much. Even though everyone trained harder than before, they tried to stay calm and not overthink things.

Things were going fine...




"Breaking news! Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains has brought chaos to the cities of Japan."

...never mind.

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