Chapter 39:Graveyard

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For the past few weeks, other teams have been going on missions to get the cosmo stones and we had surprisingly gotten all of them except for, well you know. The only thing left to do is tell the others about the black cosmo stone. Butterflies flutter throughout my body and I feel nervous at the thought. What if they hate me for this? I can't deal with the stress and I start walking towards my car.

"Where are you going?" A light blue light envelopes me and I see Majung standing behind me.

"Oh nowhere, I'm just gonna go cool off."

"You're going to go see Sheer because you're nervous about telling the others about your predicament, aren't you?" He says it more like a statement instead of a question. I avert my eyes in shame that he was able to so easily guess my intentions.

"Yeah. So?" I ask pointedly.

"How about you wait til after the next meeting and then we'll go together." I knew full well that wasn't a suggestion so I just agreed and went to the meeting.

"Hellooo everyone!" Ms. Ancient did a little dance in giddy excitement, "So we have the cosmo stones, well most of them the last one is a bit of a problem. But, we've decided that it would make the most sense to go back to our universe and plop down the cosmo stones in different times like before so that the Space Pirates don't get them again. But don't worry, we'll deal with that after we help you guys fix this world. Anyway, we're planning on locating the Space pirates base or at least their ship so that we can see if there is anything we can do to break the mind control. We'll be updating you on that later. That's all, you are dismissed."

"For the record, I think this is a stupid idea." Majung comments as we pull into the grocery store's parking lot.

"I know, you've said that about 10 times on the drive here. Look Majung, I know you don't trust her, but I hope you at least trust me enough to let me give her a chance. She's a good person-alien- and she hasn't done anything bad to me."

"Yet." I sigh and tell him to stay in the car until I come back. I walk towards our usually meeting spot and find her quite easily. As we walk around the wooded area behind the store, I notice her nervous eyes. I reach out to squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"Are you alright?" Butterflies fluttered inside my stomach and I suddenly felt like we had walked into a graveyard. 

"Will everything be the same after today." She states, look away blankly into the distance. 

Her New LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon