The Dream

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You went back to your room and lied down on the bed thinking about if Loki actually meant what he said about your company. "He's probably trying to play trick on the silly earth chick." You said with a scoff. You were about to put on your evening gown when you got a knock on the door, it was Friga. "I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I wanted to see how things went with Loki. I haven't found the strength to see him lately and I was hoping he wasn't rude to you." A look of worry burdened her lovely face "no he wasn't at all.. actually he was pretty nice. But he needs more books if you could." She smiled and nodded "I'm glad he hasn't lost all sanity and morals. That's a great sign. Anyways, thank you for opening the door so late, have pleasant dreams dear. See you at dawn for breakfast." She smiled at you once more before taking her leave. You finally began to undress when you heard another knock "who's there??" You asked loudly "Sif, May I enter your quarters?" She asked slightly sounding upset. You finished dressing and walked to the door to open it. "Come in" you said with a smile. "How do you tell someone you care for them?" she blurted out, to which you became slightly confused. "I uhh.... I don't know.. I've never done that." You said In an embarrassed tone. "Oh.. well then.. any advice?" She hopefully asked you. "Just say it? the worst that can happen is he says no..." Was all you could muster. She nodded "I appreciate it... I'm clueless." Was all she said before getting up and hugging you. You patted her and smiled "if you'd like to talk more tomorrow, we can,but I'm going to sleep now, I'm exhausted. Good night" you said with a smile as she walked out. You managed to lock the door and blow out all of the candles before tucking yourself away in bed. You lay there, staring at the ceiling that had beautiful murals you still haven't gotten used to. As you stared,your eyes began to droop heavily down and you fell asleep. You usually never had dreams, but tonight you did. You were sitting in your bedroom when there was a knock on your door "come in!"You yelled as you ran your fingers through your (H/C) hair. It was Loki "how are you...?" Your voice trailed off almost as if you couldn't speak. He walked over to you quickly and put his lips to yours. You were shocked at first and confused but eventually embraced it. His lips were icy and soft, the same with his hands that now were under your night gown, gently rubbing your slightly perked up breasts "say my name" he whispered In your ear with his hot breath tinging at your flesh causing chills to go through your body. "Loki..." You whispered In your sleep. He pulled you closer in a sense of need and embraced your body tightly against his." (y/n) are you ready?" He sensually asked in your ear as he kissed it softly. "For what?"You asked In a quivering tone "for a love making session you will never forget. You are mine and mine alone, do you understand?" His voice raspy and deep. You shivered slightly at his voice and nodded nervously he moved his cold hand towards your inner thigh, pulled your panties down and spread your legs apart. Increasing your vulnerability, he unbuckled his pants and dropped them around his ankles exposing his large slender erection. You blushed a magnificent red as you seen what he had to offer. He moved between your legs gently placing himself at your entrance, he slowly entered your tightness, forcing a moan to escape your throat as you felt him glide into you. You gripped him tightly "Loki.." you whispered, he met your lips and kissed you passionately, longingly. He moved carefully into you,making you feel every piece of him inside you. He placed a hand on your cheek as he continued to cautiously move in and out of you "oh Loki..." You managed to form the words. Saying his name motivated him to go faster and harder, "I do love when you say my name love, I get harder each time and just want to ravage you. " his voice got course as he began to move faster inside of you causing your body to erupt in pleasure "Oh Loki, I'm going to.." you couldn't finish as you felt a warmth in you as Loki placed kisses on your throat going towards the back of your neck. "You truly are a phenomenal lover..." Was all you heard before a banging on your door broke through your dream.

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