The Lunch Incident

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At the lunch room-

Deku's POV

We headed to lunch right as the bell rang. As we were heading there, all we felt were eyes on us.

"TAKE A PICTURE! IT'LL LAST LONGER"I said annoyed to everyone in the cafeteria. Dabi and Toga giggle at the shocked faces the people made. Like that they all turn away back to eating/ socializing.

"God that was annoying"i said "I know were villains but there is no need to stare at us like we're animals at a zoo".

"Aw~, Does Deku not like the attention the wannabe heroes are giving him?~"said Dabi in a sarcastic tone. At that Deku flicks food at him. "Oh so you wanna be like that now huh, your on" Dabi said while throwing food back at him.

"Hey let me join in!"said toga cheerfully throwing food as well.

No one's POV

Just like that, they started to run around the cafeteria stealing other peoples food to throw at each other. As they threw food at each other they hit Kaminari in the face. He looks up and at them with a mischievous grin. He then gets up and says...


Right at that moment, people started to throw food all across the cafeteria. Not everyone though. Ilda was trying to stop them while others took cover behind stuff like chairs and tables. Food was being thrown everywhere in every direction and some how the villains dodged most throws but the heroes not so much. Even Bakugou was having fun throwing food and yelling die at every throw with his team (the Bakusquad) and girlfriend. Right as the villains were going to launch a huge ball of food to Bakugou's team they heard the teachers...

Deku's POV

Shit, shit, shit, SHIT. Yeah i know we started this but it still sucks getting caught even though when we can't make a run for it like we usually do. We see Mr. Aizawa walk towards us but (it was by ACCIDENT) we (more like me and my clumsiness) launch the food ball and it hits him. Toga starts laughing while me and dabi try to cover up our laughter. We both knew we couldn't hold i our laughter anymore and broke down on the floor of food. I knew we were basically gonna die after this but at this point we didn't care.

"Get up. Get the cleaning supplies... NOW!" Aizawa said in a strict voice. We do what we were told before we make things worse for us. As we leave, we hear the wannabe heroes get yelled at too but are sent to get CLEANED UP! Yeah i know we did and started this but, a little punishment would be good for them too!

We get back and see Kaminari, Mina, Ururaka, Sero, and Kirishima are there cleaning up which i was surprised at. But i was really surprised to see Bakugou helping too!

"Why are you guys here?"i said "Aren't you guys supposed to be at the dorms with the others?"

"What does it look like? Were helping."Bakugou said in a matter of fact voice.

"Be nice katuski."said Uraraka to him while cleaning. Bakugous growls back at that.

"Yeah no shit but why?"i said back. "I didn't think the wannabe heroes would want to help the villain kids" i said while starting to clean with toga and Dabi.

"I know we got off on a rocky start but after today at lunch.."said Kirishima

"THAT WAS AWESOME!"Kaminari and Mina said finishing Kirishma's sentence.

"Yeah it was and even though you guys started it, we had our part in it too"said Uraraka

"Yeah dude, you guys made the day fun and we get out early because of this!"said Sero

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