Class 2-A and the Zoo

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. Writer's block sucks and making the future chapters take some time. I was thinking 10 (maybe 15) more chapters then I'll end this story. Sadly this has to end sooner than later. But until that comes enjoy this one and the future ones that will be posted soon! Hope you enjoy it!

As Kaminari walked back to his classroom, he saw a flyer for a zoo. Noticing what special event was happening, he took the flyer with him and ran back to the classroom. Once entering the class he was glad to notice everyone was there.

"Hey guys!"Kaminari yelled at his classmates to get their attention. They didn't listen. 

"Guys!"He tried again.

"GUYS!"Then again.

"What Pikachu?!"Red said in annoyance from being woken up from her nap. Bakugou was going to shout too but Red beat him to it.

"Sorry Red! Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to wake you, it's just there this cool thing at the zoo!"Kaminari said in part fear and excitement

"What is it?"Mina said skipping over tr to the boy, looking at the flyer in his hand

"Well there are these people that come like once a year or something to show really weird but cool and cute animals! They used their quirks to combine them or something. Like there is this thing called a turtle duck!"he said in excitement as he showed the others the flyer

'Turtle duck?'everyone thought as they listened to Kaminari explain the event 

"So they combine animals and go all around the world to show people?"Kirishima asked

"Yup! They're actually here today and tomorrow! We all should go!"

"I think that's a great idea Kaminari! It would be nice to take a break from hero studies to go to the zoo and see these combined animals."Lida said while doing the arm chopping motions he does

"Deku, Toga ,and Red, you guys in?"Dabi asked

"Yes!"Toga yelled in excitement

"If Toga goes, I go."Deku replied putting his arm around Toga

"No thanks."Red declined looking over at her watch 

"Why not?"Dabi asked noticing her getting ready to leave "Nothing. Have plans. Got to go."Red said walking out the door

"You're going!"Dabi shouted at her "Make me!"she shouted back

-Time skip-

Red ended up being carried all the way to the zoo with the rest of class 2-A.

"You know this is kidnapping, right?"she argued

"You know you should have more friends, right?"he argued back

"Don't need them." "Then what am I?"

"A person I tolerate sometimes."she answered "Good enough."Dabi shrugged accepting the answer

"We're here!"Kaminari and Mina shouted in joy

"Turtle ducks and weirder combined animals here we come!"Kaminari yelled in excitement

"Why are you guys so excited about this?"Red asked

"They combined a turtle and a duck. A turtle and a duck! That's not normal and I want to see that!"Kaminari answered

"They are cute but they don't do much."Red shrugged

"You've seen one!"Kaminari looked over to the girl surprised

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