Chapter 58

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Alex has undergone training as the new assistant manager in the main office, which Andy assigned her. She stayed at the condo near the office. The office provided the vehicle as part of the contract that she underwent driving lessons as she had been given all the privileges.

"Alex, how are you?" Andy asked as they were waiting for the menus to be served. 

"I'm fine, Andy. Thank you for the vehicle. They turned it over yesterday." The waiter served the food, and they started to have their dinner.

"How's work and the people? How did you go along with them."

"I've adjusted, and besides, they work so professionally and friendly as well."

"Just tell me if you have some things to discuss about the company. I'm open to it."

"Yes, thank you. You've done a lot for me. How could I pay you for that?"

"Don't mention it; I'm doing it for Kenzo," Andy said, biting his lips.

They were sipping their wines when Andy started the main subject.

"Alex, I have something to tell you." Andy inhaled and looked at her, then shifted his eyes to the glass of wine he was holding, hesitant to continue what he would say. Alex felt it was so important that her heart started to beat faster.

"Jake is about to be engaged." He studied her facial reactions and eye movements.

He saw the hurt. Alex's hands were trembling on the glass, clenching it tightly, shaking. Her eyes pooled with tears, and Andy stood beside her, embracing her tightly. He heard her cries, and his heart throbbed. He caressed her head, comforting her, unconsciously kissing her forehead, then closed his eyes. One more move will lead him to kiss her lips, but no! His mind screams not to start a thing he could not finish.

"Alex, listen, you have to be strong if you want to win him back. I believe you can do it." Andy explained.

"With whom?" she asked.

"With Georgia Ellison of Colorado, you know her, I'm sure." Alex nodded and closed her eyes.

"He's in love with her for years, and I need not interfere." She felt her whole body abruptly melt.

"So, you're giving up?" Alex nodded again.

"Don't you think about Kenzo? For his future?"

"He has a bright future with your family," Alex said, still weeping.

"But he could never have his home with his father and mom."

"What should I do?" Alex said, who was so helpless.

"Mom and Dad want to see you."

"What? But why?" she quickly felt nervous.

"I told them all about you. You don't have to worry; I'll handle it. But it means you have to face Jake this time." Her hands clasped with each other, rubbing it so tense.

"I can't face him. I'm sorry, I really can't, Andy. Thinking of it now, I can't breathe."

"Alex, relax. Remember, you're now a degree holder, not just someone, okay? You have all the wits to carry yourself. All I want is your guts. Have them for that very moment." He said seriously.

"I'll be at your side. One thing, it's too early to tell Jake about Kenzo, or else, he would only be obliged to choose you because of him, that even if he married you, the two of you would not work together."

"How about Georgia? It would be unfair to her." Alex said.

"You should have learned that life is unfair; it had never been fair to anyone. That's the reality to accept. It should be Jake to choose between you; don't give up on him." He encouraged her.

"Do you think I can do it?" Andy nodded.

"Really?" she repeated.

"Yes," Andy assured her that she hugged him again.

"Tomorrow, prepare yourself; you will have dinner with me, Jake, and Georgia. Whatever he would say, refrain yourself. Be confident."

"Andy, should I need to do that? With them together?" she hesitated, thinking she needed an arm to hold, not fall.

"You have to. Let's see what Jake's reactions would be! And one thing you should know, he hates you so much. I'm sorry. Better prepare yourself. I'm not threatening you; I want you to prepare. I'll fetch you after office hours." Alex inhaled as her heart beat too fast.

"Andy... I'm afraid." Andy just patted her back.

After four years without seeing Jake, her heart screamed to see and embrace him. But now, she's hesitating to do what Andy told her; if only there's a way to avoid Jake.

Alex's heart's throbbing to see Georgia with him. She spent the whole night thinking of what they were before: her Mom and Jake. Her Mom would be happy seeing her now, but Jake would condemn her for leaving him. And now he will be engaged to Georgia, and she thought she had to accept if he wanted it.

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