Meeting the family

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A/N: It's been a while hasn't it? Well not anymore (hopefully) because I will make it up to you guys! I am currently (and in writer's block) on the zoo chapter for you guys! I am also doing a double update for you guys since it's been a while. So anyways, enjoy the chapter!


-the next day after school-

"Toya! Shoto! I'm glad to see you guys-oh! You brought a guest! Mom we have more company."Fuyumi said with an excited smile

"Oh how wonderful. Who is this new guest you have brought?"Rei said in happiness (like the precious being she is and should be protected at all costs)

"Mom, Fuyumi, Natsuo, this is Red. We go to school together."Dabi announced

"Hello Mrs.Todoroki, Fuyumi and Natsuo. Da-Toya has told me a lot about you all. Especially you Mrs.Todoroki."Red said in a sweet tone surprising both Dabi and Shoto

Red was always fond of kind mother figures in her life that she encountered. Especially when her mother isn't currently with her, she is always kind and is respectful to them whenever she meets them. Same with some father figures but those were more rare. Children were different story.

Plus they haven't done anything wrong to her or pissed her off.

"Well isn't that sweet of him. I have also heard of you Red."Rei said sweetly

"You have?"Red asked a bit surprised, cocking her eyebrow. She glanced at Dabi for a second but then focused on Rei.

"Very much. Toya has told me a lot about you. Shoto has as well but not as much as Toya."

"Mooommm. She wasn't supposed to know about that."dabi said a bit flustered from the exposure

"There is nothing wrong about talking about your friend to your family Toya. You are just overreacting."Shoto says emotionless, moving water a plant for his mother

"Says you. You talk about Momo all the time. More than I talk about my friends!"Dabi teased

"That's different."shoto mumbled getting flustered

"Ooo~ Shoto has a crush!"Natsuo teased as well

"I do not! She is just a very good friend to have."Shoto protested a bit too quickly

"Whatever you say bro."Dabi said giving him a noogie

"Guys we shouldn't bother Shoto with all this..."Fuyumi said with a nervous smile, trying to stop them

"Red sweetie?"Rei asked catching the attention of Red

"Yes Mrs.To-"

"Rei is fine dear."

"Rei, was there something you wanted to ask?"

"Yes there was. Was your mother Kisa Monato?"

"U-um. How did you-?"

"I see the resemblance. She and I were good friends at school but then I moved away. You have her nose."

"Really?"Red asked with a bit of joy

Since Red didn't really meet anyone that was close to her mom or relatives she was glad to here things like this. Like comparisons from one another (besides hearing the personality traits all day from her father) and stories from her mother's past or childhood. One's that her mother wouldn't tell her or forgotten.

"Really. How is she? Your mother?"

"She's holding up. You know that she's-"

"In prison? I've known for a while now. We've kept in touch."she said motioning over to the letters

"Has she told you everything?"she asked a bit nervously

"Everything? Well she has told me about you, Aizawa and well I believe everything up until now."Rei said counting them on her fingers

"Well that's my whole life story you know. Well almost my whole life story. I hope to get to know you more."Red giggled

"Sorry mom. Just got a little carried away."Dabi said rubbing his neck

"It's alright dear. Now go on and head home to eat dinner. I'm sure our guest is starving by now."Rei said

"You have no idea. This one over there didn't let me get a snack before we left."Red pointed over to Dabi with her thumb

"You wanted a microwavable cup of soba. I told you we were gonna have soba for dinner and eat in like an hour or so."he tried to reason

"I don't see a problem there."Red crossed her arms

"You're impossible, you know that?"

"Yes. Yes I am. And so are you."


"Yes you. You are almost as stubborn as me and that's a lot."

"I-I. I guess you got me there."

"Mhm. Now let us go, Todoroki siblings, the great legend of Fuyumi's food awaits us at the house."Red said turning on her heel as the others chuckled

"Oh Toya. A word before you go. He will be with you all in a moment."Rei said softly

"Yeah mom?"he asked with some concern

As they talked, the other siblings started walking to the car to head to the todoroki household. The older siblings were ahead of the U.A. students so Shoto thought it was a good time to ask Red some questions.

"Why did you act differently just now?"Shoto asked looking towards the girl

"I'm hungry, your family hasn't done anything to me, and I have manners."she shrugged still looking ahead

"Then why do you act cold to us at U.A.?"he asked looking back forward

"Don't trust you all just yet."she said bluntly

"But we haven't-"shoto started but was interrupted

"You guys haven't really but I'm not like other people who get all buddy buddy with everyone on day one. I'm still kinda pissed that I'm slightly trapped there."she said stopping with the others by the car

"But you're not."he said but slightly unsure since he was confused at the statement

"Are you sure? I'm tracked all the time with this shock bug/ tracker, quirk cancellation bracelet and have room checked almost every week."she looked over a bit annoyed

"It's your choices that lead you here."he said

"Don't give me that bullshit. Most of my life, choices were made for me and still kinda are. Since day one."she rolled her eyes

"I guess we have that in common."he chuckled

"What do you mean? Like I know some stuff that Dabi went through but you guys didn't have it that bad. Right?"


As the Shoto explained his side of his childhood to Red, she was feeling a lot of emotions. One thing for sure was...

'Endeavor will die once I see him. I knew he was an asshole but I didn't think he was that bad to his family.'

She knew about some things of Dabi's side of his childhood but she didn't think Shotos would be this bad either. Right when she was about to say something back, she was interrupted...

"We ready?"Dabi asked running to them

"Yeah. What took you so long?"Fuyumi asked unlocking the car doors

"Nothing just some private catch up with mom."dabi said getting in the car

"Alright. Then let's go and eat some dinner!"Natsuo shouted in happiness since he was hungry

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