Red's first day

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(A/N)- Before i start the story, I would like to mention chapters will be taking longer to upload since i am grounded. Until my grades go up i can get my stuff back but until then i'm stuck without my devices but my tv. Thankfully I still got that. I do have a computer which they forgot to take but that's already hard to use secretly so yeah.

I also forgot to mention some things from the last chapter. Dabi does not have his scars still. If you guys remember from that one chapter he got his scars healed. This change is still there because of plot purposes! So don't be too sad since it'll only be like this for a bit. But yeah, that's it. On to the story!

-Reds POV-

I woke up to a blaring alarm clock and a peaceful sleeping Eri. After destroying the machine, I woke up Eri to go and get ready. Once she left I got dressed into the clothes they gave me. Except I replaced the skirt with some black ripped jeans (which i made). I wouldve been ready faster if this stupid qurik cancling bracelet was off. Well more like a repressor for me since it's not strong enough to cancel my quirk. Sadly only the strong and more 'dangerous' ones are canceled.(quirks like portal opening, elemental bending, knife maker, ect.)

As I finished brushing my teeth, I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey kid. Lets go."

"Um.... I got a better idea. How about you go ahead and i'll meet you there? Sounds great! 'Kay bye!"i said teleporting Eraserhead to his classroom which gave me a headache

'I shouldn't do that often. Or get more used to it.' I thought as I created a skateboard and helmet. I went outside and rode through the sidewalk. Happily pushing people through and out of the way. Receiving lots of feedback as well.

"Watch it!"


"I'm walking here!"

After a minute or two, I made it into the halls of the great U.A. high school. Looking through each hall to find Class 2-A.

-1 minute before in the classroom- (no ones POV)

Aizawa appears in his classroom scaring his students from the sudden appearance.

"I don't get paid enough for this...."Aizawa mumbled, rubbing his temples

"Woah sensei! How'd you do that?"Kaminari asked standing from his seat

"That doesn't matter. Take your seats and be quiet. I have an ann-"

Just then Red slams the door open, kicking her stuff under an empty desk by the door.

"What's up fuckers."she said somehow making kaminari's phone appear in her hand. Typing away like it was hers. (when she was really trying to catch up on today's memes but secretly)

"Hey! Why do you have my phone for?!"Kaminari yelled

"Fuck you, that's why."she smirked as she dropped his phone but before it hit the floor, it appeared on his desk.

"Mr. Aizawa? Who's that?"Uraraka asked

"Awe~ You don't remember me? I can make you remember if you want me to."Red said as her eyes glowed red wearing a sinister grin.

'She's scary.'the class thought, well except for three emo teens and a pomeranian

"No hurting the students unless it's reasonable gone by me or training"Aizawa said glaring at the girl

"Ugh. Fine."Red gave in going back to her emotionless face

"Good, now introduce yourself."

"No thanks. I'm good."she argued

"It wasn't a suggestion."he snapped

"And i don't care."red said rolling her eyes at him

"You want me to introduce you to them and tell them your m-"

"Yeah no. I'll do it myself."

"That's what I thought."aizawa said a bit victoriously

"Yeah whatever. I'm Red, yes the one that attacked that one time. No you guys won't know my real name."

The students had uneasy faces and thoughts about the new student. Like these ones...

'Is the school trying to kill us at this point?!'

'Just another extra.'

'Maybe she's nice under all that attitude?'

'I wonder what Mr.Aizawa was going to say?'

'She's hot.'

"Tell them your quirk and a fact about yourself."

"Why? I'm here by force. I at least want to keep some stuff to myself. You know, like privacy? It's a thing you know that right? Plus- "

"If you don't, I'll call your mother."

'...shit...' Red thought

Let's just say, when Kisa (her mom) is mad. It ain't pretty.

"Ugh~. Yeah alright. My quirk is Vision Xerox. I can copy any quirk once I see being used. A fact about me is I can kill you all more than 150 ways. Oh! And don't wake me up when I'm sleeping, unless you want to die."Red said walking towards the empty desk in the front by the door

"Alright. Today is a free period so don't be too loud."and like that Aizawa was asleep once again

Red sat down on the desk. She put her feet up and leaned back against the wall, relaxed and undisturbed. Well for 5 seconds.

"Excuse me Red, you shouldn't put your feet on the desk."Ilda said making robot arms at her

"Well if there's no name on it then it ain't yours. Plus it's not damaging it so I'm fine. And don't even try to reason with me."she said as she used her quirk to push Ilda back to his desk

'And here comes a migraine...'red thought getting comfortable to sleep

-in the back of the classroom-

"Bet you won't try to wake her up later for lunch."deku challenged dabi

"Bet i will."dabi smirked

"I'll be setting up your funeral." toga said doodling

"Don't you mean plan?"

"Nope. I mean set up. I already planned your guys funeral for a while now." toga said not looking up

"Why?" both boys said simultaneously

"Just in case."

"I want to question it further but at this point it feels normal to be questions it."deku said trying to look at togas doodles

"You know you love me and my weirdness."

"That i do."

"Stop just stop. Please, I'm literally begging you not to do that around me."Dabi complained

"Nope."deku said

"No thanks!*giggles*"toga said

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