Chapter 40

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Andy fetched Jake from the hotel and left Alex as they had agreed. The two gentlemen drove with their vehicles, headed to the mansion. Thirty minutes after they'd reached the place, the guards opened the gate. Jake was a little nervous and excited to see his Mom again, as he missed her and Dorothy. His heart was racing, thinking about his Dad's reaction upon seeing him after what he did. And after eight months, he was still doing things that brought his Dad trouble even though he was away.

Jake's eyes roamed around; he felt at home again. Dorothy met him and hugged him tight as he did, then kissed her forehead.

"How are you?" Jake said as he ran a hand on her hair.

"I think I'll be the one to ask you that. How's your field trip?" Jake laughed and pinched her cheek.

Jake and Andy went to their parent's room directly. He can't wait to see his Mom.

"Our princess, would you mind staying here outside? The king and the prince would have some words about the battle." Andy started smiling and teasing Dorothy.

"As you wish, my Highness," Dorothy vowed and laughed as Andy tapped Dorothy's head and went inside.

"Dad, here's Jake." His Dad turned and looked at him firmly, and Jake couldn't tell what was in his father's mind about his reaction.

Jake went to him and hugged him slightly, but his Dad just steadied standing.

"I'm sorry, Dad," then he turned to his Mom, who came from the dressing room and was too surprised to see him.

"I'm so sorry, Mom," they tightly hugged as tears flowed down her Mom's face.

"How are you? I missed you very much, son!" She embraced him with all her love.

For a prodigal son who returned, her heart rejoiced too much, even his Dad; deep in his heart, he felt happy seeing him safe.

"I think Andy had explained everything to you. Andy, did you tell him that I would go after you whatever offense he would do?" His father's tone was firm as he shifted his eyes to Andy.

"Yes, Dad," Andy said in a low voice.

"This would be your last chance, Jake. Mark these words," Michael said. Jake nodded.

"Thank you, Dad," Jake said softly.

His Mom caressed his back, comforting him, as mothers always fight for their children no matter how they are wronged.

Andy helped Jake process his school papers as a student returnee and guardian the next day. After a while, all was set that he was ready for enrollment in the next two weeks.

"Thank you, Andy. Can I go to the hotel? I'll be back before the evening. I want to check on Alex," Andy nodded as he could do nothing to stop him.

"Jake, remember what we'd agreed? If you fall, I'll fall double." Then, the two parted ways.

Jake knocked on the door. Alex hesitated to open it, then she hugged him, and Jake lifted her to the bed.

"Why are you here? I thought we'd be seeing each other after three days." Alex cannot deny her excitement that she kept on hugging Jake.

"I can't bear that three days; I missed you," he kissed her lips.

"Wait, how did it go, talking to your Dad?" curiosity occurred over her.

"It went well with the help of Andy, of course. I owe a lot to that man, but I think he likes you." Jake said, kissing her neck.

"How about your Mom? How is she?" Jake contributed nothing and continued his actions, but Alex insisted.

"She's fine, a little bit thinner." Jake removed her shirt.

"How about your sis? I'm sure she missed you that much."

"Yeah, but I badly missed you more." Jake glided his mouth to hers.

"So, you're from the mansion?" she asked.

"No, from the University." His hands were playful, which made Alex's tone crack.

"So, you mean... you're... Jake," she whispered.

"You're... from... the university?" Her voice was struggling to speak directly. Alex's chest went up and down while her fingers clenched in his hair. She forgot about the things she supposedly asked about him.

After a little while, he glided up to her, "Did you like it? Was it good?" he whispered in her ear in a harsh voice.

"Jake, it's awkward, please," she whispered. Then he rolled her atop, gently pushing her shoulder down so she glided as she understood what he wanted her to do. She obediently followed what he suggested, trying hard to do it her way for the first time. Jake smiled as he knew she was new to that and didn't know how to do it. But still, the feeling dominated. He felt it pleasurable that he pulled her up and kissed her.

"Sorry, Jake, next time would be better," she whispered.

"Shh... you did it well; I love you." Their bodies became one. They once felt the pleasure of being in love again. They struggled to soar to the summit for a magical statue until they crossed the sky. They napped, then Jake ordered food and put on his clothes as he had to return to the mansion before evening.

"Jake, take care." Jake kissed her and went home as his face saddened. Two days for him were too long to wait for Alex to be in the mansion, so he had to comply with the agreement.

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