Chapter 9: It's Not P.E., It's Worse

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A blaring noise sounds around the house and everyone in the house rushes down to the kitchen.

"What the hell is that awful noise?!" Dragon yells at the top of his lungs.

"First, language! Second, seriously what the fuck is that noise!?' HC shouts, barely audible above the loud ass blaring alarm.

"Alright everyone, I have no idea how this alarm got here!" I shout, gripping my ears.

"Is there a but to that statement? There feels like there should be a but to that statement!" Potato shouted back at me.

"Maybe we should go down to the lab? I feel like they have something to do with this." Tootsie makes her way towards the door to the basement. We all follow and are teleported into the lab where, and this is surprising, there is also an alarm going off. The droids in the lab were bolting around with items in their hands, a few even bumped into each other.  We all got messages when we went into the lab that said, "Get into the meeting room! We have news!" It was from Max. We all ran to the meeting room, feeling nervous and jittery. I was in the front of the group and was the first one to open the door. In my anxiousness, I grabbed the doorknob which was clearly labelled push and pulled for about 2 minutes straight. 

"Dark, it's a push dude," Noami said, pushing the door open from behind me.

"Oh, I thought- You know, I could have sworn it was a pull last time" I stared at the ground self conscious. We all walked into the meeting room and sat down, the alarm was still blaring.

"Can someone turn the damn thing off?" Potato asked, her eyebrow twitching.

Reese nodded and started tapping away at the computer in front of her, a few seconds later the alarm stopped. However, the ringing in my ears did not. We sat relishing the silence for a few seconds before Dr. Ancient spoke.

"We have figured out all the details for your mission and we wanted to run you through everything," She passed out papers to each of us. The paper gave a detailed description of the mission plan, the materials needed to execute it, and even the procedure to use moves that Simon had taught us. "We wanted all of you to be thoroughly briefed before you left next week."

"Sorry, next week?" Boba asks.

"Yes, next Friday."

"You do realize that it is Tuesday and we will not remember any of this on Friday. "

"That's why you have the packet"


I interrupt Boba, "We'll read over this before then. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

    "Oh, yes, training will be increased to two times a day. Once with the whole team and once alone. That should be all."

    I could feel the groans in everyone's throats, we did not want to do training two a day. However, I sighed, saying, "Alright, guys. You wanna just do the team training for today right now?"

    "Fine" I receive a collective sigh. We all left the meeting room, got changed into some work out clothes, and met back in the training room. Majung and I were the first ones there.

    "Are you ready to have some fun?" I asked him. He shook his head and turned away from me. "Is this about the threat mode bots? I swear, I didn't realize and- and I guess I just freaked out. Adrenaline is a real power boost." Majung turned to me and glares at me, growls angrily, before turning away again. I sigh and give up on trying to talk to him, today's probably just not a good day to talk. The others get in quickly and Simon starts the training session.

    "Today we will start by focusing on your physical abilities and working as a team, not dinosaurs until later. We'll start off with a game. The game is to power down a wave of droids without your team member getting out. The vests to your right will indicate that, if you are hit three times, then you are out. As you beat each wave, the waves will get harder. Once you all grab your vests, we shall start." Simon explains. We all equip our vests and the game starts. The first wave of droids appears.

    "Team up with someone to take down a few droids!" I yell out. We all pair up and are easily able to over power the droids, however, by the third wave, we've all been eliminated. I plop down onto the floor, panting, as does everyone else.

    "That was harder than it looked,"Artstor manages to say. The rest of the training session was hell and we all leave it annoyed and doubtful of ourselves.

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