What The Body Wants

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Your POV

You sat with Thor and the others as you debated on whether you wanted to stay on earth or go back, but it was a very short debate. You needed and wanted to be with Loki, even if it meant having to deal with Sigyn the rest of your life. Thor must have noticed you deep in thought because he was staring at you " (y/n)? may i ask you a question?" he looked at you still with those empathetic eyes he had when you had explained to him everything that had happened on Asgard. You nodded and waited for his question. "why did you think I thought of you in a romantic sense? clearly you know my heart belongs to Jane even if she is still upset with me." you thought about it for a few moments and shook your head not wanting to acknowledge something that made you physically sick." I.... dont know..." was  all you could say before Bruce came up and hugged you. " thats enough questions for today Thor. The girl is obviously distaught over what has happend to her. Dont make it worse" You smiled slightly in Bruce'  direction before getting up. "Is there a bathroom some where in this place?" You looked at Bruce then Tony. "I shall walk you." Thor volunteered. You both walked out of sight and towards a long empty hallway. You walked ahead of him blindly before he came from behind you and lifted you up,  pushing you into the wall. He pinned you against  it tightly before  whispering something in your ear you didn't understand.  You looked at Thor briefly as he met your gaze. He crashed his lips into yours as this overwhelming lust came over you for him.  "What's happening. ..?" Was all your subconscious said as your body willed out its own actions.

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