Where did you take her?!

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A/N: 2 chapters in one day! Yay! Hope you guys like it! Anyways to the chapter!

-Reds POV-
After the portal opened in front of me. I ran right in.

I was in the building that shigaraki, kurogiri, and Deku would be. So I cleared out the building.

I knocked out security and others who tried to fight or call for help. Most just ran out.

Then after I was done with my part of the deal. I went outside of the building and started my mission.

To retrieve my mother.

Going through the city as chaos erupted from the heart of it. Running, teleporting and growing wings like hawks. That's all I was doing while heading towards the prison my mother was held.

Finally my wings were fully grown so getting there was faster. Flying through the air, around every building. I finally spotted the prison.

Luckily most guards were gone because of the situation that was happening. I knocked out all guards that were ever in my way to reach her.

I flew through every corridor and turned every corner.

'201... 202... 203... 204... 205!"

Once I found my mothers cell I broke down the door. It was dark inside so I couldn't really see clearly. I saw a figure under the blanket on the bed so I thought it was her. Boy was I wrong.

"Mom! Let's go and get out of here! We have to hurry before anyone gets here! Mom?..."I Said

I thought she was sleeping so I walked forward to the figure. Shaking I noticed something wrong.

"Mom?..."I Said again but lifted the blanket up

Eyes turning red, hair floating as I saw pillows underneath.

I heard movement outside the cell so I turned around. Seeing a tall figure in the doorway. It looked like a shadow since I couldn't see there face and it was really dark. It blocked the light from outside.

"Where is she?"I threatened

They stayed silent and just stood there. Growing inpatient I walked a bit closer and repeated my question. I still couldn't see there face.

"I said where is she?"
"She's fine."
"I didn't ask how she was. I asked where is she?!"

I started to recognize the voice so I grew curious.

"Step into the light."i said curiously lifting an eyebrow

He did what i asked, but it just made my mood way worse.

"You bastard! What did you do to her?! Where is she?! Why do you always take her away from me?!" I yelled as I began to throw punches left and right.

I hit him a couple of times at first but he dodged or blocked the rest. This grew my frustration and anger.

"Why can't you leave us alone?! You already ruined our lives, so why bother?!"

He contemplated on answering. As he thought for a split moment, he got kicked in the gut.

"I can't do that."he gasped out

"Why can't you?!"I yelled wanting know

I wanted to know why he targeted us most. He already caught her, what's the point of taking her away again? Sure they had history of being hero, villain rivals but that's it.

(A/N: Red don't know there history. Only that Aizawa looked for her mother because of villainous acts.)

They stood facing each other still in battle stances. Both out of breath from the battle but wasn't over.

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