Chapter 40: A Lost Partner

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A wtip sound echoed in the air as a whip crashed down between Sheer and i. Causing us both to jump away. I looked toward Sheer who was a few feet away from me, her eyes were dark and she whipped out her boomerang like weapon and threw it towards me. It was too late for me to dodge and I quickly reeled back as the boomerang sliced through my clothes and skin. I looked at her betrayed about to ask what she was doing until the whip and the boomerang came at me again. I manifested a dagger and tried to bat away the boomerang only to have my arm tangled by the whip. I felt blood jut out of my mouth as the boomerang made another hit but at my stomach this time.

There was a light gust of wind as Foolscap, holding the whip entangling my arm, fluttered down into the ground.

"She's not that challenging. It's a wonder those droids couldn't take her down."He seemed to be waiting for Sheer to respond but she said nothing. I took my chance with his momentary pause and cut the whip with another danger. I rushed forward and suddenly I felt like my movements were not my own.

"I'm sorry, Dark. But I will not let these wretches capture me because of your misplaced trust." The Black Cosmo Stone sounded angry but not at me, at something else.

I watched as my body emitted black smoke from my eyes and my wounds. My heartbeat which was once racing was no now no more than a steady pounding. My body launched forward and slashed at Foolscap who seemed to be caught off guard, barely able to block the attack with the hilt of his whip. He bounced backwards as my body continued it's assault on him, once he landed, my leg swept the ground from underneath him. Suddenly, I was right above him and the dagger I previously had was now a broad sword, I plunged it towards his chest, only to be held back by large orange arms. My body struggled and I was thrown to the side and into a tree. Struggling and coughing up more blood, my body managed to struggle up. There was a sudden large ball of black matter that flew towards Gabro and threw in into a tree. The same thing repeated but with Foolscap who had just barely gotten up. My body rushed towards Sheer who was still standing where she was, looking darkly at me. My arm raised to slash her and my breath hitched as I screamed out. My body shook with me as I struggled for control of my body. I roughly grabbed my head. Digging my fingers into my scalp, I screeched for a prolonged period of time. I was on the floor when I regained control of my body. I looked around, trying to get my spinning head under control. I felt a nudge and looked over to see Majung nudging me with his head. I looked around to see the Space Pirates getting up and making their way towards us.

I slid my dinotector off my arm and handed it to Majung, "I'm sorry. Take it and go, save yourself." tears lightly rolled down my cheeks and I gasped those words out.

"I wouldn't leave you." Majung started, holding his ground.

"Please go, I'm sorry for everything. Tell the others, I'm sorry I never told them, "I gasped sharply, "I want you to be safe so please go." Majung nudged my hand again and then hesitantly, grabbed the dinotector and ran away.

Gabro seemed to move towards him, only for Sheer to stop him, "Let him, go we have what we came for. Besides what can he do?" They all grabbed a net and wrapped me in it but before I faded into unconsciousness.

"Why, Sheer?" Was all I could muster.

Majung dashed into the car, the door was open from when he escaped and Simon quickly appeared on the dashboard. He gasped as he saw Majung sitting alone with Dark's dinotector. He shut the car doors remotely and started driving back to the house. Meanwhile Majung typed out everything that happened. 

Author's note: That's the season finale. I'm gonna go on hiatus for a few months, I'll probably be back by January. 

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