Chapter 11

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The knocking on the door was continuous, and Alex opened it while Jake continued mopping.

"Mrs. Wahlberg, anything I can do for you?" Alex said, who was surprised by her presence. She could not decide whether she was relieved or mad by the interruption.

"Hi Alex, is Jake here?" Sandra's eyes roamed around. 

"Jake!" Alex called him.

"Come in!" Alex swung the door widely open, then closed it. 

Alex's eyes narrowed in curiosity. Jake stopped mopping and put the stuff aside.

"Hi!" He rubbed his hands at the back of his shorts and approached her.

Sandra went to him and kissed his lips. Jake didn't respond as his eyes set on Alex. He was aware of her presence, as Alex's eyes conveyed something he couldn't understand. Sandra realized it and pulled away from Jake.

"I brought something for you, Alex. I did some groceries and thought of dropping here for a while to give these." She said.

"Wow! Thank you for the freebies."

"Call me Aunt Sandra. Would it be okay?" Alex nodded.

She started getting the groceries and put those on the shelves and into the cabinets as fast as possible.

"So thoughtful of you. How are you?" Jake pinched her chin and led her near the sofa.

"Take a seat. Would you mind waiting for a while? I'll have to change."

"Yeah, go ahead," her eyes followed him to his room, between the kitchen and the sofa set.

"Jake, would you mind if I look inside your room?" Sandra stood up and knocked on his door.

"Alex, would you mind?" Sandra asked her politely.

"Ah, no, no, not really." Alex's chest pounded fast, and she wanted to scream for Jake not to let her in.

"Jake, open the door, please," Alex said, who was confused while knocking on Jake's door.

Alex didn't know why she made that move, giving Sandra the favor, which she hated herself when she realized it. Sandra was so pleased as Jake widely opened the door to have her view it from the outside. He didn't mean she would come in, but she entered the room.

Alex secretly clenched her hand on Jake's chest and pulled his shirt to lean towards her.

"Don't ever close the door. Sandra wants to share a bed with you." Alex warned him with a voice as soft as a secret.

"Why not? Are you jealous?" he teased her.

"Why should I? Should I care? I want to take you out of trouble. You can't afford her." Alex forcibly pushed him away; now, her pride was at stake.

"But she can afford me," Jake intentionally closed the door to see her reaction.

Alex shook her head and continued mopping. She was murmuring while doing the task. After a while, Alex heard nothing from the room, which made her curious to eavesdrop on the door. She heard Sandra's moan as she called Jake. Her heart pounded fast at that moment, sweated, and quivered. She was in a panic; she didn't know what to feel or do. All she did was bite her fingernails outside the door as she stiffened.

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