Chapter 62

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In the morning, Jake went to Andy's room. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. Jake went to his office and saw him there. He entered and hesitated to speak. 

"Anything, Jake?" Andy asked; he was reviewing some files on his table. Jake sat down and looked at Andy.

"Andy, what I did was unforgivable. I'm sorry, but I'm still in love with her. I can't help it. You can abandon me. I will understand. And she still loves me, I'm sorry. I thought... I thought I'd moved on. I'm sorry." Jake's hand covered his eyes, leaning his elbows on the table. His face looked so miserable, begging him.

Andy stopped and stared at him, "You did what?"

"I touched her. We made love. She loves me more, and that is the truth. And you punch me, do whatever you want."

Andy felt a sudden prick in his chest. He inhaled, thinking Jake had all the rights, "How about your coming marriage to Georgia?" Andy's face was firm, studying him.

"I can't do it anymore," Jake shrugged.

"So you lied to me. I asked you about it before announcing your engagement, and you were too certain about your answer."

"I'm sorry, Andy, really am," Jake said.

"Andy, do you have a plan to marry Alex?" Jake asked in a cracked tone as Andy just stared at him.

"You are asking me after sleeping with her? Why?" Andy asked. His eyes were firm.

"Andy, I beg you, don't marry her, please. I love Alex. Give her back to me. I love your son, and I always will. I'll treat Kenzo as my own. Andy, I'm telling you, this time, I can't live without her. We'll leave the mansion. We'll go away from here, away from you, and have all Dad would inherit to me. I beg you, just set her free, please." His eyes reddened, begging.

Andy felt guilty; his heart was pounding so hard that he couldn't look straight at Jake; instead, he turned his head away, watching the window.

"I'm sorry, Jake, I'm so sorry," Andy said as Jake stared in despair. He felt his tears as he lowered his head desperately.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much pain. I just did those things as what I think is right for you. I didn't mean to hurt you that much because you're my only brother. I don't want to lose you. I hope you can forgive me and understand what I did was for your sake. I arranged your life according to what it should be, and I never realized that you had suffered too much."

"Forgive me." Andy shook his head, but Jake didn't understand it.

"What... what do you mean? What do you mean by that?" Jake was disoriented, looking at him. 

Andy took his breath deeply before he worded, "Kenzo is your son," Andy said, eyes straight looking at him.

"What? What did you say?" Jake raised his head and drew his brows together, staring at him thoughtfully. He rose, his eyes pinned on him as his heart beat fast.

"Four years ago, Alex went to me. She told me she was bearing your child. Alex wanted to leave without letting you know. She didn't want to distract you, that if Dad learned it, he would abandon you totally; it would ruin your life. She asked for help; that moment was too complicated. You were in a hazardous zone where you could explode and vanish, and I didn't take the risk. As your brother, I only wanted to settle your life and regain Walton's name with you. I decided to take her to Memphis, and she gave birth to Kenzo without  Mom and Dad knowing it. I took Kenzo here as I sent her to school."

"But Dad said they sent her to school," Jake said, shocked and confused.

"Dad said it to save Alex, not to be insulted by your fiancée. I told them everything about her and was waiting to tell you. They like Alex for you. They wanted you to have your whole family, as I do." Andy retook a long, deep breath.

"So you're telling me Kenzo is my son?" Andy nodded.

"Kenzo is my son," Jake repeated to himself as he was extremely shocked. He tried to absorb it first and gathered his senses. 

"Are you serious? Are you not playing with me? Are you not lying again?" Jake can't still believe it.

"C'mon, Jake. I didn't play and lie to you. I just hid things from you, and there's a big difference between the two," Andy said.

"By the way, his real name is Jakenzen Walton II. Alex gave the name that I called him Kenzo. You carry the same name." Jake stared at Andy. The tears pooled in his eyes and rolled down his face rapidly. He stood up and tightly hugged Andy.

"Thank you; I owe you my life. I couldn't be here where I am now, not because of you. You're still the best, and I'm so lucky to have you as my bro," Andy smiled as his heart melted that he could fall a tear too if he didn't see Kenzo standing by the door with Alex.

"I talked with Georgia last night. At this moment, she's already flying to Denver. That girl is smart enough to understand the whole thing." Andy said and patted Jake's back.

"I saw you and Alex, quick as a wink to your room last night. That was hilarious. Does it mean another little Walton is coming in the house?" he said in a low voice as Jake was still absorbing.

"Come in, little gentleman," Andy released Jake and stepped back.

"How's your sleep being with your mom and dad?" Andy asked.

"Daddy Andy, do you know how to pee alone? Daddy Jake doesn't know; Mom taught him how to pee last night." Kenzo said that Alex quickly covered Ken's mouth to stop talking. Her throat dried up, and she swallowed when she heard it, her face reddened.

"You're my son, buddy! I'm your Daddy, do you hear me?" Jake lifted Kenzo and hugged him tightly.

"Could you be cautious enough next time? Little ones don't lie!" Andy's brows were up together.

Andy raised his pointing finger, gesturing to warn Jake and Alex for the kid, as he smiled. Jake laughed out loud and kissed Kenzo, then hugged Alex. Andy was so happy that he harvested good crops and didn't go to anything.

The mansion was busy for the grand wedding of the year, welcoming the newlywed couple, Jake and Alex, Andy, the best man, and Dorothy as the honor maid. Kenzo played a significant part as the ring bearer. At the same time, the bride's maids were Caroline and Dorothy's friends, except for Samantha, and the groom's men were Jake's and Andy's friends. The mansion was filled with elite people around.

"Welcome, Veyron. Thank you for giving us your time for this memorable day. Andy, would you please be with her briefly as Alex and I would have our words to some other guests? She's our special guest, remember!" Jake patted Andy's shoulder.

"How did you know it's Jake's wedding?" Andy asked Veyron.

"They talked to me and invited me here," Veyron said.

"Was that okay with your...?" Andy didn't mention the word as she understood it.

"I'm still single. I didn't marry Oswald. I'm still in love with somebody else," Veyron said as Andy nodded and smiled.

"Jake, where are we heading? The guests would be looking for us." Alex said.

"You're so beautiful with that wedding dress; I can't wait longer, I can't help it. I want to make love with you. He kissed Alex deeper, with all his passion, as she did.

"I want Kenzo to have a brother and a sister as soon as possible," Jake whispered.

"Are you serious? A twin?" they laughed and kissed again. It seemed that they owned the world and caught the rainbow.

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