More Confronations

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A/N We are starting off when Dabi and Hawks were doing the prank. This is what Eri and Deku were doing.

Deku's POV
'I'm not mad Eri's here, I'm just mad she is involved with the mission now! I thought kurogiri had been taking care of her! Sure I know she misses me and the other two idiots but still! Now it would harder to escape when she's here! Either she'll attach herself with the wannabe heroes or she'll be scarred from the battle!...

As I was walking down the hallway to pick up Eri, I was interrupted from my thoughts. Bakugou. Out of all the times he could interrupt me, he chooses now when I pick up Eri? This better be fucking good...

"What do you want?"I say annoyed
"When you said on the first day of school why you became a villain, you said being bullied AND having your dreams crushed by you idol."
"Yeah? Why does it matter right now or at all?!"

'Don't tell me he's gonna-'

"How did all might crush your dreams?"
"Why do you care?"
"Just fucking tell me."
"Why should I? It's not like you cared before or even care about me now at all?!"
"Ugh... why can't you just fucking tell me?!"
"Why can't you answer my question either?! Huh?!"

Both Bakugou and Deku stayed silent. Angry by but still silent both looking down from frustration. That was until Deku broke it.

"Why out of all the god damn days, times or moments... it's either to question me or to fucking threaten me?! Even when I leave you alone, don't do anything wrong or you're not even involved you always do one or the other! Answer that fucking question Bakugou!"

"I... I cared that you were gone. I-i constantly looked for you. You... you were gone because of me! Me and all might were the reasons you are like this! And I wanted-"
"Oh so this is just the guilt talking isn't it?! And to think it was because you actually and genuinely cared because I was a friend! A friend that saw you as an inspiration! I as a friend admired you!A friend that was missing for years and/or possibly dead!"
"This isn't the-"
"No it is! It is the guilt! The guilt that you received when you made me do this! The same guilt that ate you up inside to this exact day and will keep growing! But if anything I have to thank you! Thank you for helping me find my true friends and family! Now I have Toga, Dabi and Eri, three of the most important people I have!"

'This little asswhole thought I could forgive him not so long ago, now it's to answer what all might said? Unfucking believable!'

"And what about your mother! Your own mother who constantly cried and looked for you dammit! To the day you fucking came here she constantly looked for you! For hours all damn day with no fucking sleep all god damn week! Weeks, no years Izuku! Years!"

"Don't you dare bring her into this. And don't you dare call me that again! I'm not him and I never will be him again!"

As Bakugou was going to reply, Eri cut him off with glossy eyes.
She was behind Bakugou by the door he was not so long ago standing next to. Next to her was... all might. But I ignored his presence.

When I looked over to her she was frightened. The look of her frightened face calmed me down and made me worry. Her face showed scared, guilt and worry. She always got scared when someone, stranger or not, got mad in front of her. Some how she always thought it was her fault the person or people were mad but it never was.

"D-deku-kun? Are you mad?"

That shaky voice hurt just hearing. I rushed over to her and squatted to her eye level.

"No, no, no. I'm just talking with him over there. We just got carried away with the yelling that's all. No need to be scared, I'm not mad." I Said pulling her into a hug
"O-okay. Is Baku-kun mad?"she said still shaky but I rubbed her back reassuring her
"No I'm not Eri-Chan. Like... Deku Said, we just got carried away and started yelling."

I let go from the hug and took her hand into mine. I gave her a small smile and was about to walk away until I was stopped.

"Young Deku-"
"Not today all might. I've already had enough with Bakugou."
"No. Just no. Not today. Maybe never but it doesn't matter. Just save it." I said glaring at him

At that All might stayed silent. Everyone was silent, each filled with different types of feelings. Deku was frustratingly tired, Bakugou was filled with ultimate guilt, All might was sad, and Eri was hungry. Silence filled seconds longer until Eri's stomach grumbled to which broke the silence.

"Um.. Deku-kun? Can we go back to the big house again? I'm hungry."
"Of course. Now come on, I'm making katsudon today."
"Yay Deku-kun is cooking! Mmm katsu-katsudon!"
"Good job Eri-Chan. You said the word correctly."
"Mhm I've been pra-practic-ing."
"Good, keep it up and you'll be really smart."
"Okay deku-kun!"

All Mights POV
'That boy will regret waiting to talk. I guess it will be a surprise. He'll just have to wait until tomorrow.'

As I was thinking watching him walk away with the little blue haired girl, young Bakugou came up to me.

"All might?"
"Yes young Bakugou?"
"What did you tell Deku? I know you told him something to crush his dreams since you were his only idol."

This question caught me off guard a bit. I heard he wanted to know but I didn't think he would ask me. As I was going to tell him the truth, I stopped myself. It shouldn't be me telling him. It should be told by the words on how young deku felt.

"That is something young deku should tell you. Not me."
"Ugh... fine." Just as he was turning away I called him back.
"I actually have a question for you as well."
"Okay what is it?"he said turning back around
"Do you think his mother is available tomorrow?"

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