Chapter 42

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It was evening. Jake wore the coat and tie and joined the family to welcome the guests. There were aligned numbers of luxury cars coming into view from the venue. By looking around, the numerous varieties of lovely, red flowers in blooms near the fences and the jasmines that spread their distinct scents in the air evoke particular memories.

The covered tables and chairs with luxury linens were placed in the middle of the garden, while drinks and desserts were placed on the sides.

Almost half of the guests were at each table already when Alex came out. She saw the place as a paradise and was so amazed by it. Alex had never seen a place like this that was so beautiful. She had witnessed it at Ellison's when they were having their party, but far from this, she did not even enjoy watching it before being assigned to the kitchen. Unlike now, Alex could witness how rich people act and move. She could see their dresses and faces; most were handsome and beautiful, even the elders. They speak softly and move with grace.

A gentle smile lifted the corners of her mouth, looking at them. She moved closer and saw Jake with his family, shaking hands with men and women at the entrance, with Andy beside him. She felt insecure seeing him so handsome, tall, with nice broad shoulders, his hair flopping on his forehead, wearing that suit that gave him that princely look. It was a strange feeling for her to see Jake with the groups of elite people. Though Alex knew that Jake loved her, still beset by fear and jealousy, her heart thudded severely that night. How could she be with him, with that kind of family he has? If only the story of Cinderella still existed, she thought sadly.

Alex didn't notice Carlyle standing beside her, and her mind was interrupted by wishful thinking.

"Amazing. What do you think?" Carlyle asked.

"Yeah, they're all beautiful." She said dryly from a dark corner where she hid.

"Those girls are the same your age. I know some, that girl wearing a dark blue mini dress, that is Miss Caroline. Beside her, wearing a backless mini dress, is Miss Samantha, Miss Dorothy's best friend. They come often and spend the nights here." Carlyle said.

"Who's that again? The one wearing black, Miss Samantha? She's so beautiful." Alex said.

"And she's an avid fan of Sir Jake. Oh, sorry!" Carlyle widened his eyes, unguardedly uttering the words.

"What?"  Alex heard it but wanted to confirm if she heard it right.

"I have to go. See you around." Carlyle hurriedly left, for he slipped his tongue, but Alex tried to contain herself not to be jealous.

The guests have almost completed the program, starting with professional hosts and hostesses. There were lots of boys and girls her age. But Dorothy's apple of the eye was David, an intelligent blue-eyed whose long eyelashes tilted slightly at the corners, who came from a wealthy clan like the Waltons. He's everybody's crush on the campus. He likes girls but likes to read and study.

The servants waited for the dinner to be served in a buffet-style reception. It was fabulous for offering the guests a wide selection of menu items and accommodating various dietary restrictions, especially for the younger age having their dietary process that most of Dorothy's guests do.

Alex noticed they were conscious of their figures and looked, checking their faces occasionally at the small mirrors in their bags.

Having their makeups retouched from time to time, comparing their bodies, hair, bags, everything that she was somewhat, was entertained at the corner staring at them, particularly at Samantha.

'Jake could like her, and it's not impossible that I also appreciate Samantha's beauty,' she thought while staring at her straightly. Her chest started to pound fast, thinking of Jake being with that woman.

"It seems that you're in profound thinking. What is that about, Miss Alexandrea?" Jake said in a low voice.

Alex breathed in a sharply familiar scent. She was shocked to see Jake and got nervous about being visited by the head staff. They were forbidden to talk with the guests, especially the mansion's owners.

She looked around and was about to go, but Jake pulled her arm, "Just stay here with me." Jake said mildly.

"No, I can't, Jake. I have to go." She turned her back and turned away from him.

Her heart was beating fast as she wanted to embrace him. Jake looked around and followed her. He snatched her to the dark corner away from the venue. There were thick bushes, and leaves covered them. The people were so busy at the forum that no one came nearby. He kissed her, and she responded and hugged him.

"I missed you," Jake said, kissing her again.

"But before I forget, who was that man you were in love with in your diary, huh? I was too curious until now." He teased.

"A story of a prince in love with a pauper," Alex replied.

"You're my princess, Alex. I love you," Jake said as his hands cupped her face while his mouth brushed her lips.

Alex closed her eyes and felt the sweet sensation of his kiss. His hands were caressing her back and squeezing her bottoms.

"Jake, please, not now, please..." She whispered.

Then they heard some voices coming near. Jake quickly released her and came out.

"Good evening, Sir. We're just roving and checking the area." Jake nodded.

When he saw they had left, he returned to Alex, hiding in the corner. He kissed her again.

"I'm sorry that we are at this point of the situation. If you only knew how I wanted to be with you. I missed you, Alex," he said.

"I understand; I love you too." They kissed again and hugged each other.

They heard clapping of hands, and the music began playing in the air, and Alex hurriedly released him.

"Jake, I have to go there. I have to assist the guests for dinner." Jake nodded, and she raced her feet to the venue.

"Hey! Wait! You haven't said a word about how I look!" he yelled.

"You look perfect! I love you!" Alex turned and said, smiling, then raced her feet away.

Jake stayed where he stood, stunned to have Alex work as a mansion's housemaid. His heart ached that he pitied her. Then, he followed her a while ago and headed to the venue. Jake stayed near Alex or somewhere that she could not see him. He was observing; he loved looking at her every moment.

"Are you not starving just looking at her? Come on, Jake; I could not believe it. You're really in love!" Andy chuckled that Jake didn't notice he was beside him with Carlyle.

The guests aligned as Dorothy's group headed first. Though the guests were being served at their table, they still chose to look for the other menus. Alex was standing, waiting for the guests needing her assistance.

"Please get some for me," Caroline said to Alex, pointing at the food she wanted.

"I want it also. Have another for me." Samantha said.

Alex held two dishes with both hands while the girls were still pointing to the other foods to her. Jake was about to help her, but Andy pulled his arm and steadied him in his place.

"Jake, stay still." Andy took two glasses of wine when the waiter passed at their front. He gave me one drink.

David followed the three girls. He took a plate from Dorothy and held it for her.

"Oh, that guy is seeking the Lady of the Night's attention. Look, he's flirting with our princess," Andy said.

"It's okay, he's a good-looking guy, and obviously by Dorothy's standards," Jake said, gulping his wine.

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