Chapter 57

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Andy had to do something to stop the engagement, so he went to his parent's room the next day. He saw his Dad sipping his tea with his mom. 

"Dad, Mom, can I talk to you for a while? I badly need your opinion. I have something to confess. I don't know if you could forgive me for this, but still, I know I did the right thing." Andy confidently spoke that he was sure of himself.

With a firm tone, he faced them confidently as he carried his father's blood. His Dad put down the cup of tea he was holding, and they both paid attention. They know Andy. If he could handle it, he would not bother them.

"This is about Jake. Four years ago, I convinced him to come back here."

"Yes, son, and we are very thankful for that." They said.

"I didn't tell you that he worked as a driver at Ellison's mansion, where he met Ted Ellison's daughter, and they had an intimate relationship. Then they met again, and now, Jake is about to announce their engagement."

"Oh, my!" His mom said.

"But Jake is stable now; he could have his family, so what's the problem? I don't see anything wrong with that; a person could make any mistakes if he could make it right out of it." His Dad said.

"Jake doesn't love her. He's in love with somebody else."

"What?" His mom again drew her brows together.

"Uncle Bill, Aunt Aurora's husband, had his sister, Sophia."

"I know Sophia. We were acquainted before. How about her?" Her mom became curious.

"She took care of Jake when he was in Colorado, then passed away a month ago."

"Oh, she may rest in peace. She's a good woman. I am now reminded of my sister, Aurora." His mom said, shaking her head.

"She has a daughter, Alex, and Jake fell in love with her madly."

"Where is she now?" His Dad asked; his mom was still confused.

"So, you mean Jake had these two women simultaneously?" His Dad curiously asked.

"Well, let's say he is not Jake if he had only one woman with him. But unluckily, he did, with Alex. Her name is Alexandrea. She changed him into a better person, not me. I was not able to convince Jake to go back here. He's firm with his decision to stay in Colorado and abandon us. If it happened, he would throw his life out of the dark with his wife and children. But this woman saved him. She did convince him to fix his life, and I owed her a lot. We owed her a lot."

"Where's that woman now?" his mom asked.

"I'm sorry for what I did. My idea was to have Alex work here as one of the housemaids four years ago for Jake to return here. I'm sorry. Jake would not leave Colorado without her; I knew you would protest. She even convinced him to return to school, which he did, but Jake got her pregnant after a month without his knowledge, and there is Kenzo. He is not my child. I'm sorry." Andy lowered his head.

"What?" Michael stood up and poured a whiskey into a glass; he was shocked; his mom's eyes pooled with tears.

"You set rules, Dad, for Jake. It was a hard task you ever gave me, and I found it difficult to tackle. With all the authority you've given me, I just did what I could and came up with a solution to hide her, not to distract him. He was confined in a hospital years ago. If you still remember, it was because of her. He tried to waste his life again, knowing she left. But thanks God, he came up to his senses. But he hated her so much until now."

"Oh my God! What have you done, son? What have we done?" Stella stood up and hugged Andy; his father patted his back and gave him a glass of whiskey.

"We apologize, Andy. You did all for us. You took the responsibility we should be responsible for; I'm very proud of you." Michael said, shaking his head.

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