Dinner with the Todoroki's

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-Time skip to the Todoroki residence-

Red and Dabi worked on the project together for the time being until dinner was ready. But they still got distracted by competing in video games with Natsuo and Shoto.

"This is really good Fuyumi. Better than Toya's cooking."Red praised


"Thank you Red! I'm glad you like the food. And you're kinda right about Toya's cooking. It's not that great."Fuyumi confessed

"I'm still here!"dabi whined

"Don't take it too personal, Nii-san. You're just not very good at cooking."Natsuo shrugged

"Well- at least I try!"he reasoned

"Trying to what? Kill us with food poisoning?"Red retorted

Everyone laughed at the comment at Red made, while Dabi pouted but chuckled a bit.

Dinner was going well so far. Well that was until someone joined.

"Who invited this brat into my home?"Endeavor said with anger

"I did. Now if you'll excuse us, we need to help clean up."Dabi said not even bothering a glance to his direction

"I never gave you permission to invite this villain into my home."Endeavor said

"Well I never gave you permission to act like a father to me. Plus you treated your family like a villain so do you belong here?"Dabi argued

"How dare you-"

"Just shut up already. Face it Endeavor. Your children hate you. You wanna know why? Cause you suck at being a father. Now quick being an asshat and move out of the fucking way so we can clean up like good people. Unlike you."Red said eyes slightly glowing red, getting brighter bit by bit

"You don't speak-"

"I can and I will. You are not my father nor superior. I can do whatever I please, including kicking your ass right now. If you want to be respected then start by trying and be a father. An actual decent one."Red said as she handed the rest of dirty dishes to Fuyumi

"Dabi, Shoto? Can we leave before I create your home into a crime scene?"she asked turning to the boys, trying to calm herself down

(she said shoto to not confuse you guys and to not confuse them)

"Yeah we can. Shoto, go get your things please. Thanks again Yumi."Dabi said passing Red the rest of her stuff, as well as grabbing his

"Yes thank you again Fuyumi. It was really good. Nice to meet you, Natsuo as well. Thank you for letting me in your home."Red bowed surprising Dabi and Shoto once again with the sudden appearance of manners

"Of course! Thank you for coming!"Fuyumi said with joy, slightly ignoring her angry father

"You are more than welcome to come back with them."Natsuo said with a mischievous smile, already approving of her attitude towards her father

"Thank you-"Red tried to thank them but was once again interrupted

"She is not-!"Endeavor tried to protest but was interrupted as well

'That's it. And I tried to warn him.'Red thought in her head as her eyes were bright red

"Listen here you little-! Hey!? Put me down Dabi! I'm doing you a favor!"Red protested but Dabi picked her up over his shoulder, adjusting her things onto his other arm

"Bye guys!"Dabi waved running out of the house

"Good-bye Fuyumi and Natsuo."Shoto said calmly leaving the home, unbothered by what was even happening

"We are not over you- mph!"Red tried to yell out to Endeavor but was stopped

"As much as I want to see you kill Endeavor, you can't for many reasons you know why. Now when I put you down you are not going to run."Dabi scolded Red putting her down but her still in his grip. A hand still also covering her mouth.

"Better?"He said slowly letting her go

"Yeah- just kidding. Where's the asswhole!? Come out piece of shit! And fight me! Fight like the so called hero you are!"Red ran off back to the house

"Red stop!"Dabi said going after her, passing Shoto

"You're not my supervisor!"She yelled back

"Shoto! Help me!"Dabi shouted at him

"Sorry Toya. I have an important phone call so can you please keep it down?"Shoto said calmly with his phone up to his ear, wearing a mischievous smirk

"Really?! Red wait! Don't make me get Aizawa!"

"I'm a bad bitch and not- active villain! You can't stop me! Come out asswhole!"

Red almost caused the death of Endeavor that day but was sadly stopped by Dabi, Aizawa who was unluckily in the area for patrol and the shock bug on her neck. Curse the shock bug.

A/N: Hey again! Forgot to mention, well ask, if you guys can give me situation ideas for the zoo chapter. Like one of them get stuck in a cage (already happening). If you guys can leave a suggestion that would be great! Also! Here's a little extra that I did but haven't really made it for a specific chapter. Enjoy! Til next chapter!


"Okay so, hostages are trapped in a warehouse with other villains with them. Four villains in total and 3 hostages. How do you get the hostages out? Discuss in a group of four."

Deku, Toga, Red and Dabi are in a group. It doesn't matter what the other groups are.

"Any ideas?"Deku asked

"I got one!"toga said eagerly

"Okay good. What is it?"deku asked ready to write it down

"It involves fire-"

"Absolutely not."

"No, no, she has a point."Red agreed

"Thank you!"toga thanked

"What do you mean has a point? How can you use fire to help them escape?"he asked confused

"Think about it. We use Dabi's fire to burn a hole above where the hostages are, get them,-"Red explained

"-and take them to safety. After that we deal with the villains and we're done. Easy."Dabi finished

"I-I... Aizawa we're done!"Deku said a bit surprised but didn't complain they finished

"Bring your paper then leave."Aizawa said

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