Chapter 1: What the Hell is Happening?!

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My eyelids fluttered open as the sun beamed in my eyes. I heard a familiar voice.

"T-shirt what's going on?!"

I looked to where the voice came from and almost screamed. The voice was my good friend ,who I called, HC and for some reason she was in my room!

"HC why are you here in my bedroom!? And why do you look like you're 21?!" I screamed.

"I could ask you the same thing, at least the age part! And where are our parents?" She screamed back.

After screaming at each other in pure shock, we gathered our wits and  started looking for our parents. We decided to check upstairs first. There we found her two younger brothers, who were also older than before. Together, we all checked the guest bedroom and main bedroom. Then we checked downstairs on the main floor, we couldn't find them. Around this time I noticed that Maggie and Storm ,my dogs, looked old. Same with my cat, Sable. Who was a small kitten yesterday but was now an adult she cat.

'Where are our parents? Why are we 7 years older?' I thought. As I thought about this I looked around the living room and my eyes landed on the basement door.

"Yo, HC!"

"Yeah? Did you find them?" Her voice bounced with momentary hope

"We didn't check the basement, did we?"

"No. You think there are down there?"

"It's possible" I said opening the door. I turned on the light and walked down the stairs, HC, her brothers, and my dogs following close behind me. Immediately after exiting the staircase, I saw an odd poster from my favorite anime, Dinosaur King. Yes, it was a kid's anime and no it is not weird for me to watch it over and over again. Though as much as I love Dinosaur King, I am quite sure that I don't have a poster for it. Especially in the basement of all places. Confused, I walked towards it while HC followed, looking around. Once I faced the poster my head tilted and I ran my fingers down it. And I tranced over the poster I noted a Majungasaurus behind the main characters, Rex, Zoe, Max, and third partners. The Majungasaurus had a black,red, and white striped coloring, looking very similar to Foolscaps's Majungasaurus that he used in a Rome episode.

"How odd," I said narrowing my eyes at the poster.

"Voice recognition activated. Please state your favorite dinosaur and where it was discovered." A robotic voice beeped from inside the wall.

"What the hell" both me and HC muttered under our breath. We tensed as the voice continued saying the same thing. After the third time, I may have gotten a little pissed and maybe a little curious.

And I replied to the voice,"Majungasaurus. Found in Madagascar"

"Voice recognized. You may enter," with that we weren't given a moment to protest as me, Milena, her brother, and my dogs were all engulfed in a white light.

The light disappeared within an instance and we were somehow now in a white lab. We tensed looking around us for a way out. As I looked around, I spied three kids with a adult male. The kids seemed to notice us too and they dashed towards us. They stopped a few feet away from us, now I could get a better look at them. There was a girl with her pink hair in pigtails, a boy with blonde hair and a blue outfit, and another boy with a spiky brown haircut and orange clothes. The man who was with them before also walked up to us.

"Hey! You're awake! How are you feeling?" The pink haired girl piped.

"And who are these guys?" The brown haired boy chimed in.

    "Who the hell are you? And what the hell is all of this?" HC asked bluntly.

"Then you probably don't know us," the brown haired boy said pointing to HC and her brothers, "but you should," he pointed at me. I squinted at them and then it hit me. They were the main characters of Dinosaur King. The pink haired girl was Zoe Drake, the brown haired boy was Max Taylor, and the blonde boy was Rex Owen/Ancient. But I couldn't recognize the man. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, thick brow eyebrows, and thin lips.

    "Okay, I know who you are but I have no clue why this... Lab? Is in my house and why you three are in my house. Or who he is. In short I'm almost as lost as my friend and her brothers." As I was saying this, I noticed my dogs go over to them and lick their hands, while wagging their tails. Well, my dogs definitely knew them.

Zoe turned to Max and Rex, "do you think the mist the Space Pirates unleashed on the world would have erased memories from a few days before?"

"I don't see why not," Rex stated," it would've probably given them a fresh start since no one would know about them."

At this point, I really wanted answers, "can we please get an explanation!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. But before we do that, can you tell us your names?"

I nudged HC and she looked at me quizzically. I whispered in her ear, "give them a fake name, just in case. Tell your brothers too."

She nodded, "I'm Hippocampus." She then leaned over to her brothers and directed them to give a fake name.

"I'm Griffin and he's Dragon."

I opened my mouth to reply when I heard a voice

"Dark Light. Tell them your name is Dark Light," the voice that sounded like millions of voices together and I found myself going along with what it said. I looked around but no one gave any hints that they heard the voice.

"I'm Dark Light. But, just call me Dark." I stated. "

"I'm Max," he paused and pointed to Rex and then to Zoe, "he's Rex and she's Zoe."

"And this is Simon, your robot lab assistant" Rex said pointing to the man, Simon.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss" Simon bowed his head

"You have a robot butler?" Griffin said in awe

"I was not aware of this. Any of this."

"Oh yeah, you probably still want that explanation" Rex signaled for us to follow him. Which we did, hesitantly.  They lead us to a lab with humans (we think), robots, and machinery all about. We stopped in front of a computer and the next words that happened were shocking... Incredibly shocking.

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