He fell limp to the ground and I instantly went to the other rogue who was limping away from the fight. I leaped at him and caught his leg using my mouth. I threw him to the ground, and just as quickly, I snapped his neck.

Bryan was held up with 3 rogues pinning him down on the ground. He had a lot of wounds, but it didn't compare to the ones he gave the other rogues.

I lunged at them and tackled 1 off of him. We rolled on the ground and clawed at each other. He pushed me off using his paws and hovered on top of me. He went for my neck and his canines scraped a huge wound across, before I broke his leg and slashed his throat with my claws.

When I got up, wounds from all over my body made me weak. Bryan limped towards me but we were still able to fight.

We saw Dad and Derek getting teamed up by a group of wolves, together with Morvhack. They killed dozens of rogues but they were outnumbered. Me and Bryan looked at each other, thinking of the same thing.

We growled together before we leaped at the rogues, breaking their formation. They were taken by surprise and all of us used that to our advantage and killed some of them.

Morvhack dashed forward and went straight for Dad. He lunged for Dad but Dad met him halfway to the air and snapped their teeth and clawed at each other. They engaged in a brutal fight and I couldn't decide who would come out on top because they were matched in strength.

Derek was about to help him but he got held up by Morvhack's beta. They growled at each other and jumped high into the air as their bodies slammed and they rolled to the ground. Derek was stronger and was able to pin the beta to the ground, but blood wolves were dirty fighters, so another rogue pounced on Derek and bit his shoulders, making him help in pain.

I just finished a kill and went to help him but he didn't need it. He went for the rogue's throat in an amazing speed and tore of his neck. He growled menacingly at the beta while holding the bone in his snout. I could smell the fear of the beta and I knew Derek was going to kill him.

I dashed for Dad and I saw him bloody and full of wounds just like Morvhack. I prowled towards them and I was able to get Morvhack's ear as I lunged at him. He barked in a high pitched tone and immediately slammed his body with mine, making me stumble back.

My wounds hurt, but I needed to finish this fight for my mate. I stood up straight and looked at Dad, telling him to attack together. He nodded his head and we both looked at Morvhack who was watching our every move.

Before we could attack, he howled to call his last warriors and they were by his side in a matter of seconds, even though all of them were badly wounded from the fight.

2 against 7. You call that a fair fight?

All of them charged towards us, and Dad and I split up to divide their numbers in half. 4 rogues followed me, while Morvhack and 2 rogues followed Dad. Fuck!

I sprinted towards the trees to get some cover and even the battleground. A rogue caught up by my side and leaped at me, but I twisted my body in the air and immediately went for his throat. He fell dead on the ground but there were still 3 to go.

I ran fast and charged towards a tree, while letting the rogues catch up. As soon as I reached the tree, I used it as a boost when I jumped and rotated in the air, clawing the eyes out of a rogue. He yelped in pain and blood gushed out of his eyes.

2 more to go

As soon as I landed, I was instantly met with searing pain due to the wound on my leg. I whimpered and limped as I tried to get up. The 2 wolves pounced at me, but I rolled to the side to dodge them.

They swerved and as soon as I tried to get up, I was instantly tackled back to the ground. Both of them pinned me down and I tried to get out of their but the other rogue chomped down on my wounded shoulder, making me loudly yelp in pain.

Bryan heard my distress and immediately jumped in our direction, to take the 2 wolves off of me. I tried to stand up, but limped in doing so. I whined in relief when another ally helped us and I dashed towards Dad even though every bone and muscle in my body was in pain.

My blood ran cold when I saw the 2 rogues pinning him to the ground and his body was spread out. Morvhack shifted into his human form and stared down at him.

"You should never play fair in war, Blake." Morvhack advised, and Dad shifted to his human form to glare at him.

"You're still a coward. Using cheap tricks to defeat your opponent, makes you weak." He spit at him and Morvhack wiped the spit on his cheek before he stomped his feet on Dad's chest.

Dad yelled in pain, and just as quickly, Derek lunged at Morvhack and was able to get a good bite out of his already bloody torso. Morvhack also yelled in pain but he shook off Derek and punched his muzzle with a strong force. Dad took this opportunity to get out of the rogues' hold and sliced their cheeks in an instant with his lengthened claws.

Morvhack saw this and in one fluid move, straddled Dad and punched him repeatedly in the face, while the other wolves dealt with Derek.

Dad fought him off but was too weak to do any damage. Morvhack gripped his neck with both hands while staring down at him, and he grinned.

"Say goodbye-"

I cut him off when I mauled his shoulders and was able to claw his back. He shouted in anger and threw himself on the ground to pin me down and drive an elbow to my belly.

"WHY DO ALL OF YOU KEEP INTERRUPTING ME?!" He growled and kicked Dad in the stomach while he raised me from the ground with his hands that were grasping my neck.

"I'll start with you." He said in a dangerous tone and grabbed my working shoulder with a hand.

"Why don't we make it even with the other one?" He grinned at me and looked at my other broken shoulder. I thrashed in his hold, knowing what he was planning, but it was too late.

He crunched the bone with his hand and I howled in pain. I automatically transformed back to my human form and laid down on the ground with my knees on my chest. I couldn't focus on anything since the pain almost ate away my consciousness.

"Now," He gripped my neck and raised me up in the air. I struggled to breathe and the strength to stand left my feet from how tired and injured I was.

He stared right into my eyes as he looked up at me. My vision was starting to get cloudy, but I won't go down without a fight.

I spit on his face and grinned even though I was slowly starting to see my end.

"You fucking-"

The ground began to shake followed by a collapsing sound. Morvhack threw me down on the ground and I wheezed for air as I coughed endlessly.

The air began to thicken and it was followed by a powerful howl. All the wolves halted their fighting to know what was going on. What's happening?

My questions were soon answered when I saw Lyle's white fur, shimmering under the light of the sky. He levitated in the air, and his eyes were....white.

A/N: 👀👀👀 ENJOY ✨❤️

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