Toga and Hair Dye

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A/N This might be shorter than the other chapters! Enjoy though!

Deku's POV
"Who the fuck gave her scissors!? How did she even find any?!"I yelled

Apparently toga is going to her blood wanting faze. It's basically when she hasn't had blood for a while and is in desperate need of it. If she doesn't get any or gets knocked out soon, this class and including me and Dabi will be killed.

"Everyone get out of the fucking classroom!"I Said to them as they stared a bit and started walking out. "NOW! UNLESS YOU WANNA DIE!" Right as I said that they ran out except for Shoto.

"What the hell you still doing here?! Get out or you'll die!"dabi Said with slight concern trying to block toga from getting to him. I can tell he still cares for his safety, hero or not. Makes sense why he didn't want to attack or go new Shoto on missions.

"I can help" shoto Said with no expression like always "I can freeze her and only show her head for you guys can knock her out" he said analyzing the problem to try and get a good hit at her.

"Then do it!"I yelled at him to hurry him up

"I can't. She's moving around to much. If I do hit her like this then I'll get you guys too." Shoto explained to them

"Who cares! You can still unfreeze us!"I said trying to keep an eye on Toga until i lost her "Just hit her before she-dammit where'd she go?! Toga!". Just as I yelled for her I hear giggling above me. Shit.

"Dammit!" I say right as toga tackles me trying to stab me with scissors.

"Come on Deku-Kun~. Just give me a little bit of that pretty blood~"Toga said trying to stab me again. Luckily I push off far and hard enough to give us time to freeze her.

"FREEZE HER NOW!"I yell at Shoto. He freezes her in an instant and I get a book to knock her out.

I knock her out in time for Aizawa to arrive. Damn he arrives in the right time doesn't he? The classroom is a mess with books, backpacks, desks, and chairs all over the place. He looks at us surprised at what he sees.

"What happened here?" He asks. We explain what was going on and tell him about getting blood soon.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. Now I'll let the class come in and help you clean this mess up."He says walking out. We start to crouch down and pick up the papers off the floor. I glance over to dabi and notice the top of his head.

Red roots.

I look around me and notice we are alone in the back of the class. Everyone is mostly in the front cleaning. I grab dabi by the arm to get his attention.

"What the He-"I cut him off
"Your hair."I say bluntly
"Okay what about it"he asks. Can't he take a hint?
"Red roots."I say bluntly again. I go back to picking up the papers again, letting go of his arm.
"Shit. I can't buy hair dye. Should I ask Aizawa?or what?"he asks me
"I don't know. Do you really want HIM to know about...(he looks around)you know?"I ask him. He nods no."then maybe I can ask someone to get some for you or something."
"Thanks."he says to me
"Mhmm"I hum picking up the last pieces of paper.

Time skip to the end of the day.
No ones POV- nurses office
Dabi and deku go to check on Toga. Apparently some how, someone donated blood to give to her. No one knows who but some how Aizawa got some blood donated.

"You back to 'normal' crazy now?" Dabi asks slightly chuckling at the thought
"Yup! All back to crazy!"Toga says cheerfully giggling
"Good cause I don't want to go through that again until two more weeks."deku says laying on end of the bed.

They laugh at the day they had and head back to the dorms together. They get back and Dabi and Toga go to their 'friends'. While that happens, deku looks for someone to get some hair dye.

Deku's POV
Damn this is gonna be a bit hard. Who the hell is gonna be 'nice' and get me some hair for Dabi? Bakugou and Uraraka are for sure out after what happened earlier. Mina? No. Denki? No. Sero? Nah. Shoto? Hell no. Ooo I know.

"Hey Kirishima!"I yell for him in the hallway. I notice he is not alone. He's with the 'Bakusquad' or whatever they call themselves. Along with Bakugou and Uraraka, Great.

"Shittyhair! Let's go!" Bakugo yelled as in giving him a hint to not acknowledge Deku.

"Hold up Bakubro" Kirishima says to Bakugou to reassure him. "What up Deku?"he asks

"Can we talk? Without them?"I tell him pointing at the others behind him to mess with Bakugou and Uraraka.

"Sure"he says then turns to the others. "I'll be there in a sec, go ahead without me" giving a reassuring smile to the others.

Everyone leaves slowly giving him a nervous smile saying okay. "Alright, What you need man?" Kirishima asks

"Can you do me a favor?"I ask
"Sure! What's the favor?"he asks cheerfully. It's like a puppy making his owner happy. I thought.
"I can't go full detail why but I need you to buy me some black hair dye"I tell him
"Um okay? When did you need it?"he asks with a weird expression
"Can you get me some tomorrow?"I ask
"No problem! Is that it?"he says a bit too cheerfully
"Yea pretty much. Thanks."I say turning around to head back.
"Oh and keep this between us... got that?"I tell him only turning my head back
"Yea, Okay" he says a bit nervously
"Good."then I leave to my dorm to be antisocial

In Kirishima's Head- Why does he need black hair dye? His hair is green. Is he gonna try something new? Why does he want me to keep it a secret? Who knows.

Back to Deku's POV
Damn that was exhausting. Being social is too much work for me. I think flopping onto my bed.

Until next chapter! And yes I know it was ended a bit differently but I kinda have a writers block on processing the chapters. I have ideas for some but I don't really know how to connect them yet. It might take a while so please wait for the next chapters it might take a bit of time. Thanks!

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